How often do you cry?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Jul 14, 2018.

  1. JJackson

    JJackson Fapstronaut

    Just now and few days ago. Aside from that not too often, once every few months probably.
  2. I don't know if it's due to porn or autism, but I pretty much never cry and when I do it's over very specific and certain things. I feel like when I should be crying I always force the tears out to feel better I guess, but even then that happens very rarely.

    I'd say maybe that's just who I am but I don't think so, I feel like there's more to it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. That makes no sense at all. You suggesting whenever someone feels like they're going to cry they should run a marathon instead?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. There's really no better way to release emotions than crying, I know that works really well when I'm able to.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    No. If you get out your emotions before you cry...
  6. Huh? But that is getting your emotions out.
  7. Strength And Light

    Strength And Light Fapstronaut

    Well it seems I am definitely the oddball here. Prior to starting reboot (just under 2 years ago) I couldn't tell you the last time I cried. Maybe 8 years? Once I committed to reboot, I got very emotional and would cry quite often, sometimes daily. I probably cried 120 times the first year of reboot. The second year it slowed down but was still much more than before reboot. Second year has been maybe 65 times?

    Another interesting and probably related tidbit is that prior to reboot I almost never laughed out loud, not even a chuckle. Maybe once a year on a good year. The first year of reboot I found myself suddenly laughing out loud at random stuff like something funny on the radio. It seemed so foreign to do that. It would only happen randomly until the beginning of year two. Right around then I started to laugh quite a bit. Usually to a podcast or with my wife or friends. Now I laugh out loud almost daily and cry once in awhile when it seems appropriate.

    You could easily say that I would bottle up and avoid all emotions prior to reboot and was using PMO to stay numb. Once I got into reboot I was forced to open up and work out all the little (and big) problems that I'd been pushing aside. This cleared the way for me to allow emotion to move freely through me once again - aka recovery of my healthy emotional process.

    I still have tiny bits and pieces of issues to work out, but these days I feel mentally and emotionally healthy and sound, and my well-being feels restored and light and free.
  8. bravastan

    bravastan Fapstronaut

    Your story makes me happy :)
    Sounds like you're opening up to life.
    Cry away!

    I'm a big believer in crying. When we cry we acknowledge the sadness (which is already healthy on its own), we give the sadness a place to flow in the body, and then we process the sadness until it flows away and makes room for different things.
    Also, from a more down to earth kinda way, when you cry you vibrate the body which makes muscles (including the heart muscles) relax. You're basically crying the stress from your body away.

    Of course there could be bad ways of crying, crying as a tactic to always cover up mistakes for instance. But in general it's a good thing.
  9. Strength And Light

    Strength And Light Fapstronaut

    Thank you and yes, it's definitely me opening up to life. It's not always sadness that brings tears to my eyes, just as often it's gratitude or awe or absolute pure joy. Since I was so emotionally bottled up for so long, it's kind of like wearing shoes for decades and then suddenly going barefoot all the time. I've been just insanely sensitive to ALL emotions. I'm getting more accustomed to being open and free and it really is a new lease on life.

    I definitely agree that crying is for the most part a very healthy thing, with some few exceptions.
  10. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    Have ever tried it? Works for me.
  11. Well, I started to cry more when I went off my anti-depressant medication earlier this year. While I was on the anti-depressant, I barely ever cried at all. Now I'm back on it. Other times I cry would be when I go without PMO (which is happening currently), and also over a female (which is why I've stayed away for so long, haven't known how to deal with it). To me, crying feels good, and yet it also feels like an indicator that something isn't right. Of course, crying doesn't actually fix any of your problems, it just makes you feel better in the moment (kind of like something else we all talk about on here ;)) Maybe it can make you aware of or more fully experience a problem that you were trying not to think about.... but then it's about what you do, do you dwell on it and feel sorry for yourself, or do you take action! Maybe I should go on a 90 day, no-PMO, no-crying challenge! ;)
  12. Getting your emotions out before is extremely vague, what does that even mean? Beating a pillow? There's multiple ways to release stress, sadness and anger.
    bravastan likes this.
  13. bravastan

    bravastan Fapstronaut

    The same guy said in another topic that escorts are a good way of dealing with sexual urges that come from PMO recovery. Now he's against crying... At this point I think he's a troll.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. About every other day, I like listening to sappy emotional songs, tears of joy mostly though.
  15. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    Exercise. Weight lifting callisthenics etc
  16. I guess that's one way but again there's nothing wrong with crying in the first place though, especially when it has been something you've been repressing. It's honestly completely normal and healthy to cry.
    bravastan and Strength And Light like this.

    STAR DUST Fapstronaut

    I don’t I have tried but I cant
  18. Lately I've been crying almost every day..but I cry pretty often.

    Sometimes I become so sad that I can't cry even if I really want to. It's scary.
  19. 14 haven't cried in 1 year
  20. 4li4s

    4li4s Fapstronaut

    I cri evri tiem