HOW could ANY of us watch porn EVER again after seeing this...

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Mark, Dec 21, 2013.

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  1. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    “The lie tastes sweet at the beginning, but bitter at the end. The truth tastes bitter at the beginning, but sweet at the end." ~Buddha

    I've just seen a video on this MUST read thread...

    ...and I just wanted to compile a couple of others by way of double hilighting this truly MAJOR issue.

    And I totally agree with what one of the guys said in the thread...

    "This video is VERY GRAPHIC, showing how girls are hurt during porn shootings. If you are sensitive.... hmmm.... tough luck! They face it every day!"

    I also strongly urge you to watch these short videos and ask yourself, "do I want to remain part of the (major!!) problem or become part of the solution?"

    The first one might be considered to contain 'triggers' but I make no apologies for saying that the very least we can do is view the 'reality' at least once and I'll tell you before I saw these videos I was determined never to use pornography again but after seeing them I KNOW I won't!! HOW could ANY of us!!!


    An interesting parallel...

    Has anybody ever seen the film 'Fast Food Nation'?

    Basically the film (not a documentary as the makers rightly realised they would make much more of an impact making a script that systematically, via the characters/scenarios slowly and devastatingly exposes the totally greedy, dirty underhanded and plain nefarious industry that the fast food industry is in 'reality')

    Anyway the main character is a marketing guy who is told by the CEO that somebody has exposed the fact that there is, quite literally, cow shit getting into the burgers (which the guy later discovers is due to the appalling production line conditions where quantity is WAY more important than quality- a common 'side effect' of out and out greed and materialism)

    He also discovers the appalling mentality of the entire production 'process', including (and this is just the VERY tip of the iceberg!) the employers at 'fast food retail outlets' who subtly brainwash young kids to work selling this 'shit' with no regard whatsoever for their prospects or future because all that matters to them these employers is that they have 'efficient' cogs in their filthy, poisonous, corrupt, money making machine.

    I could go on and on but the film pretty much exposes the fact that the fast food industry is rotten to the core BEYOND question!

    What the guy also manages to do is rationalize that 'hell', he ENJOYS these burgers, as do millions of other people around the world. Ok, he's seen the suffering in the factories and the disgraceful way in which these animals are 'manufactured' and slaughtered for the profit of their 'owners' but hey, there's one BIG consideration to be made...

    He and his buddies are getting VERY well paid for playing their part in all this. He has his own office. A lovely home. A lovely wife and 3 'burger eatin' mouths to feed.

    This is his career. And he knows nothing else.

    And those kids working at MacDonalds, its a job right?!! And just look at all the jobs we create. We LOVE our burgers so what if there is shit in them, the artificial, chemical flavourings taste pretty darn good job to me! Right?!?!

    So he turns the other cheek and by the end of the film we see him presenting the latest advertising campaign to HIS 'owners', the CEOs of the fast food company he has SOLD himself to.

    Ring any bells?

    And we see this mentality EVERYWHERE...

    "Just look at us.
    Everything is backwards, everything is upside down.
    Doctors destroy health,
    lawyers destroy justice,
    psychiatrists destroy minds,
    scientists destroy truth,
    major media destroys information,
    religions destroy spirituality,
    and governments destroy freedom."
    ~Michael Ellner

    What times the X factor on tonight?!? Wouldnt wanna miss that! Pass me a beer...'aahhhh', that feels good, turn the TV up honey I don't wanna hear myself 'think' whilst I eat my shit!!

    'None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free!!'

    Fantastic new genuinely independent internet TV channel
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2014
  2. Jason2

    Jason2 Guest

    Indeed! Once a human face, a victim face, is put on the whole porn industry, no man of conscience can keep watching that garbage. Thanks for the link!
  3. Shai_Halud

    Shai_Halud Fapstronaut

    Wow, I just watched the live leaks one. Powerful stuff. The rough sex clips (which all seem to use the same actors) always seem to try and make it seem like she's going along with it. After seeing that, damn.
  4. snmstyle

    snmstyle Fapstronaut

    That first link to live leaks might be a bit too suggestive for early starters on this forum. I know for me if I was around week 1 or 2 I wouldn't hesitate to start looking for different scenes. I can control my urges now, so fair WARNING for anyone who are still teetering especially in the early stages of healing.
  5. DireWolf

    DireWolf Fapstronaut

    i had already watched a couple of these but, god damned the reality of P just makes you snap out of the shame cycle in an instant, it also makes me so angry, like i feel this rage, then after i calm down it hits me:


    NoFap = part of the solution and a step to a better world, we can do this guys
  6. No matter how you despise porn after sobering up to the reality of it, it still remains an addiction. And hence it must be fought as one.

    Please do not expect that it will be easy just because you have seen the exploitation of women behind the scenes of porn. This poison will come back, it will want your life, and day after day it will haunt your soul.

    Do not expect to overcome it in a day, or even in a month, if you have been fapping to porn for years. Your brain had been altered and scarred and it is something you will have to live with, maybe even for the rest of your life. Be prepared for that!

    Also do not forget about relapses. Nasty little things, they creep up right to the doorstep of your heart and bite you in the butt when you least expect them to. Be on guard!

    Finally, if there is any benefit to the awareness about sex industry, it is to reinforce the cause for which you are to fight: against yourself, against culture, against media, against other people's opinions. And against this addiction first and foremost. And now, whenever you are facing an urge or a desire to dig in your pants, the awareness will be another nail in the coffin of your porn addiction.

    PhakePhakerson likes this.
  7. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Thank you for those wise words:)
  8. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    "When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves, in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." -Frédéric Bastiat

    "When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, "This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know," the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything—you cannot conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him."--- Robert Heinlein

    "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” ~Goethe

    This may be off topic to some (and a little quote-heavy but why re-invent the wheel) but I think tackling addiction is a holistic/whole process which MUST include dealing with root causes. I quit drink, cigarettes, and cannabis all on the same day in 2008 and have touched none of them since and I never will again. But I had to dig deep and remove/change a lot of root causes- people, things, places, thoughts, and especially beliefs etc. And ultimately it didn't take a particularly superhuman effort- just an understanding of the PROCESS of change (which I am now applying to this)

    In the context of this thread (and the one that spawned it) I can't help wonder how we came to live in a society (root causes) that would commit the appalling crimes it does to people in the name of 'entertainment' and ultimately profit, greed/personal gain.

    I think the link below offers an interesting and extremely valid perspective...

    I have only read one of Bruce Liptons books 'that Biology of Belief' and I have to say it was MIND blowing. Most people think science is what they were taught in 'school' but of course that's 'state' endorsed science (significantly out of date etc etc) and the state is extremely thorough in ensuring you 'believe' you are 'free' whilst the increasingly obvious reality is that you are free…on the condition that you do as your told!!

    "Don't let schooling interfere with your education." ~Mark Twain

    "Instead of a bottom-line based on money and power, we need a new bottom-line that judges corporations, governments, schools, public institutions, and social practices as efficient, rational and productive not only to the extent they maximize money and power, but to the extent they maximize love and caring, ethical and ecological sensitivity, and our capacity to respond with awe and wonder at the grandeur of creation."- Rabbi Michael Lerner

    "There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." ~Henry David Thoreau

    "At every crossroads on the path that leads to the future, tradition has placed a thousand men to guard the past." ~Maurice Maeterlinck
  9. catholic100

    catholic100 Fapstronaut

    Strong !! Devil's hand !! :(
  10. I've watched the video. The first 7 minutes is quite interesting, and makes sense. The rest of the video is just ... a fairy tale that won't happen. Why? Because he describes giant corporations as evil machinations, and we should rise against it. Yeah, perfect, you just created a demon to fight against. It won't work. This idea is not new, it's hundreds of years old. By the way, those evil giant corps are made of people. Just as you and I.
    You want to live a sustainable life on Earth? Great. Then how about eliminating the REAL problem. Corps are not the problem. The problem is hatred and blame. Not taking responsibility for your life. Do we want to change our world? Forget the government and forget the corps. Start with your own life. Don't yell at your family. Don't honk your car in a traffic jam. If someone does something for you, smile at them and thank them. Even if it's their job. Compliment others. Listen to them. Try to understand them. Learn to communicate with others. Make others lives better in any way you can. That's what Christ tried to teach us. How about trying to follow His advice?
  11. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    You make some good points and I agree with most of what you say. I was just putting it out there. Gandhi was right when he said be the change you want to be in the world. But I think there's a lot to be said for standing up to oppression. The likes of Jesus and Buddah were actually quite vocal in a political way and had no qualms about speaking out against the forces of 'evil' whatever label we want to put on it. And that wasn't blame or 'projection' it was just having the sense and guts to stand up for truth (which apparently will set us free?) I think what the likes of Lipton, Ghandi, Jesus, Buddah, Icke are all advocates of non-violent resistance where we take full responsibility for our own actions which quite rightly is the only way we can, and will, sort this mess out.

    As Martin Niemoller who spent seven years in a natzi concentration camp so rightly recalled,

    "First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--Because I was not a Trade Unionist.Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me."

    Now from where I'm standing (and I appreciate we all occupy a unique position and scale within this vast universe) I'm struggling to see how things are any different?

    And I am not blaming anyboby. I am simply observing, discerning, and 'choosing' for myself how to respond which is something it is becoming increasingly difficult to do as the totalitarian tip toe towards a global fascist state gathers momentum by the day regardless of what state controlled 'news' incessantly drip feeds us with.

    Those are my views and I make no apologies for them. After all this is the free west. Right?
  12. Well, Jesus wasn't a politician. Sure, a lot of people back then would have loved to see him overthrow the roman regime, as the Messiah was supposed to do the beliefs of the jews. But Jesus had another role. He even declined to say anything in political questions. At a point he was asked if people should pay taxes to the emperor or not? And he answered that you have to give the emperor what belongs to him, and you have to give God what belongs to God. He refused to become a political leader. Jesus' "job" was to die for the sins of mankind, and not to start a revolution. His idea was much rather an inner revolution. Yeah, like be the change you want to see in the world, by Gandhi, I actually agree with that.

    If you say that there is a lot of evil in the world, and companies are testament of it, I won't argue. Profit-oriented corporations are causing harm to the world, that's undeniable. But if you meet oppression with agression, you just start a war and burn down everything...and that's pretty much what humanity was doing since the beginning of time. The problem is that we misuse our gifts and talents. You see, the way I see it, evil works in the shadows of good. Evil originates from good, though it is a sick and twisted form of good. If anything, that's the devils work. Just a few examples:

    Take agreement. Agreement's a good thing. Then change it. Like, if we don't agree you're wrong, and I'm right. And I'm willing to kill you for it. Now it's evil.

    Love. Love is a good thing. Then change it. It becomes it's evil.

    Take a company that produces goods at a fair price. It's good. Change it. Make it into a money hungry monster that knows no law. Now it's evil.

    Take sex. It's a good thing. Change it. Turn it, twist it. Now you have porn. Now it's evil.

    So the problem is actually within us. We create something great and then it turns against us. First it was supposed to aid us, help us, make our lives better. But after a while, it corrupts and makes our lives miserable quite effectively. This corruption is the evil within us, that's the result of the fall from "Paradise". The "devils work" if you so choose. Now the thing is, we cannot free ourselves from this corruption, and that's why we have to die. We can't fight it alone. That's when God and Jesus (though they are one) comes into the picture, He gave us a bunch of directions how to keep the corruption in check with His help, and even this body we wear is doomed, He gives us a promise, that we will be reborn. Basically, that's the christian background of the problem. Even if you take out all the religious elements, the description is still quite accurate.
    We make something, then we corrupt it, then make something again to battle the previous corruption, only to corrupt the new method some time later. This eternal struggle is called life. Enjoy while it lasts. :)

    Btw jiltedjohn, you seem like a well educated guy. Also we started on the same day. You're doing great! And your opinion is always appreciated, even if I don't totally agree.
  13. Jason2

    Jason2 Guest

    The "free West"? Pfft! You go on thinking that if it gives you comfort.
  14. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I don't ;)
  15. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Thanks EarthDragon. I'm glad to see your doing so well too. Your clearly a thoughtfuI/decent guy and I think we actually do agree in essence on the idea that change starts within (and must- which is why quitting porn- changing ourselves- is the first and crucial step to ending the damage we have allowed it to perpetuate) but no we don't have to agree on everything and when we start trying to look at root causes for problems its always going to cause a few issues;-))but I do not think that should stop people exploring these things together and it has struck me how unargumentative and genuinelly respectful people are on this forum. It always becomes problamatic because there are so many different views. You see I don't believe in a Christian god and I genuinelly believe Jesus is a mythological character (in the true sense of the word as a fictional character that represents the relevance/significance of a celestial body in this case the sun of our solar system) and I genuinelly believe that and could provide what I believe is tangible irrefutable evidence. But then you and others have similar beliefs and passions and that's when the whole thing gets messy and none of us are here for that. (I know I mentioned Jesus in my last post but to be honest it was to illustrate a point but maybe i should have stated my view on that earlier but i didn't really want to go there unless necessary as I'm mindful not to upset people as I know what a 'sensitive' area/potential 'diversion' this is- but again there's no point in arguing over that)

    I like these ideas...

    “If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them, and the bad points of the other and correct them in myself.”---Confucious

    "We are all like the fingers of a hand; none of us are the same but we are united."---Noble Warrior That Gives Life.

    And yes like I said politics and religion are always going to be problematic (part of the 'problem'?) but believe in holistic approaches and yet for the sake of unity of cause there has to be some kind of cut-off point and we have to remind ourselves to what we are commited to on this site. Its a paradox but unfortunately the 'education' system has locked so many of us into such a hoplessly narrow, un-balanced, and inadequate primarily left brain thinking that the imporance of understanding the relevance of paradox when trying to establish a genuinelly balanced concensus is often lost and as a result its just so difficult to gauge where that cut off should be.

    And its interesting that the suppression of the right brain (or more accurately the balanced interaction of left-right) is yet another way in which the 'feminine' has been subjugated but herein lies the problem with root causes and Alice just about summed it up when she found herself in Wonderland...

    "Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?"

    I guess in the end it boils down to balance and so yes change must and can only start on the inside of each and everyone of us who is willing to take responsibility and be proactive. But I see nothing negative about speaking out and balancing that inner change with actively engaging in outer change in whatever way that need wishes to express itself.

    Stay strong and respect to you:)

    P.s. just a quickie also to say I'm not educated at all you know. I left school at 16 with no 'qualifications', truth be known I couldn't get out of there quick enough (see Mark Twain quote below;))
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
  16. Do not make an assumption that people can fix their life and this earth. We can't. To make a man-centered ideology and value system is doomed to fail from the start.

    We are just a creation, we always need our Creator. I admit that we know and realize what things are good and true and absolute, like forgiveness, humility and kindness. But humans will never be able to do it on their own. If we were able, Jesus would nit need to come and die. The earth would not need to be saved. And He would not need to be coming back again.

    On our own we are nothing, no matter how hard we try or what attempts we make. We need Him. And eventually every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that we need Him and that we can't and never could do it without Him.

    Below is the video about that:
  17. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I'm assuming this could end up being a 'christian' our way or the high way (to hell!!) type thing so I'll leave you guys to it. It might be best all round if people stop making the assumption that others shouldn't make assumptions based on what they assume to be 'truth'?!?!;):p
  18. drizztsaysno

    drizztsaysno Fapstronaut

    Wow! I don't usually cry for people I don't know but that ad campaign had me in tears.
  19. Deleted

    Deleted Guest

    Guys he is right, that liveleak was WAYY to strong of a trigger for me, I ended up watching it on Christmas eve and couldn't get it out of my head while I slept, I ended up having a wet dream in my sleep whilst that video was still ingrained into my head. I PMO'd to that same liveleak, then PMO'd another 3 times to some 2 softcore videos ( soft enough that they could be watched on YouTube) and 1 straight up hardcore scene.

    I know I personally messed up but I would say its not worth watching that liveleak as we already have enough reasons not to watch P.

    I am just wondering about whether I have undone my progress since abstaining for 120 days? I don't feel too different but I will make a thread about it.
  20. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Aw shit I'm sorry man! :( I will put a clearer warning on it, should have done it sooner. Get back on track, focus on what you've achieved not one glitch. Sorry
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