New but Not new!!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Off The Train, May 24, 2018.

  1. Off The Train

    Off The Train Fapstronaut

    Whats good, i am AG also known as "Off The Train", and here on nofap i had an account as Mistafit, of which i no longer have access to lol, and its wild to read my prevoius attempt at nofap but also it is a reminder to me that progress can happen and that this is a very serious issue as well.

    I have vlogged quite a bit on YT over the last couple of years trying to shake this habit and here i am still trying to shake this addiction, so what better way than to return to the source and get down to some serious change. I will continue to vlog as well as update here my progress, i seriously need a reliable accountability partner for this as i have the tendency to allow stupid things in life to throw me off my square and need someone to at least push reality back in my face.

    With my post from my Mistafit days i hadnt even reached 40 years of age yet lol, now going on 42 this shit has got to stop!!! Im married now, have come face to face with my old beliefs about myself and still very much apathetic(no emotions), im seeing a therapist as of this post and on medical leave from a mental breakdown. I carry a real life "dont give a fuck" state in me, and its not an attitude, it is the best way i can describe my lack of feeling, it stems from the apathy, this shit's got to go as well...

    Here's to progress...

    PS, dont be a stranger, im a cool cat, too old and to apathetic to stress about anything.

    "Be Safe, Be Sober, Be Strong, Next Stop!!!"
    LEPAGE, Deleted Account and DfarmC like this.
  2. DfarmC

    DfarmC Fapstronaut

    I'm 48! Been fapping since I was 12. Can't believe it lasted this long. I'm done looking at this as a fight I will never win. Instead, I'm in this fight until I DO win.

    Keep going. and keep believing that you CAN do this... because you can!

    Off The Train and LEPAGE like this.
  3. Hi. Welcome back to forum! Wish you lot's of strength and success in your reboot journey!
    Off The Train likes this.