My name is AtomicTango, and I am a porn addict

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by AtomicTango, May 13, 2018.

  1. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    A long time ago I made a post similar to this one where I confessed to my porn addiction. Nearly a year on I feel like I need to reiterate it because I'm finding it too easy to forget that I have a serious problem and its leading to me fucking up over and over again. Here I go.

    Hello, my name is AtomicTango and I have an addiction to pornography and masturbation. I am a porn addict in the truest sense;

    . I struggle to resist the urge to masturbate/watch porn regularly (at its very worst I will masturbate 5 or 6 times a day)

    . I masturbate to the point it isn't pleasurable or comfortable anymore.

    . I masturbate as a way of self-medicating when emotions or life in general gets on top of me.

    . I've masturbated to the point that my real life sexual desire is almost nonexistent and I need porn as a stimulus to become truly aroused.

    . While I have managed to go for long stretches of time with no PMO, I always seem to return to it sooner or later.

    . I have never had a relationship with a woman or even had any kind of deeper relationship of any kind with a woman.


    I'm not just a porn addict. While I do consume the regular, garden variety porn, I am also addicted to fetish porn, the kind that I know harms me on a psychological level but I feel too weak to resist. These forms of porn include;

    . Femdom porn, with some elements of submission and occasionally humiliation. Pegging porn is a big one for me and generally the rougher and more demeaning the better.

    . Anal porn, with an emphasis on it being painful for the recipient.

    . Gay/bisexual porn, and porn that tries to encourage acting upon gay/bisexual fantasy.

    . Transgender/crossdressing porn.

    . I have also, in the past but not recently, dabbled with hentai, erotic literature, erotic audio, and gender/physical transformation porn.

    All of these things make me feel terribly insecure, guilty, embarrassed and at times ashamed. I'm self aware enough to know that porn preys on my insecurities and is for all intents and purposes an insidious force through and through. I know that the porn is twisting my sexuality and has given me fetishes I would never have even heard of if it wasn't for finding it by chance online. I know all of these things and yet I still feel the urge to PMO, hell, I feel it right now as I type these words. For the past 18 months I have been trying to overcome this horrible addiction but I haven't managed to succeed yet.

    My name is AtomicTango and I am a porn addict.

    But I hope that in the future I will be able to write that I am not an addict anymore.

    Thank you for reading, any comments would be greatly appreciated.
  2. PMO addict

    PMO addict Fapstronaut

    Well my name is PMO addict and I am a porn addict :D

    I think that's a good "step one" post because it kinda sums up your situation and how its negatively affecting you. I had some similar fetishes and so you're not alone. You're not the only one in the world! Like I thought I was. If that helps at all :)

    Today I was on a regular subreddit (not a p sub or anyhting like that it was actually a subreddit for clean air laws) but someone posted a vid link that led to a woman in a bathing suit. Why?! IDK. I was really mad! I did not need to see that. But anyway I quickly closed it. I just felt threatened like it will rent space in my head.

    Sorry if thats unrelated but I guess its kinda related. It probably belongs in my journal but I didn't know what else to say so I wrote it to you :)
  3. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Random P-subs appearing where you dont expect them is what led to me blocking a whole lot of sites on my laptop, because it just kept happening over and over again and it got to the point I was becoming complicit in it. Facebook was the worst for it, I would be scrolling down my newsfeed, past memes and status updates, only to arrive on a picture of a girl in a bikini or something equally sexually suggestive. Even when I unliked the pages doing it I would still get the same content posted as ads. Its really god damn annoying.
    PMO addict likes this.
  4. PMO addict

    PMO addict Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the tips. Good thing I was "on the beam". I will be more careful about clicking links or scrolling through pages. Even today on one site they had some lustful image where I least expected it.
  5. MasterRoshi

    MasterRoshi Fapstronaut

    Thanks so much for writing! We’re very similar, as I assume many people in here feel that way :)

    It’s strange but reaching out, being honest and vulnerable, seems to help us stay sober when we’re at our worst. And then, on the days when we feel a little better, reaching out to others who are at their worst, seems to help protect us from relapse.

    Along with the above, I found daily prayer, meditation, rigorous honesty, journaling and exerscise has helped me as well.

    I’m still very new to this. Today I have 51 days sober, so still lots more to learn. But hopefully we can all stay sober together and with a little bit if daily maintenance work, it seems to be SLOWLY getting a bit easier.

    Hang in there!
    Last edited: May 14, 2018
    ANewLeaf and Deleted Account like this.
  6. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the kind words and advice, they are appreciated.

    One thing you said really stands out to me, the whole idea of "rigorous honesty". I think, if I'm being truly honest with myself, that I haven't really been practicing that as well as I could/should. I skirt around the idea of being truly addicted when its obvious that I am, and have a nasty habit of downplaying how severe the problem actually is. I find it too easy to lie to myself and say that one or two relapses wont hurt me when in reality its been that reasoning thats stopped me from succeeding despite being on NoFap for nearly 18 months.
    MasterRoshi likes this.
  7. MasterRoshi

    MasterRoshi Fapstronaut


    This is exactly what happened to me for years and it’s why I focus so much on the honesty. I think it’s a defense mechanism our mind developed to protect me from constant pain. So i have these layers of lies to sift through before I can actually see the truth.

    Some days I’m doing ok And my honesty has to be some small moments where I was dishonest that day, or a reminder that I’m an addict. Other days the whole weight of my guilt and shame is smashing me down and I need to get it off my chest. Either way I do my best to really stay honest.

    Keep up the good work! And feel free to msg me and get honest any time!
  8. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I'm starting to think that perhaps on a subconscious level all I have been doing is repressing the negativity and burying it, hoping it would eventually go away, when its actually just contributing to massive relapses later down the line. Hell, it took me a while to acknowledge sexuality doubts triggered by porn, and allowed myself to believe I was just in denial as an excuse to keep watching content that did nothing but fuck me up and twist my sexual psyche. Its honestly troubling how powerful porn like this can be, but all it does is make me more determined to beat it.

    Thanks again for the kind words of encouragement, it makes me feel a lot better knowing that other people on here are rooting for me. I'll be sure to root for you as well!
    MasterRoshi likes this.
  9. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I've tried to limit the websites I go on for this reason, which has had the added positive effect of cutting down the time I spend browsing aimlessly. Its one thing to browse the internet with a clear purpose but doing it out of boredom is a top tier brain rotting activity in my opinion.
    PMO addict likes this.
  10. PMO addict

    PMO addict Fapstronaut

    Definitely. I remember one morning I was watching lonely island clips for hours. I felt so brain dead and bad about myself. It wasn't even entertaining me any more.

    Yesterday on a non-pornographic site, I saw a woman's face. IDKY but I felt like I looked an extra moment, forgetting not to look. She was very beautiful but I was like, uh oh, let's not get into lusting... Not shaming myself for thinking a woman's beautiful or being attracted to a woman of course! That's natural. But I know what computer-image-woman do to me. Not a positive effect.

    How much time do you spend on comp a day? I am on for many hours.
  11. ANewLeaf

    ANewLeaf Fapstronaut

    You did great to reach out. We are all trying to pick ourselves from out mess and begin a new life. I became so addicted that i did terrible things like fapping @ office during work hours.

    But we're moving on from that. Exercise, read books(hard copy), sleep early, never be alone, and never ever stare at girls (this one really helped me). also try to set short term goals. I'm new to Nofap but these have helped me.
  12. PMO addict

    PMO addict Fapstronaut

    very important reminder thanks :)
  13. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I'm generally on for a long time as well but I only tend to do it to relax, watch Netflix, talk to people, that sort of thing.
    PMO addict likes this.
  14. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the kind words and advice, I'll be sure to take all that into account.
    ANewLeaf likes this.
  15. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    So I'm on my laptop reading and organizing my emails and the urge to look at porn hits me really hard. I wont lie, I was very close to doing so until it suddenly hit me that I shouldn't, and I tabbed to here and started writing this. Its honestly amazing how quickly the brain "forgets" reality when its trying to pressure you into doing things. The sooner I can overcome this mental wiring the better but as we all know this stuff takes time.
    PMO addict and ANewLeaf like this.
  16. ANewLeaf

    ANewLeaf Fapstronaut

    This is superb bro. Remember each time you fight off an urge ubecome stronger. I love this. Thanks for sharing
  17. PMO addict

    PMO addict Fapstronaut

    Good move AtomicTango!
  18. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I think the best strategy I have found is to actively fight urges as they come, by "talking back to" and disproving the faulty rationale your brain gives you to try and make you relapse. This way of doing things has a legitimate scientific basis as it is essentially a loose form of cognitive behavioral therapy, training the brain to respond to things in a certain way that is healthier and less driven by compulsion.

    Having said all that its crucial not to exert too much energy fighting a single bout of urges, do this and you may not have enough willpower remaining to fight the next. This is why a mixture of distraction, pure willpower, and external support (as PMO addict so expertly explained to me in a different thread) needs to be used to keep on top of urges. Just using one of these things and neglecting the others always seems to lead to failure sooner or later.
    PMO addict and Deleted Account like this.
  19. Committed2change

    Committed2change Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing your story .. I think part of the reason our porn addiction increases or intensifies is its to readily available and accessible. As I sit here on Saturday morning I'm literally dying to rub one out. This time though I'm winning this little battle since I know my desire to do so is just an artificial response to a stressful week. One of the problems is because of the fast pace of modern life we don't really have to work that hard to get a dopamine hit. The next time you want to watch porn think of yourself as a prehistoric caveman going looking for or sex or doing hunter gathering activities . Think about how long it must have taken him and all his battles with predetors the elements etc.No see yourself as him having to delay your gratification until all your essential survival tasks were met.This will surely help delay your gratification.
    Finally try not to feel to much guilt or shame about what you're into.what you like is what you like and as long as you're not hurting anyone and you and you're partner are consenting adults who really cares what you and you are partner are doing when you're doing the naughty naughty some couples play tiddlywinks or scrabble as foreplay and this can be just as kinky.
    PMO addict likes this.
  20. PMO addict

    PMO addict Fapstronaut

    @AtomicTango Thanks :) I think that will make a sturdy triangle of approaches! I guess in the distraction category I also put "working on myself" even though its not as much a distraction. But to look at myself and seek healing to curb the tendency to look outside myself for lust hits.

    IE yesterday on the grocery line, instead of even slipping one look at magazine covers (you know whats on those) or looking at women on the lines, I pulled out my phone and looked at my list of feelings words. Instead of getting drunker on more lust, I got sober-er by naming my feelings.

    It helps me to hear the variety of approaches here. One reason I keep coming back. Maybe I'll get a new idea that would be just the tool for my tool kit.