My crush haunts me

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Apr 7, 2018.

  1. I think about her before I go to sleep I think about her when I wake up.
    I look for her in crowds, I wonder what's she's doing what she's thinking...
    Most importantly I wonder if she thinks the same things about me.
    You're only a kiss away...

    Unfortunately the situation is sadly complicated. And i can't proceed with her as I normally would. Now I'm trying to navigate through uncharted waters that im terrified of drowning in.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2018
    Deleted Account and ShotDunyun like this.
  2. Well there are two options you've got here;

    1) You can cowboy the heck up, strut up to her and tell her straight-up that you're attracted to her and want to take full advantage of your masculine desires with her involvement

    2) You can realise that she isn't that special, and that there are millions of other great women out there, possibly even better suited to you than her, and see about getting to know one of them.

    Source: a lifetime of experience and regrets. Don't become a 40 year old fighting to themselves better when you can do it easier and with better results at your age.
  3. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    One girl. One specific outcome that you want. She's the only one. This is it. If it doesn't work with her, it's over. You can't let go or you're not willing to see what would happen. Just living in an obsessive fantasy.

    Massive scarcity. Massive resistance to all other opportunities. You're literally being crushed by this one person that you have an extreme form of neediness towards.

    What's complicated about it? What are these uncharted waters that you're dramatically drowning in?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Hatfuge

    Hatfuge Fapstronaut

    In my experience everytime I've had a crush or an ex I'm still longing for, A new girl will always take your thoughts away from the past and into the present with this girl. it's the most effective cure. Go out and find someone else if you can talk to the girl you're wishing for right now.

    And if she isn't interested in you, why would you want her? You wouldn't want to be in a relationship where only one of you want it would you?

  5. She's a coworker
    helpmefromaddiction likes this.
  6. lauraS

    lauraS Fapstronaut

    Prostitutes and male hookups to add to the list, so not quite scarcity lol, generic mark manson advice doesnt always fit the bill. L.x
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2018
  7. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    That's not all that complicated. Coworkers date all the time.

    It's only complicated because you've put off doing what you should be doing for so long. It's become too big of a deal to you. Paralyzed by your fear of not getting the outcome you want.

    You can continue obsessing over her while not doing anything. You don't lose that way, but you also don't win.... or you can actually ask her out on a date and see if she's interested.

    You have this ideal fantasy of how it's supposed to be and you don't want to find out how it really is in reality. That's why you're stuck. You're not letting in the possibility of rejection, but also not letting in the possibility of her being interested in you. You're not allowing reality take its natural course. Because you can't see all the other women that exist everywhere. You've become too myopic and burning up your mental / emotional energy worrying about this.
  8. lauraS

    lauraS Fapstronaut

    u missed the post above. L.x
  9. Lol for the record 99 percent of the hooksups are female! There was an incident when I was 18 back in 2008 that only blemishes that record
  10. You're right about alot. One of the biggest things holding me back is the work place environment. The owner is paranoid about lawsuits etc. Any type of relationship is strongly frowned upon.
    Am I using that as an excuse because I'm.scared to move forward with it? Probably.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    Is he / she going to fire you for having a relationship with a coworker? There's a lawsuit right there.

    What you do outside of work is your business.

    It's up to you. All I'm saying is where you're at right now isn't healthy. You're making life harder than it needs to be.
  12. My biggest fear is that... I've misinterpreted her signals. Even the slightest perception of sexual harrassment has become grounds for dismissal.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    Asking her out on a date in a mature way won't be considered sexual harassment.

    If you continue to obsess about her or if you take rejection the wrong way, then maybe you'll do something regrettable.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. True. Fuck it's so much easier asking a girl out at a bar lol
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. As someone who discovered Mark Manson WAAAY too late in life, I wish there had been someone like him when I was 15, or even 21, who had sat me down and outlined what he said in Models. It would have saved me so much heartache and helped me to lead a far more fulfilling life.

    Okay, so this isn't as bad as I was first fearing. Clearly you have the proverbials to go up to a girl and talk with her. This is a specific case you've got here. I'd echo @elevate, and suggest you ask her out in a mature way. If she shoots you down for whatever reason, you'll at least know that you've tried.
  16. No I'm not entirely socially lacking lol. I've gone in for a beer and left with a girl so I can talk to people lol. Work in sales.
    Im just either in the mood or I'm not to do it. It's up and down.
  17. Indeed. I can see you've already got a great deal of discipline to get where you are already, and as much as I slag off about salespeople, you're much better at dealing with people than I am. Maybe I'll just shut my big mouth.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. Haha I always appreciate the advice. At least it can offer a different perspective.
  19. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    Absolutely this. I think that it is not healthy to be become so attached to anyone. How old are you, @Waylare? At a young age we use to idealize women (or men)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. I'm 28.

    It's not that I idolize her. It's that... She's great. We laugh at all the same stuff, we like the same shows, the same food. We understand eachother.
    I was on a date once and the girl was hot but I was never closer to trying to sneak out the kitchen of a restaurant. I hated everything about her.
    This girl... We see eye to eye on so much.