"feeling" of Watching Porn

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Nov 27, 2014.

  1. I was in My 4th Day Today and every thing was good until morning.I Was having Breakfast and I Had feelings for Watching Porn,It Was Not Like Urge,But a feeling like that My Life would be so Boring Without Porn.I Started to Fantasize,actually I First Had Thought,then I Tried to suppress them,but I Got Trapped and Started to Ignore Everything and Relapsed in the End.I Ignored everything that was inspirational in my way to Watch Porn and Got into My Room and Relapsed.
    -I Have two Important Questions:
    --Why I Tend to Ignore other things when I have an Urge to Watch Porn?Whenever I try to Think about Positive effects of not PMOing,I Get other Thoughts of Instant Pleasure,which Force me to Fantasize.
    --Why Our Feelings Change as We Progress in Our Reboot?I'm So Excited and inspired to quit Porn on 1st Day-2nd Day,and then It Seems like a Burden on shoulders to Not Enjoy and Keep Going.
  2. Harmony

    Harmony Fapstronaut

    I am an amateur but because no one has replied yet I will give it a shot. To respond on your first question, I think your brain basically goes on autopilot at this point. Your brain basically wants two things: (1) to avoid pain and (2) to repeat pleasurable things. In the case of PMO, the pleasure is instant and the pain comes later. Said another way, it is painful to not PMO when you are thinking about it because it costs you (1) concentration, (2) energy, (3) discipline. You are essentially fighting against your own brain, and it takes energy to win. That's why your brain thinks "Hey, I can either think of inspiring reasons to not PMO, draining my energy or I can indulge in PMO and feel pleasurable and be done with it". You know what happensa this point. Install K9 Protector software and give the password to your girlfriend or your mother, and destroy your own copy of the password. Don't take your laptop to bed, exercise, eat healthy and start having conversations with real women will certainly help.

    Now the second question is called the "Honeymoon effect", it is the same thing that happens when you fall in love or you start a business. The first couple of months, it's all fun and games, but after a while, your lover gets kinda boring and it becomes a rut. The same with business, you are just not that excited about an idea anymore. Now, in the case of porn the effect appears must quicker, after a few days you say. This is because your brain is actually resisting this change. Your brain gains pleasure by watching PMO, do not forget that. Even if you have a 100 reasons to know why you SHOULD quit, your brain will still think "But it is pleasurable, so I will do everything in my power to keep PMO in my life". So the demotivation is actually a way of your brain to push you toward PMO. It is a trick. When you quit cigarettes, the exact same thing happens. You quit a week, then you think "Well if I can quit a week, i am not really addicted in the first place, so one cigarette can't hurt", and then you're hooked again. That is why it is so important to keep a journal, get an accountability partner and make this a priority in your life. It will not work when you do not accept that this is a serious addiction and you will feel crap for many days to come, but it is worth the pain in the end.

    I hope this helps.
  3. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I can relate to this. Recently I have been getting feelings that watching porn might be a good idea. I have no idea why, and I know this sort of thinking is unjustified.

    My take on it is that these feelings are a type of urge. Therefore to proceed in your reboot you must crush or outlast these feelings, because if you're not careful they will lead to stronger urges to PMO, and you may have witnessed.

    My answers:
    This is a typical characteristic of PMO urges. It is normal not to be able to think of anything else. The challenge comes in forcing yourself out of this dangerous territory and distracting yourself with other things. Be aware that nothing is "forcing" you to fantasize. It is up to you whether you want to indulge in fantasizing, or watching porn, or masturbating, or whatever it may be. You need to act based on past experience. You know that the pleasure you get from PMO is short lived, and often makes you feel terrible afterwards. You know that indulging in self pleasure will not fulfill your long term goals. Therefore you have to use that knowledge from past experience to make the right decision.

    This is a result of hormonal changes. For me, I naturally feel guilty after an orgasm. Therefore the first few days after are easy to abstain. But after a few days you'll start to be hit with urges again, and if you haven't already felt the positive aspects of abstaining, it can be very disenfranchising and may seem difficult to carry on. Just know that it is worth it! :)

    The way you feel throughout your reboot depends on many envrinmental factors, but your mood and feelings all stem from hormonal activity in the brain.

    Keep going man! :)
  4. IGY

    IGY Guest

    (1) Thoughts of instant pleasure, do not force you to fantasize. Thoughts of Instant pleasure give you a decision-making opportunity.

    (2) Fighting a strong addiction, built up over several years, is bloody hard. You are not going to feel positive and good about it!
  5. active.monkey

    active.monkey Fapstronaut

    I have faced similar situations, and following are my suggestions:

    When urges come, do not fight them, just observe them. And whatever is happening to you let it happen, but do not touch it.

    You will realize that urges can't make you do anything against your will.

    It won't be simple or easy. but if u were able to control it for a week, u will get experience in this trick and 90 days will pass effortlessly.
  6. Karegador

    Karegador Fapstronaut

    Based on what I've experienced, getting through the first five days is the toughest. I relapsed a number of times around day five, either on day 4 or couple days after it and on day 5 as well. Once you are well past the five day hump it should get easier.
  7. Thanks For all the Replies.I Saw each one of them and Related it to My Situation and I Think I've Got the Answers that I Was searching.Any Other opinions are still Welcome on this Thread.
  8. KrmGrn

    KrmGrn Fapstronaut

    Read articles on yourbrainonporn.com to understand what's happening in your brain. I think what you described, we all deal with. The good news is: the longer you go without giving into your addiction, the easier it generally gets. The less those thoughts and desires will intrude on you, the less you'll be tempted, and the easier it'll be to resist and make the good/healthy/right choice. Keep going!
  9. Porn is a habit, like any drug. The brain has a 'habit loop' that it builds around pleasurable rewards.

    When something becomes a habit, what happens is that instead of receiving the dopamine pleasure chemical when you get the reward, you get the dopamine pleasure the moment you start thinking of doing that action, because your brain is inciting you to do what it has learnt has a (perceived) benefit.

    For example, Porn first use:

    Confusion->Shock Adrenaline->Ambivalence->Pleasure Dopamine

    But porn habit:

    Trigger makes you think of porn -> Huge dopamine spike as your brain associates feeling awesome with watching porn->Force self to avoid porn->Relaspe because the habit loop has started, but the reward isn't arriving, so get really frustrated.

    The key is to substitute with something that is less destructive so your mind is refocussed onto something else. (Easier said than done). Maybe pick up a novel or try sketching, anything immersive that is not another novelty addiction (videogames).

    Most people have a 'key habit' that the rest of their life is stacked on. Mine is turning on the PC after a snack when I get home, it makes me 100% less productive but still 20% cooler.
  10. Mystical•Citra

    Mystical•Citra Fapstronaut

    The demon of Lust is a very strong demon. She is Satans strongest ally, This battle is not easy but well worth the fight!
  11. Mystical•Citra

    Mystical•Citra Fapstronaut

    We think the feeling of watching porn is great, but it is nothing in comparison to the feeling of love. When a man and women unite sexually while deeply in love it is un-comparable to the feelings had while watching porn and fapping. Love > lust

  12. Biomechanics > Everything