Scientific reasons why Nofap (apart from no porn ) works ?

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by whoami33, May 30, 2018.

  1. whoami33

    whoami33 Fapstronaut

    Do you have Scientific resources pointing to why abstaining from ejaculation works ?
    Brave Wolf and Ridley like this.
  2. immadothis

    immadothis Fapstronaut

    I have, but I don't want to explaine, I would just say, start by seeing what semen has, and see the benefits of semen retention, because you know chinese culture has practised this many years ago, and why pornographic is bad, that should speak for it self,

    I would say, not wasting sexual energy everyday, and resisting urges, they make you stronger, so when some stuff comes, you are like, I can do this, because you gone through harder stuff, I would look up david goggins up, he motivates me everytime, I see stuff from him, there something he said, "to grow you must suffer", and it just the truth,

    wish you good luck, but just keep in mind, you can't have nofap as you main thing, nofap will be your fuel to reach your highest potential, and they always say, when men do scary or big things, "he must have big balls", and nofap does give big balls and they hang man ;), I can 100precent confirm
  3. alex4444

    alex4444 Fapstronaut

    What if your girlfriend masturbates you lets say one time per week, does that count as a relapse?
  4. whoami33

    whoami33 Fapstronaut

    Nofap is not a religion, its not binary either
    Garry tells us the new age porn makes our brains addicted and its not comparable to old magazines.
    You need to be clear what you want and why you think your approach is going to lead you there.
    Brave Wolf and EthanW. like this.
  5. whoami33

    whoami33 Fapstronaut

    I asked for science not what Chinese cultures practiced.
    Yeah there are many things that make smen but it doesn’t means that if we keep extra nutrients in body we are gonna be better.
    All kinda scientifically acceptable reasons ive seen has been in marnias book cupid poisoned arrow about dopamine receptors.
    Deleted Account and Ridley like this.
  6. immadothis

    immadothis Fapstronaut

    all science is in this site :
  7. Davidphd1866

    Davidphd1866 Fapstronaut

    I think Garry's site says a lot (including science) about how the BRAIN reacts to porn and ejaculation. But I don't see much in regards to the overall health when it comes to semen retention. Garry doesn't mention blood pressure, cholesterol levels, resistance to colds and flu, etc.

    Alas, I don't think much scientific study is done in this arena. I wish there was. I am most fascinated by the positive impacts semen retention can have on we men.
    joarev85 likes this.
  8. immadothis

    immadothis Fapstronaut

    not right, there is witchdral syptomps, I found that information from hes site bruh
  9. whoami33

    whoami33 Fapstronaut

    Withdrawal symptoms from porn abstaining not masturbation, overall gary’s website is against new age porn telling new porn is not old porn nothing against MO
  10. Sexual arousal and addictive drugs share neurological mechanisms

    Interestingly, research on rats shows
    that methamphetamine and cocaine hijack the same reward-centre nerve cells that evolved for sexual conditioning. Some of those same researchers also found that sex with ejaculation shrinks (for a week at least) the cells that pump dopamine through the reward circuit. These same dopamine-producing nerve cells shrink with heroin addiction. Put simply, addictive drugs like meth and heroin are compelling because they hijack the precise mechanisms that evolved for sex. Other pleasures also activate the reward centre, but their associated nerve cells don’t overlap as completely with sex. Therefore non-sexual natural rewards feel different and less compelling. Sexual arousal and orgasm induce higher levels of dopamine and opioids than any other natural reward. Rat studies reveal that the dopamine levels occurring with sexual arousal equal those induced by the administration of morphine or nicotine.
    Below our conscious awareness lie other distinctions. Both sex and drug use also lead to the accumulation of DeltaFosB, a protein that activates genes involved with addiction. The molecular changes it generates are nearly identical for both sexual conditioning and chronic use of drugs. Whether its sex or drugs of abuse, high levels of DeltaFosB rewire the brain to crave ‘IT’, whatever ‘IT’ is. Thus, addictive drugs co-opt the same learning mechanisms that evolved to make us desire sexual activity. While too complex to elucidate here, multiple temporary neurological and hormonal changes occur with orgasm that do not occur with any other natural rewards. These include decreased brain androgen receptors, increased oestrogen receptors, increased hypothalamic enkephalins, and increased prolactin. They also help our brain distinguish munching on chips from an orgasm. Dopamine is only one element in a complex system that underpins our experience of desire, pleasure, orgasm, and post-coital tenderness or sadness.
    Golgotha and Deleted Account like this.
  11. joarev85

    joarev85 Fapstronaut

    Exactly. There is not much studies on this area. Guess it takes time like it did with drugs and cigarettes. Everybody thought that was okay ... before....but then there was real research.
    Davidphd1866 likes this.
  12. whoami33

    whoami33 Fapstronaut

    For sure from evolutionary perspective we dont have some parts in our brain designed to make us addicted with no other goal.
  13. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    I havent found any scientific evidence of why NoFap works, there are only testimonies. This is one of the things I don't like about NoFap (besides being painfully difficult) thatas of right now, we cannot really prove it works. I just know that it works a lot for me and a lot of people
  14. immadothis

    immadothis Fapstronaut

  15. EndZone

    EndZone Fapstronaut

    Dopamine receptors regaining their sensitivity.

    Most of the magic is because people add in : meditation, exercise, proper diet, praying, cold showers and reading for example. Things like this produce their own life changing effects, that being said just nofap on its own will restore the neurotransmitter balance (long periods of PMO will make these transmitters less abundant) - food will taste better, love will feel better and quality of life will just improve.

    Start limiting all the other heavy dopamine producing activities (like gaming / movies) and this process will speed up. Monkmode.
  16. I'm myself very interested in this, because, well, I have brain. I spent some time to investigate this problem and I found out that no one really knows, whether masturbation is good for you or not. There are some evidence that it can ruin your hormones, there are some evidence that it is perfectly fine (and even healthy) to masturbate. The reason scientists can't answer this question is that in order to do this hoy need to experiment on people, which is unethical.

    I think that only you can answer the question, whether masturbation is bad for you. We are different, you know. If, for example, you spend hours watching porn instead of doing what you need to do, you have problems. If you just masturbate occasionally and carry on with your life, it's good. You obviously have some backstory why you are on this website, so there was a part of your life when you wanted to quit. Consider why. Many people feel stressed after orgasm because in our culture sex always was a Taboo. If it is your case - because it's definitely mine - think whether you are really guilty. I used to do some horrible stuff to get an orgasm, but I don't anymore, thanks to NoFap.

    So, NoFap is the matter of choice, there are, unfortunately, no arguments for or against. Think for yourself, bro!
    Bankshot Hero and whoami33 like this.
  17. Brave Wolf

    Brave Wolf Fapstronaut

    This is true, when you masturbate everyday your brain's receptors loses their sensitivity, so often people try new masturbation techniques to feel the pleasure they felt before.
    Deleted Account and whoami33 like this.
  18. IwillRestore

    IwillRestore Fapstronaut

    I just know that I feel more like a man when I don't masturbate. It probably boosts testosterone levels, and at the same time decreases oxytoxin, which actually inhibits bonding. This might actually be a good thing for men because we sometimes need to be tough out there in the real world. However, that is just my opinion. Also, testosterone boosts intelligence, and thinking.... Uhm, so my perspective is that it makes you both smarter, and more confident, while also creating positive comparisons..
  19. Sleeperhead

    Sleeperhead Fapstronaut

    There is no science, nor will there ever be, but you can have some of my theory.

    All of the benefits comes from semen retention. Semen is produced ultimately from blood. Notice that chronic masturbators look pale and drained, compared with the abstained whose skin complexion is amazing. I think this is because the body is striving to replenish lost semen all the time, which is taxing on the body.

    The second reason why abstinence works is because of the increase in fertility I.e. the ability to successfully impregnate a female. Common benefits of abstinence include increased confidence and increased attraction from females indicators of increased fertility.

    When a woman is in the menstruation cycle i.e when she is at her most fertile her body changes, her voice becomes more high pitched, her face becomes slightly redder, and other things. Furthermore, a study found that strippers would receive more money when they were in their menstruation cycle.

    So more fertility = more attention from the opposite sex.

    Blow your load after a day and compare it to your load after 30 days, and which is more likely to impregnate a female?

    Your voice gets deeper during abstince because you are more fertile. The longer your vocal cords are the deeper your voice becomes. Your brain is like ok Steve your ready to mate now I'm going to lengthen your vocal cords to make your voice deeper to signal to females that you can make babies with her. Oh and because you are so fertile I've taken the limiters off your confidence, have fun.
    BestVersionToday likes this.