PMO in private Vs willing partner

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Deleted Account, Apr 3, 2018.

  1. He was wanking to porn when he was single - before he met his wife and before he met me. When he met us both, he didn't still didn't stop PMO. He took his wedding vows and gave her two children and still PMOd. He didn't want me or his ex wife. And I tried. I did all the dirty shit that gets men off. I constantly complimented him on every part of his body and spirit. I mopped up the mess he's been left in from his first failed marriage and told him repeatedly that I'm the luckiest woman in the world to have a man like you, caring, protective, loving & an amazing father figure/future stepdad. For all the lying he's done, even I don't think he'd use me not desiring him as an excuse. He's PMOd since a teenager. Constantly.
    And can I ask what you mean by "PA apparently chose porn over them"? He did choose porn over me. Every time.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2018
  2. Healed!

    Healed! Fapstronaut

    I am so sorry for the way this has made you SO’s feel. I get that, but I also know as a PA, “It’s not about you.” Near the end of my acting out phase, I had PIED and didn’t know enough to recognize it and connect the dots. Sex was unfulfilling. Even PMO was unfulfilling but it didn’t stop me from doing it nearly every day. I said I wanted to quit, but I seemed to be powerless to stop. There were a few times I turned my wife down because I knew I couldn’t perform. I also know I didn’t initiate as much as I could have. I often had spent my desires on PMO, even when I told myself I wanted to save myself for my wife. I didn’t want her to perform like a P star or even look like one. In the fog of my addiction I could not see a connection between my habit and the changes happening in our relationship. It was only after the second or third DDay and coming to NoFap that I began to understand better why I was drawn to PMO and I still say it had nothing to do with any inadequacy on my wife’s part.
  3. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    I think for some of us, is it can be made about us, it was for me. I know my hubby has said his words didn’t match what he really felt but it can be so hard to believe otherwise when comments and behaviors are unmistakable about us, you are unattractive, you are chunky and/or fat, not fit/tight enough, to many stretch marks. When the actions back that up by ogling or more other acting out behaviors and go to porn is all younger “attractive” girls that fit the criteria it’s impossible to not feel or think that way and be turned down for intimacy,
    that’s the permanent/long term damage it does cause for some of us SO’s. Sometimes it is made to feel it is about us not being enough.
  4. Wade W. Wilson

    Wade W. Wilson Fapstronaut

    For me, it was same as for @Thor god of thunder, M'ing and being intimate was totally separate things. I was so involved in it, that I planned about when I would be doing M, it usually at the same time, and what will I be watching. I sometimes look for material on my phone while at work, kinda get it ready when I'll get home and I have it ready. I never turn my wife down, when I had a choice I always chose her. Few times I planned I would M and I got intimate with my wife then I just don't M. Also when I knew I'll be home and there is a possibility of S with my wife I didn't M.

    The feeling I got from doing M is just different, I don't think so now because my wife and I are so intimate now and sex is just so amazing. When I used to M the feeling holding myself and feeling it pumping in my hand, and stroking, just felt so good. The feeling of getting and releasing was just what I looked forward.

    So to sum it up, I loved to M but never turned down the S with my wife. Only if I know what I was missing, cause now with intimacy my wife and I are so much closer and much more connected. I just wish I chose her and this connection earlier.
    Deleted Account, Torn and Healed! like this.
  5. Healed!

    Healed! Fapstronaut

    Yes, I understand. It must feel awful. My post was not intended to invalidate anyone's feelings or experience, just to present that the PA's viewpoint may not be the same as your own, and it, too, is valid.
    kropo82 likes this.
  6. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    No, I didn’t take it that way at all. Just adding in a personal perspective on how it really can feel it is about us to some of us.
    No matter how much I hear that, I know it’s true for many but for some of us it’s a hard feeling to get past.
    Healed! and Numb like this.
  7. Hey Jennica. I thought about this yesterday when he was trying to tel me, for the 1000th time, that I am attractive, he does want to have sex with me and am desirable in bed. But he said that all the way through with a soft dick in his hand. It only got stiff again when a different woman/women were put in front of him. That'll be one of the most hurtful things I'll ever know. He lied about wanting me sexuaaly and wants to prove recovery and his love for me. I told I need to hear the same thing from a different man now.
    Jennica, Torn and Deleted Account like this.
  8. Hey Wade. Your wife sounds amazing.
    The difference is that you preferred sex over PMO. My PA NEVER did, not once in our 3 yrs. His porn 1 choice, M his 2nd choice and, if he took chemicals, me as his 3rd choice.
    I hope he doesn't do this again to the next woman but he will. My prediction is that he'll up the ante and go crazy PMO, prossy, sex toys, webcams, sex oils for about a year. Then he'll ask someone on a date, NOT tell them about his problem. Later when she's naked and a bit confused that after a strip show & foreplay, his dick is still soft.
    Then he'll say he's "got stuff on his mind" and "it's not you" and, ,my fave, "I honestly don't know what it is..." then they go round and round until she discovers his stash of porn & weird potions.
    Depending on whether she's a doormat - she might be happy to not have sex again. Or she'll hurt and walk away.
    PAs don't just hurt themselves. When I leave this house and have settled somewhere new, I'll still be damaged and need time to heal.
  9. Thomas Smith 2

    Thomas Smith 2 Fapstronaut

    @TinaK, I think your husband could be telling you the truth, that he does find you attractive, that he does want to have sex with you, and that you are desirable to him in bed. The problem is what's going on in his head and his libido doesn't match with the blood flow to his penis. PMO over all those years has given him PIED. Now of course, I still fully understand why you're unhappy, but I just wanted you to know that what he said isn't necessarily a lie.
    Jennica, Deleted Account and Healed! like this.
  10. I know this is difficult to understand (trust me, I really do... I've been in your exact shoes and I didn't understand it either), but he is not lying to you. Or at least, I would be willing to bet that he isn't.

    Porn is addictive and messes up your brain a LOT. The fact that he can't get aroused with you is not evidence that he doesn't find you attractive or that he isn't interested in having sex with you. I know that seems hard to believe, but it's just true. There are so many stories here of men do angry with themsleves and so frustrated that they can't get it up for their wives, even thought their wives are beautiful and sexy and they want so badly to be with them sexually.

    You need to think of PMO addiction like a drug addiction, because that's essentially what it is. Yes, drug addicts are still responsible for their decisions, to a degree, but I think people also have compassion for the fact that their biology is all kind of screwed up, and the addictive nature of whatever substance they're abusing makes it so much easier to lose control and so much harder to quit. That's what he's going through, and it may very well be completely true that he wants to quit and wants to be with you sexually, but he's addicted, and he needs more help than just his own willpower.

    Now, I don't know your husband, so I could be wrong. He could be a jerk who is just lying to you and stringing you along, and he really doesn't care at all about whether or not he PMOs instesd of being with you. But I really really doubt it. I know it's hard to believe that, but there are so many people here who are in your husband's shoes and hate themsleves for it. They're just as mad at themsleves as you are at him, and they, too, don't understand why they can't stop PMOing when they have such a beautiful, loving woman right in front of them. That's the nature of addiction. There's more to it than just a choice. Technically, yes, it is s choice, and nobody has a gun to his head telling him to do it, but in a way, maybe it kind of feels like they do. That's kind of what addiction feels like.
  11. No, it doesn't. But this isn't the place to ask that question. You can post your own thread on that subject if you would like.
    Torn, kropo82 and Tannhauser like this.
  12. I’ve never had a problem getting it up because of P, but I will tell this story. Maybe it’s relevant...
    When I was younger, sometimes I would get off a little too quickly if it had been a while since we had sex. Do I told my wife maybe I should get off a little while before so I could last better for her.
    I usually could be hard again about 10 min after but couldn’t get off for quite a while.
    So she did me by hand once and then we waited. I wanted to but it took about a half hour before I could be ready and she said she wasn’t interested by then. I was though and we did it anyway. I was totally interested the whole time before though too, I just couldn’t get it up.
    Maybe she felt like I wasn’t interested anymore and it ruined the mood.
    I would tell her I was totally still into it and she looked great, etc. But I think she didn’t believe me and thought I was bored and done. Which got her out of the mood.
    So, not the same situation. But some elements may apply. idk
    Kenzi and Jennica like this.
  13. Healed!

    Healed! Fapstronaut

    Well said. This describes me.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. Your whole post is the saddest thing I've read in days. But I'm pleased for you and you're wife X

    I wish he could've chose sex with me first. He actually masturbated in the bathroom prior to coming to bed. When you're not even worth a wank in the bathroom, in kinda makes you hate yourself.
  15. Torn

    Torn Fapstronaut

    Yeah, @TinaK. I get that. Mine would masturbate in the bathroom right on the other side of the wall from where I was lying in bed, wanting to have (AWESOME, HOT) sex with him.
  16. Could be a self esteem thing. Sex with another person isn't just about how you feel about them. It's also how you feel about yourself. It's pretty much impossible to make someone believe they're desirable if they don't believe it themselves.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. If youve ever watched the movie Don Jon, they do a good job presenting it.
    Honestly most younger to-mid twenties girls Ive been with have not been to exciting in bed (i prolly was no stud either). Porn offers adventure, variery, fetish, taboo, plus working your own tool you get instant accurate feedback so can be made to be very pleasurable. Plus its 100% selfish and guilt free during the activity (guilt afterwards) dont have the weight of pleasing another. Also, we defintely get lazy for long term relationships and sex in keeping ourselves enticing. My best tip I stole from an ex is to sneak off if your the first awake and gargle some mouthwash. Little things like that are great. Desensitivity can play a part too.
    I think the worst thing a real partner can do is consistency...same routine over and over. Porn can become a routine of course, but even if I ended with an old fav my jam was always browsing the new content.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. Tan3110

    Tan3110 Fapstronaut

    I'm an So. And what every woman says sums it up.
    I don't feel wanted desire attractive.
    My husband admitted to PMO before coming to bed most nights. He did it to manage to have sex with me he did it to feel aroused first to have the images in his mind to have sex with me and often instead of sex with me. I noticed a huge difference is the amount of sex we were having down from 4 times a week to maybe once every 3 weeks once our second was born 7 months ago. He stopped holding conversations with me at all barely spoke to me. He admitted to PMOing if I was 10 mins later than him and he planned to do it if I was out for short periods like half an hour. He also said that until recently he never did it with me in the house but has been recently which probs coralates with the reduced sex with me.
    I understand everything the women say. How can we feel wanted and attractive and desired if our men need porn to have sex with us the image of another woman to orgasm or indeed turn us down for that instead.
    Even during this recovery sex is better but it feels we are only doing it when he has a need for orgasm not for me. A tool to be used. It hasn't improved the way I feel about myself. I'm sure every women can relate because I relate to all of their posts.
  19. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    The original post is not closely related but some of the posts in the thread @SpouseofPA started called is this common? touch on the things we are discussing here, especially the extent to which porn addicts compare their SO to the women they are looking at in porn.
    SpouseofPA likes this.
  20. Torn

    Torn Fapstronaut

    Have you and your husband tried kareeza or orgasm-less (for him) sex? So that he learns to focus on you and your pleasure, leaving the goal of his orgasm behind? There's lots of info on this forum about it if you search around for it.