Rate the last movie you watched v. 1

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Jan 7, 2018.

  1. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    Dark Knight 5/5

    It's been a long time since I've seen this movie. It was really great to watch it again.
  2. Midnight in Paris 8.5/10

    First time seeing it and i really enjoyed it. It was inventive and it made me feel like i took a vacation to Paris
    Taylor25 and GigglingTrout like this.
  3. Labyrinth - 7.5/10

    I watched it for the first time last night and I enjoyed it. That good ol' David Bowie was at his best.
  4. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    Infinity war 5/5

    I missed a couple minutes because of a mistake on the theaters website but I thought the movie was really good.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. I love labyrinth....classic (i dont like that big swamp creature though, hes stupid)
  6. Mohammed the one

    Mohammed the one Fapstronaut

    Red dawn
    Just watched a liitle bit and it was good.
    It is about north korea invading the USA. I won’t rate it as i didnt watch it all.
    THE BOX IS a very great movie which you really should watch. Very great. I give it 8 out of 10
  7. Last one I watched was Deadpool 2. I'd give it 8/10
    Taylor25 likes this.
  8. Solo: 6/10

    Maybe a 7... Idk. It certainly wasn't bad, but it wasn't exceptional either. Definitely good casting. Kept my interest, for the most part, but idk, there wasn't anything particularly special about it in my opinion.
    Taylor25 and reystronaut like this.
  9. Manchester by the sea 9/10. I really like casey affleck, hes underrated.
  10. Annihilation - 9.5/10

    Special effects, sound mixing & editing, musical score, production design, story, and the cast are all excellent. Outstanding science fiction thriller I've ever watched, like holy shit. That mutated animal scene alone made the genre on the whole level right now.

  11. I want to see that big time!
  12. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    Watchmen 6/10
    Saw it the other night. I prefer reading it. I found the sex scene to be unusually long and awkward.
    Taylor25 likes this.
  13. Incredibles 2 - 8.5/10
    Good Superhero movie. Was it worth the 14 years? I guess.
    If you want a more family friendly superhero, I would recommend this.
    Taylor25 likes this.
  14. Tag - 6.5/10

    I might have had too high of expectations with this movie. I love Ed Helms and Jake Johnson, so I expected it to be super hilarious. It was funny, for sure, but there were also a lot of jokes that didn't land with me at all. Like I could tell I was supposed to laugh, but it wasn't funny to me.

    One of the main guys (the black guy... don't know his name) in particular had a lot of lines that I think were supposed to make me laugh, but didn't. I'm not sure if it was a writing fail or a delivery fail. I think some of the lines might have made me laugh if they were delivered differently, so idk, maybe it was just the actor that bugged me.

    Overall, it was a good, fun movie with funny people. My opinions are kind of swayed also by the fact that I don't have to pay for movies. If I had to pay like 12 bucks to go see that movie, I might have been even more disappointed.
  15. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    The black guys name is Hannibal Burress. For future reference.
  16. Ah. Never seen him in anything else I don't think.
  17. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    He can be funny sometimes, but I could definitely see him getting outshined by the rest of the cast pretty easily.
  18. Transporter 2 Rate it 4/10 Still enjoyed it to a point, but if I could choose one word to describe it, I would say "exaggerated".
    CyV and LEPAGE like this.
  19. Kill the Irishman 8.5/10. An underated mob movie, its very good.
    LEPAGE likes this.