Concerned about relationship and PMO

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Uniball Rex, Jun 16, 2018.

  1. Uniball Rex

    Uniball Rex Fapstronaut

    Hello guys,

    I'm new as a user but I have been a on and off lurker

    Yesterday, I had a date, with what seems to be for the love of my life, I had known her for a while though already, we had a really tender night, full of contact, cuddling and kissing (more like pecks not making out) but I'm seriously happy and I want make everything great for both of us.

    As a little background I masturbated since I was 17 and I'm now 30 to fucking life ruining porn. Around 27 I stopped on and off, my longest streak was 6 months. Recently when I noticed that I had a connection with this girl I'm dating, I immediately stopped, I immediately regreted doing what I had been doing for so many years, I felt angered at myself. I didn't take note when I stopped PMO but I think it's over a month and days, I completely stopped and avoided anything visual to this to the point that I don't even watch TV and browse the internet and just play video games, and decided to go to the gym.

    I'm really concerned, because yesterday after all that cuddling, contact, when I came home I noted that my underwear was wet with semen but all that time I didn't feel any erection.

    I told her a few days ago, not exactly the issue, but since I had cancer in the last years testicular, which is true and because of that I was unable to perform for a period of unknown time, she was very understanding and said it was okay, she loves me and it could take as much time as needed. My throat became a knot and I nearly cried, because I couldn't bring myself to tell her the truth and leave me for the pathetic person I am.

    Help guys, is having a girlfriend make my progress halt? Is there anything else I can do? She is a very caring and loving person and cuddling and hugging is just part of her personality. I'm just really sad I allowed my life to be ruined like this and it just brings me to tears each time. I don't want to ruin this, please help me, even as I'm writing this I'm broken to tears....
    goodnice and TheBaeLessWonder like this.
  2. pranav02

    pranav02 Fapstronaut

    Dude, from the way you've worded it, the girl seems to be precious. Don't let go. At the same time, unlike some of us, you have a genuine reason as to why you should take NoFap more seriously now, do it for yourself and do it for her. You don't have to tell her, just take your time, work on yourself for a while during the time you've bought and I'd suggest go for the 90 days before you engage in other more intense forms of intimacy. Since you've done it before, you'd know how wonderful it is and as for that problem, it will go away with time. Good luck and I hope you get what you want :)
    TheBaeLessWonder likes this.
  3. Mike28

    Mike28 Fapstronaut

    Good luck man. I am in a similar situation. I've told my gf that I'm shy and that that's why i wanted to wait with sex. she understood and was fine with it. I will tell her about (PI)ED this tuesday though...
    TheBaeLessWonder likes this.
  4. MetaGame

    MetaGame Fapstronaut

    Its not that weird to leak pre cum without getting / feeling an erection UNLESS ur usually very aware that u always get an erection first and then leak. In my experience if ur on nofap u tend to leak easier before u get an erection. So if u have been on nofap its a good sign, if u arent on nofap when it happened its more of a maybe bad sign but not something u should worry about specifically.

    Um u didnt say exactly why ur worried about performing. Is it PIED ?

    having a gf does not necessarily make ur progress halt depending on ur situation. It can improve ur progress actually. If ur asking about sex then healthy sex has its pros and cons. On the pro side if ur fine having sex then its healthy for ur body to stay motivated by being with a real woman, wanting her smell, warmth, presence etc and not settling for less. Hormones also change quite a bit when ur with a woman compared to porn or by urself. the downside is Chaser effect ( u might feel to masturbate after) and if its a sensitivity issue then u need to give ur penis a break so i would say no sex more than once or twice a week and really light sessions. Again u didnt specify ur exact problem.

    If its ED related , use coconut oil to help heal the skin but do not get tempted to act on the moisturization. if u get tempted wash it off with soap.

    But yeah u should really decide if u can just say it outloud. Like idk u dont have to be soft about it. U can be like " Hey the truth is years before i met u , I wasnt that happy and so I prob washed way too much porn. I care about u a lot and u don't have to worry. I am just gonna chill off sexual things for a while until I feel normal again."

    I mean had my first date with my gf during nofap and i told her outright I was doing monk mode to improve myself in many ways not just sexually. I had even shaved my head. She was okay cool, sounds interesting.

    I spoke to my ex about it as well. Shes on a longer streak than I am. Like i got my ex into nofap as well and shes seen a lot of improvements.

    Like Nofap is only a big deal if u make urself ashamed of it, u lack confidence and u let the need for it affect ur idea of manhood. Its not that big of a deal . I mean if ur religious then use religious temporary celibacy if u have to like, U dont have to lie but u can frame the truth in a way thats understandable to anyone.

    Stop with the tears for her sake and yours. U have had ur fun jerking it all those years, now ur paying the price. Ur lucky u have a nice gf. Pay the price now. Do nofap , heal urself and then enjoy ur girl. All this negative emotions remember it. Cuz its much worse if u keep doing the wrong thing. But now u know u just have to do the right thing and u dont have ot have those embarassing moments anymore. godspeed.
    speakers24 likes this.
  5. Uniball Rex

    Uniball Rex Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the words everyone, this really helped a lot.
    pranav02 likes this.
  6. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    Hi I’m female and my ex had PMO, but I’ve also done a lot of dating so I will try to give you a female perspective. All women are different of course and I don’t speak for them but generally most os what I am going to say holds true.

    First how long have you known each other? You say she may be the love of your life but it’s too soon to know that . In all likelihood you are in lust and the reason that’s concerning is it’s replacing the dopamine high you got from PMO. So you are just looking for the same high, different source. You can’t use people for that. You need to change your mindset. No one falls in love that quickly. Many fall in lust.

    Second the temporary new high of chasing this love one lust is suppressing your desire to PMO and making it a lot easier to refrain. But when that wears off and it will and the stressed of a relationship kick in this won’t feel the same.

    Third you lied to her and you withheld from her and that’s not a good way to start a relationship. She will find out about your PMO issues and she will feel betrayed. It may be next week or 5 years but she will. You can’t build a relationship or develop intimacy if you hide things. And no you are not going to be able to fix this on your own and never go back without her knowing.

    Fourth your motivation for NoFap cannot be for someone else, it must be for you. So ask yourself if she were not in the picture would you go back to PMO? You can’t let your decision rise and fall on her.

    Fifth you are too early in your journey to be starting a new relationship I recommend you do 90 days clean before even attempting one. PMO addiction has nothing to do with sex. So access to regular sex won’t cure it. It may cause a temporary stop but eventually you will go back. It’s a coping mechanism just like alcoholics use alcohol. New relationships bring a ton of stress, you need better coping skills to replace the old bad ones.

    Sixth when you tell her the truth one of two things will happen. Either she will be understanding and want to know how she can help you in your journey or she will run in the other direction. If it’s the latter she’s not the one foe you and it’s better to know that now. If she stays you will no longer have to be concerned about pre ejaculate or anything in bed as she already will know wants up, not think it’s her fault and help you.

    To me the determing factor is whether an addict is ready to be 100 percent open with a new partner about the addiction whether it be past or present. And the type of sexual experience you describe is normal I would not think about it twice. But if it kept happening I would start to question things and you would either need to continue to lie or tell me then and risk the high likelihood that I will be betrayed.

    I know you don’t want to hear this and I’m sure other men will jump om and attack me soon, but you need to hear this side too.
  7. Uniball Rex

    Uniball Rex Fapstronaut

    Thanks, for the response.

    I have known her for 7 years, and we have always have gotten unusually well which people always asked why we weren’t together, we were good friends and for a while now we were harboring feelings for each other and now decided to date.

    My problem was that I coped with my depression with PMO, eventually from doing everyday, to once every two weeks or a month, it’s not like I get cravings that I suddenly have the urge to and I must seek it, as other people says and the case for me as well I always fell into it when I’m bored, so I sought to do activities that would distract them from me.

    I didn’t realize about what you said though, I hope that it’s not the case but it’s really difficult for me to tell the difference though, that I was probably replacing my dophamine with the relationship. For me at least sex even though it sounds bizarre given that I watching porn is the least thing to do on a new relationship, you shouldn’t get to know someone through sex and instead develop harbor feelings and get to know each other. The reason it concerns me is because she will eventually want to, though you are right, my shame made it to difficult to directly tell her what was wrong with me. She is very understanding and mature , so I will probably go ahead and tell her.

    The reason I fell into PMO was because I convinced myself no one would love me for having testicular cancer, after all my girlfriend left me at the time when she found out about it, ironically my current girlfriend was at my side most of the time, I tried to make myself believe that I didn’t need anyone, and if I didn’t feel attracted to anyone then I would never have to be hurt or in pain. I of course sook eventually profesional help, because I was really damaged with that mindset, unfortunately my way to cope with depression st the time took it’s toll on me and this was the result.

    I didn’t mention earlier but what I’m experiencing right now is PIED, where I would think I should get aroused but I don’t.

    Last edited: Jun 19, 2018
  8. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    What do you do to cope with your depression now? What have you replaced pmo with? I think that’s important. And if your depression is being treated what do you do when you just feel bad? For example if you found out this girl was in love with someone else would you cope with pmo?

    I did not mean to imply that you were replacing the pmo dopamine high with sex with her. I meant you were replacing it with the Love highl. You know the googley eyed feeling? That’s what it sounds like to me.

    And while I agree you should not rush into sex what I find with a lot of addicts is that the reason for avoiding sex is not to get to know the person better it’s a tactic to avoid sex so that you don’t have to reveal your pmo or your pied. That won’t work and it’s not a good reason.

    Finally, I am sorry to hear about your cancer but glad you are healthy now. The girl who dumped you did the best thing for you because you saw who she was and that she was not the girl for you and that left you open to find the one that is. Often times people just can’t cope with illness in their partner and it’s best for both to move on. There is someone out there who will love you with all your flaws but you can’t find her until you are honest. Lying and hiding will sink almost every relationship. She deserves to know and you deserve to know if she will be accepting and stand by you. Do it now before it gets too serious.
  9. Uniball Rex

    Uniball Rex Fapstronaut

    I don’t cope with my depression anymore, I realized that my ex didn’t really love me at all and it wasn’t worth closing myself up over it. I rarely get depressed for anything, the most upset I have been recently was because my chicken was served raw, it just was a very weak moment for me when I thought I could die, when you really think your number will be up, it’s very easy to fall into anything. If I found out she was with someone else, at this point I doubt I’ll have any reaction since we are just starting out, it would surely suck, but this is something I have wanted to completely cut off for a while now, this was just extra motivation.

    Thank you also for you motivating me to be honest, We will be going out tonight and I will tell her. She was fine with the possibility of me relapsing again into cancer, which I think it’s more severe than this, this was just embarrassing to me. And honestly I believe her, she was of the few people with me when I needed it the most, always attentive, and always visited me when she knew I would be alone or no one was with me.

    I will tell you tomorrow how it all turns out.

  10. Uniball Rex

    Uniball Rex Fapstronaut

    Sorry for the late update.

    I went ahead and as advised by GG2002, I told her on Tuesday.

    She was.... extremely positive about it, she kissed me in the cheek and said that I don’t need to worry about it, that we can take as much as needed, this really took a huge weight off my shoulders.

    I think my PIED was somewhat related to that fear of her knowing, yesterday, when we were cuddling, the good old bob woke up and was hard as steel. But even so, I think I will take time for myself in that sense until at least 90 days as suggested have passed and they feel more consistently.

    Thank you everyone for the advice and the kinds words, this really helped me get through.
    goodnice likes this.
  11. TC10

    TC10 Fapstronaut

    Well done. You did the right thing. Now good luck with fighting against PMO.
  12. Uniball Rex

    Uniball Rex Fapstronaut

    A little update for everyone that may have lost hope like I did at some point.

    It’s been a 2 months and a half since I started dating my best friend, everything has been great so far. We randomly did Karezza as some people recommended. Last week we tried to intimate and have sex, while oral lasted a while, penetration lasted like 2 mins, we kept doing Karezza. Yesterday we had real intercourse for a while, the first time I came in 10 minutes, and I had a really strong erection, after a 20 break, we tried again and this time we went on for 30 mins, which at some points after that I started to become flaccid, which I had to finish masturbating while focusing on her.

    One thing that really concerned me though initially was that while we were making out, no activity happened from my end, Bob was dead, as soon as she pulled off my pants the ol’ Bob instantly perked up.

    Things that helped was to really focus on her, watch her eyes and reactions, clean my mind of any other thoughts than her, considering I was on PMO for over 14 years I feel like yesterday was great. Of course, the weight off my shoulders and her being very supportive really helped

    I imagine that me loosing my erection even though I was super turned on is very likely effects of PIED right?
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2018
  13. Uniball Rex

    Uniball Rex Fapstronaut

    This is probably my last update on this site, thanks everyone for your kind words and advice.

    I spent the last weekend with my girlfriend, mainly doing couple things, cuddling, watching Netflix, anime, playing video games, building a puzzle, it was the most amazing weekend.

    In retrospect, when I started this relationship with my best friend, I was scared to bits, I was scared that sex could ruin it because of course I knew I would be unable to perform. But the sentimental connection made everything better, even sex.

    Both Saturday and Sunday we had intercourse, once on Saturday, and four times on Sunday. Sunday was pretty wild as everything seemed almost normal, all these times I was able to maintain an erection just fine, on the fourth time even she got so tired because I was able to mantain penetration for so long, that she rolled over bed and broke my glasses (hahaha), she was scared to hell but I told her not to worry, it was worth it, we were both really happy, I felt my connection with her on every sense and angle significantly improved.

    It’s been 13 years since I fell into this addiction, and I can finally put this behind me, like several people has said in this forum, find someone you can love, rather than aiming with hookers, focus on your girlfriend and clear your mind of any other thoughts.

    I was really difficult but it was worth it, do not loose hope, and thanks for the words and motivation everyone.
    goodnice and FullHouse3 like this.
  14. FullHouse3

    FullHouse3 Fapstronaut

    Happy for you everything went well!:) I hope you stay committed forever and never return to using P & O.