Tips on sleep

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Apr 11, 2018.

  1. oneaffidavit

    oneaffidavit Fapstronaut

    Another thing to try is to pick up the most boring activity like reading the most boring book or practicing math problems (lol), these things definitely helped me to fall asleep fast.
    wisdomkaulen likes this.
  2. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    I have to have the TV on... To a show I have NO INTEREST in and would never watch.
    But... It's in the background. (nothing with gunfire)
    My TV sits where unless I'm up, I can't see it... So it's noisy but low volume? So the ambiance distracts my brain... With all my trauma (20+years of it) this is the most helpful thing I know of...
    Non medication, of course
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Mkngitwrk

    Mkngitwrk Fapstronaut

    Melatonin is natural as well as hot tea. These help me relax and sleep. Non habit forming.
  4. Lol yeah, I used to do that when I was younger, but there's no way my husband would allow it.

    What is melatonin? Is it like a supplement you take or something? I mean obviously I've heard of melatonin in the body, but I wasn't aware it was something you can take.

    LEPAGE Fapstronaut

    Melatonin is A hormone your body produces to regulate sleep. I'm pretty sure you can buy it over the counter.
  6. Sight

    Sight Fapstronaut

    You get your sunlight fix, right?
    Gonna assume that's the case based of you mentioning work tires you right out.

    You already mentioned your husbands snoring makes you anxious/jolts you right awake, and apparently both of you are trying to cope with that.
    And that you have issues with other repetitive sounds.

    Side note: Read this all fairly quick so I might get things horribly wrong, feel free to call me out on that mate!

    Have you tried...describing and acknowledging it? Instead of ignoring or blotting it out.
    The sound that is.
    Acknowledge also whether its irritating you, causing anxiety...instead of rationalizing or fighting it.

    Try describing the sound to yourself, even if vague descriptions are all you can manage, or if you can be super descriptive, then do that.

    After all that, or even just this: Try counting it. Change your relationship to it, so to speak. It might not work instantly, it might not work at all, but it might be worth a shot.
    If you can, let it be your flock of sheep jumping over fences, and count each snore.

    Other ideas:
    Have you guys checked for sleep apnea already? Does your husband exercise and stuff too? It can help with respiratory problems, especially yoga and pranayam(latter more so I think).

    A slightly more ridiculous suggestion - sleep on opposite ends of the bed. As in, your head is on one end, his on the other. Meaning your feet are next to each other.
    If you guys don't move around too much, then maybe the snore hitting you from a bit farther away will help.

    Will especially work if the bed is large as heck and you guys can hog your individual spaces.

    Finally...sleep is extremely important, no question, but worrying about it, trying to perfect it can ruin it on a consistent basis itself.
    So! If you can and if it suits you - allow the occasional bad sleep session, but have a backup plan you agree with.

    Whether that's a week of sleep on a different bed, or things you will accomplish when you can't sleep.
    For example, you can do painting or writing or similar endeavors while unable to sleep.
    Maybe plan out the week's schedule, ponder the deeper meanings of life via journaling, call a friend up who lives a continent or two away and mess with their morning routine for funsies( a bonding lighthearted manner ideally pls, don't get em fired lol).

    Don't fear not sleeping. Know you will be ok if you can't immediately sleep(by having something to do) and/or catching up via temporarily changing sleeping locations/patterns/whathaveyou.

    Hope this helps. Stay well and swell cap'n!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. Unfortunately yes, I have tried that, and it doesn't work. This is something I've had my whole life, this misophonia thing, and its not something I can ignore, no matter how hard I try.

    My mom snores really loudly, and I remember as a kid having to be in a hotel room with her, I was up til like 3 in the morning crying because I was so exhausted and I couldn't fall asleep. I remember seriously considering sleeping in the bathtub if the door to the bathroom was enough to keep the sound out.

    We haven't, but I don't really think he has that. He doesn't always snore, and its not even that loud, I'm just really sensitive. And yes, we both exercise a lot.

    Lol an interesting suggestion, but I don't think that would help. It wouldn't be far enough away to make a difference. Sometimes when it gets really bad I sleep on the couch, but our couch is soooo not made for sleeping. It messes up my back a lot.

    I'm trying to work on that. The last couple nights have actually been really good, so I'm kind of rejuvenated for now.

    Thanks for all your suggestions!
  8. Would he be ok with music or the radio on? That might help. Do you read a book before you sleep? That might help.
  9. No, he needs silence. And honestly I don't think it would help anyway, unless it was loud enough to completely drown out the snoring.

    I don't really read before bed. We usually watch some YouTube videos together before bed, which is a nice thing that we like to do together. But lately I've been trying not to eat snacks or drink anything during that time, and I think that's helped. I usually eat a snack at that time.
  10. How bright is the screen? How close is it to your eyes? And do you use a blue light filter, or night mode after dark (example: f.lux)? Artificial light (especially the blue-light from screens) before bed can upset your melatonin production making it difficult to fall asleep. The light essentially makes your body think it's daylight. If you're sensitive to sound maybe you're also light sensitive. I know I am.
    Sight likes this.
  11. Yeah, I know. I've heard that before, but it's a special part of our routine and I don't want to change it.
  12. I hear you. I work in an office and have to have white noise via earplugs all day to get anything done.

    Sometimes my wife will snore quietly which keeps me awake. And then when she stops I really wake up even more, because, is she still breathing!? And then she starts snoring again thereby allowing me to go back to me previous level of awakeness for the rest of the night.

    Maybe change your routine so there's nothing else for you to do between being super tired and ready for bed, and actually going to bed.

    A trick I sometimes use is to focus on where the tension is in my body rather than what the external source of the tension is. I focus on relaxing that muscle or whatever each breath.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. LEPAGE

    LEPAGE Fapstronaut

    Some folks use ambient noise tracks. I'm sure you can buy them, but there are some on YouTube.

    They can be different things, but mostly they are low level humming type noises, or songs that have been slowed down 20 to 50 or so times. Some people swear buy them.

    I've used one a couple of times. The one I use is a 6 or 12 hour loop of ambient noise from the movie Forbidden Planet (1956), specifically the humming and beeping from the great Krell machine (an alien power station). Honestly, I slept good, but I can't really say it was better than nothing.

    I use earplugs, which doesn't bother anyone else in the room, but you can't be one who moves around a lot during sleep.
  14. Drift

    Drift Fapstronaut

    Me too, or not sleeping through the night fully.
  15. sev94

    sev94 Fapstronaut

    I have the same issue. And physical exercise doesn't help either.
    How have you been sleeping?
    Did anything work for you? Any tips you can share?
  16. I've been sleeping a lot better, but I don't really know why. I have been eating healthier, and I think my husband has been snoring a lot less. I also got new ear plugs, which helps with the snoring.

    The one thing I will say that I definitely noticed a difference in is not eating before bed. I used to eat a snack every night almost right before bed, but I stopped doing that and it helped. I still so eat before bed sometimes, but it does sometimes make it harder for me to fall asleep.
  17. sev94

    sev94 Fapstronaut

    Good for you
    I'm hoping for a miracle to happen :/
  18. I hope things get better for you! I know how frustrating that can be :/
    sev94 likes this.
  19. Jeremy_Jr.

    Jeremy_Jr. Fapstronaut

    I often drink chamomile tea and read a boring book. That's a good combination for a good night sleep :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. 1) Sleep at a set time every day and wake up at the same time no exception. Train your brain. Too many fluctuations arnt good for your sleep cycles.

    2) Exercise, but not before bed, that will keep you up. Exercise really does help tire and relax you and will put you to sleep.

    3) Read 30-60 minutes before bed, either a physical book of a kindle. No screens. Also no computer screens. Lap top or ipad, even switch the TV off a hour before.

    4) After dinner or something get your thoughts out in a journal. The Journal7 David RM is a good one and has a free one month trial.

    5) Use a hypnosis track or meditation audio before bed. Even just 30 minutes of standard meditation will clear your head of thoughts. Just sit comfortable, sit up straigt but relaxed, focus on your breath into your belly, notice it rising and falling and when thoughts come (and they will) you just ignore them and put focus back on to the breath, in and out and out, belly rising and falling or put your focus to the air going in and out the nostrils.

    6) Close the blinds. Darken the room.

    7) Consider a white noise machine on the white noise setting. I have one and I use it.

    8) You can try Magnesium as a cheap sleep aid.

    Yep, it works, hospitals use warm milo.

    You have thoughts in your head you need to sort well before bed. Exercise is powerful because it will relax your mind not only the physical energy. The body and the mind are connected and the mind responds more to the body than the body responds to the mind, thats why im saying use exercise to relax your mind and body. Exercise has so many other benefits out side of the body also, like thought management, stress and depression reduction, clearer mind and thoughts, better well being. I recommend a 1 hour walk, I know it sounds like a lot but really its not, every one of us has it in us! Try a one hour walk and make a habit of it and see the difference it makes to your entire life. Self esteem, happiness, well being, sleep, better health, more energy, but you have to keep it up. There is no reason you cant walk an hour 5-6 days a week. Alternatively, Gym and Yoga are other good options.
    Last edited: May 26, 2018