Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Future role model, Apr 2, 2018.

How often do you eat sugary foods?

  1. every day

    62 vote(s)
  2. 2-5 times a week

    32 vote(s)
  3. once a week

    7 vote(s)
  4. few times a month

    5 vote(s)
  5. once a month

    3 vote(s)
  6. almost never

    7 vote(s)
  1. Mead123

    Mead123 Fapstronaut

    Have to start at day 0. :-( But I will stay strong.
    Future role model likes this.
  2. I don't think so, because it used to happen few times a month before I started OMAD. But since I started OMAD, I literally have no pain at all, nothing hurts me anymore. My migraines stopped, my stomach pain stopped(except for Wednesday), everything stopped, I feel amazing. Now I need some time to get back on track, but I will come back stronger than ever before.

    Glad you're doing great, keep going!
    Duellant likes this.
  3. Just don't give up and keep trying, with every try you're getting stronger.
    Duellant likes this.
  4. Duellant

    Duellant Fapstronaut

    Today I ate one Duplo (chocolate bar) in the heat of the moment. What a waste!
    I don't think I'll restart. I'll rather go through 90 days with my best effort, even if there are slips here and there. Otherwise it could become a big mess of relapses / restarts.
    Future role model likes this.
  5. Duellant

    Duellant Fapstronaut

    Day 6/90
    no coffee, no alcohol, no sugar
    Future role model likes this.
  6. Hello there! I'd like to begin with this challenge, I'm in day 0
    Future role model likes this.
  7. Welcome!

    Today is my day 1. Yesterday I ate only one vegan meal again and I did workout session in the gym. It was a great day despite relapsing and not waking up early. Today I woke up at 5:00AM, I hope it will be a good day.
    Duellant likes this.
  8. Duellant

    Duellant Fapstronaut

    hmmm I just realized I'm screwing with the rules of this Challenge when I don't reset after the Duplo. I guess I'm back at Day 1.
    However I'm not sure how to deal with birthday cake ... 90 days is a long time, not sure if I'll make it :confused:
    Future role model likes this.
  9. Try your best ;)
  10. Duellant

    Duellant Fapstronaut

    Back to Day 0

    Because I relapsed (MO) and I reset in this Challenge too I thought 'ok I can have coffee and a sweet now, whatever!' so I did.
    Later I bought groceries - another temptation for another round of sugar. But I decided to only buy healty foods and so I did. (I was the freakin' only one).

    My only problem is the sweet tooth. And I realized I must change my taste to even have the chance to finish this Challenge. When I crave for sweet things all the time, I must rely on Willpower only and temptations wait on every corner. Of course I can't change that my body craves for fast sugar and sweetness. But I can change how I think about it.
    For example that Duplo wasn't really tasty. The muffin I eat today was ok I guess. But these sweet are never as tasty as a fresh Mango!!!
    Fortunately I don't have to avoid sugar in general. It's just about addictive, unhealthy processed food and stuff that is filled with sugar (even the expensive whole-grain pastries usually have too much added sugar).

    Well, it seems I brain-washed myself a lot, when I eat a lot of sweets in a otherwise healthy diet. So to make a change I have to think different now.

    I think that's the way to handle it. I would add "when eating the ice cream I enjoy it as much as possible." Yes I want to enjoy it, but not more than other good food of course. I mustn't think that I need that ice cream in any way or that I miss out on something.

    Sorry if I make things complicated. But you see, if I was the one to define the rules for this Challenge it would be much slacker. But I want to do the real 90 Days No Sugar Challenge. So no more sweet tooth. No rewards to myself in form of sugar. The only exception from the rule shall be the mentioned ice cream / "cake for her birthday". Full accountability!
    Future role model likes this.
  11. I like your mentality. In my opinion, the best way to stop cravings is to not even think about sugars. It's like on NoFap, if you fantasize than you will relapse. Watching sweet food and imagining it's taste is equal to watching porn. It's like edging, and you will probably end up eating it. I also used to have a sweet tooth, I still has it, but I am trying my best to fight it. Many of my friends think that I don't even like sugars, and they ask me how is it possible, but they haven't realized that I like those foods much more than them, I can eat more of it and enjoy every bite of it, but It's something that I'm not gonna do. It's like when people say-"I don't workout because I don't like it, I'm not born for sport" or "I don't wake up early because I'm a night owl" but in reality, nobody likes working out or waking up early. It's very hard. But that's the difference between greats and average people. Great people are ready to sacrifice short term enjoyemnt(like eating those candies or sleeping in) for a long run(getting better health/physique or being more productive). Sometimes I have "period of crisis" when my life and discipline are at total mess, but I still find it better to have few short periods of total mess and than longer periods when everything is going great, than to have monotonous life, where everyday is the same thing.

    It's my day 3 now. First day was hard, I felt some hunger, but I managed to follow my OMAD protocol. Now I've started doing Squats everyday and Sprints everyday challenge, this morning I did some sprinting, I forgot how hard it actually is. And squats make me sick, nobody likes doing them, but that's why I do them in a first place...
  12. Son of Midgaard

    Son of Midgaard Fapstronaut

    This is a major problem today atleast as I know of in so called Western countries and I recently went about 8 weeks of then had som cake and last Saturday I had some candy and half a chocolate bar. Led me to gain weight very rapidly since I for most part is on LCHF diet and my body then switches to burn carbs rather then fat, and nothing as carb-filled as candy or chocolate! Now my personal challenge I set for myself is to manage until Saturday 12 of May sugar free and not buy any such thing until June. I am proud to say I am off all kinds of liquid poison like soda, juice or light-soda products. Big step towards maintaining weight control over time!
  13. Lord of the Ocean

    Lord of the Ocean Fapstronaut

  14. Lord of the Ocean

    Lord of the Ocean Fapstronaut

  15. Day 4

    Felt some hunger yesterday, don't know why... Anyways, it's going great.
  16. Duellant

    Duellant Fapstronaut

    Another day 1 ...
    Yesterday I experienced what willpower depletion is: in a conference I had the plate with cookies right in front of me. I didn't eat them, I didn't even felt tempted in the beginning. But my mind wandered again and again to those cookies. When the conference was over I had eaten two of these cookies.
    It was stupid to rely only on willpower or rather to don't use my head at all. If I want to succeed this Challenge I have to be consequent, strict and foresightful. Thoughts like "one doesn't hurt" "it's not that important" "ah whatever" don't get me where I want and must be exchanged.
    I can eat cookies again AFTER 90 Days. That's a better mindset.
    Future role model likes this.
  17. Don't give up bro. You can do this!
    Duellant likes this.
  18. Duellant

    Duellant Fapstronaut

    Thanks @Dane17 :)
    Today I had no no sugary food, no coffee, no alcohol. Only some honey.
    Future role model likes this.
  19. Duellant

    Duellant Fapstronaut

    Relapse. First I had coffee with a pastry in the university. It's kind of a ritual to me. I don't enjoy the coffee and the sweet so much but rather the ritual. Plus the combination coffee+sugar is of course quite addictive.
    Later I had ANOTHER coffee plus a cookie. This time it was in a fine shop and very delicious.
    Then I had kind of a crisis: do I really willing to give this up? Isn't it life-quality?
    Only when I came back to this Thread I was able to decide. @Dane17 I like your mentality too and it motivates me!

    Why to make it difficult when it can be so easy! Do I think I can just eat what I want and everything will be fine? No! I have to make concessions in one way or another. I can't just go for the quick fix all the time. Applying and training discipline is beneficial. Should I make complicated rules (for nutrition / sugar intake) or measure the success rate, set goals like get 90% sugar free. No! It all is too complicated, consumes to much of my time. Fasting from sugar for three months is just the perfect way to make a change, get free from the addiction and see how it is. IT'S ONLY FOR THREE MONTHS NOT FOR YOUR FREAGIN' WHOLE LIFE!
    It is the perfect chance to find pleasure in the small things, get a whole new perspective.

    I'm not turning my back on Italien coffee for good, I'm not declaring war on all pastries.
    So how do I motivate myself for this Challenge? I have to believe in a new me, INVENT this new me...
    It's good to have that clear. But that can't be done by talking. Less talking more doing.

    Day 0 / 90
    Future role model likes this.
  20. Duellant

    Duellant Fapstronaut

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