Trying to overcome a recent rejection

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Namekian23, Jul 15, 2018.

  1. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    I thought I had it all. Last year was a great one and I remembered getting promoted from work. Before that, I remember earning a college degree, buying my first car, and carrying an extra boost of confidence around my waist. Of course not all of this happened at once, but most of the hard work was added up to where I am now.

    Since I thought I was on a roll like a month ago, I started to give dating another chance, the one thing I never achieved at. The last time I almost had a moment was with these 2 Asian girls; unfortunately, both of them broke my heart. One chose another guy and the other had a boyfriend that I never knew about. After that moment, I wanted to try something new, so I thought about dating a few American girls at my workplace. A few of them didn’t work out because they were either single moms or they already had a boyfriend.

    But then there was this one girl who I thought was worth it. She was white, so I thought I’d give it a shot since my last experience wasn’t so great. Everything went well, so I thought at least. I always said hi to her and we even talked and had lunch in the break room. Then I noticed something was off; I realized that I always had to be the one initiating. I also felt like I was trying too hard just to please her. Eventually, I got fed up with it, so I completely left her alone.

    Weeks later I found out that she was already dating another guy. She obviously didn’t want to hurt my feelings, but decided I had to figure out the truth for myself. I then thought about all the hard work I put into her trying to get her attention. And given the fact that I had many failures and misfortunes made me think twice about relationships yet again. I was very upset, and the fact that she walks by me with her new boyfriend all the time doesn’t help. She even tried to be nice about it, as if she was “sorry” that she was already dating another guy. For the most part, I’m just trying to cope with her and her boyfriend at this point.
    rexsuccess and Hitto like this.
  2. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Just take it as a learning experience and don't overlook those "red flags". As long as you don't look like Quasimodo or aren't a total sperg, you'll meet a woman that is worth your time.
    rexsuccess, Hitto and Namekian23 like this.
  3. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    How is this a rejection? She's simply unavailable.

    Unless you were clear with your intentions by asking her out on a date, she really didn't have to tell you that she has a boyfriend.
  4. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    Thanks man. I appreciate it.
  5. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    Yeah that's kinda true. These situations don't happen often, but it's just frustrating how much time you try to invest in someone not knowing the truth until it hits you. In a way, she didn't really reject me as you said, but instead, she allowed me to figure out what was really going on. I knew something was wrong when she wasn't reciprocating with what I was doing. As for being clear with my intentions, I was obviously leading myself up for a possible outcome of asking her out. I said hi to her all the time, smiled at her, and always sat next to her during break time. Only an idiot would not see what I was trying to do, and it was clear that she knew I was interested in her.
  6. The fact that she is walking by you all the time with her new boyfriend indicates this women is a tease and is not someone I would waste my time thinking about, also if she treated you like she did just wait till she does the same thing to the new bf and next and the next I have seen this pattern with diffrent women a lot the best thing is to ignore her and don't give her any of your attention and thoughts. YOU CAN DO BETTER
    FormerFapaholic and Namekian23 like this.
  7. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    Wow that was probably the best advice I've heard all day. Thanks for pointing that out man.
    FormerFapaholic likes this.
  8. Hey Namekian23, I would have never been able to point that out if I had not been threw that myself, good luck to you reach out if you have any questions
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2018
    Hitto, Namekian23 and Ra's Al Ghul like this.
  9. Ian198547

    Ian198547 New Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, new poster here. Mannn what a tease! Next time try and be very clear with your intentions. Something like 'hey theres this cool thing on after work tonight, I'm going with some friends, would you like to come, hang out, party a lil bit?' Instead of just 'trying' to get her attention grab it with your eye contact and then boom just ask. you will save alot of time in weeding out the taken people and most women find that attractive anyway a man who has direction in life. Are you using tinder or anything?
    Namekian23 likes this.
  10. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    Thanks that's some pretty good advice. Like I said, I was getting to the point where I was about to ask her out. I knew what I was doing until I saw the warning signs and you can tell when a girl doesn't like you. But that's a good idea though; try to bring them along to an event or something next time. It's funny you mentioned Tinder, by the way. I tried using it for a few months and even got some matches. I decided it wasn't worth my time because I would rather meet someone the old fashioned way. Sometimes I think about using it again, but lately I've been having bigger goals, and one of them is to move out and live far away from my parents' house. I've been saving money and doing everything I can to make this dream happen, and something like Tinder will only hold me back.
  11. Seck

    Seck New Fapstronaut

    I think I understand you. I had to deal with a lot of rejection so I know how much it can hurt. And the more rejection you get the more it hurts and lowers your confidence. I tried to analyze it and one I found is that I was too focused on one girl way too early. And I think I see some similarities with you as well. I could be wrong but judging from your story it seems that race is important to you. If it is it can limit your options severely. So in that case I say to not look at race at all. Good girls you can find anywhere in the world.

    Second thing I want to say is to maybe interact with more girls at the same time and get yourself more options (easier said than done of course). I don't mean that you have to have sex with them all. But having more options puts you in a different state of mind. Also girls treat you different once you do. It is not something you can fake because girls will know. But once you have options they will know. An outcome of that is that rejection won't hit you as hard. Another outcome is that girls like it when I a guy is considered attractive by other girls. They may act angry about it but deep down inside they can't help but find you attractive as well

    Then with the interaction with that girl. Unfortunately girls want you to do everything. They don't want responsibility. They don't want to set the direction. They expect guys to do that. They also like to test you by acting uninterested. Here is the difference between nice guys and bad guys. When a girl kind of acts uninterested the nice guy will think "She must not like me. Let me give her some space". The bad guy will think "I'm just gonna ask her out if she refuses I'll ask another girl". They just go for what they want and it is this mindset that attracts girls to guys. So the girl you were talking about was just testing to see what you were made off. I see you as the nice guy. Not meaning this in a disrespectful way.

    So next time. Just go with you want. Don't force her into anything of course. But don't go by what a girl says or tries to portrait. If the girl is talking to you or not running away that is only sign you need to go by. Hope this helps.
    Namekian23 likes this.