Movies that deal with PMO addiction

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by sfmark12, Mar 13, 2018.

  1. Recently I have watched two movies(Not on the same day) that deal with an addiction to PMO. One is Don Jon which was good, it was a man who is addicted to porn and it affected his relationship and himself, when he quit he was a better man than before. The next one is Shame, in my opinion the best movie that shows how porn addiction is. Michael Fassbender nailed his character Brandon, the sex addict. After watching this movie you'll never want to be like him. I would advise to have full self control because both of these movies have A LOT of explicit images. I didn't know where to post this but I guess here cause it deals with porn addiction. Be cautious and stay strong my brothers.
    James1986, legolas_01 and BruceD like this.
  2. lekasenor

    lekasenor Fapstronaut

    I found Don Jon very problematic. So let me get this straight..? When Joseph Gordon Levit uses porn he gets laid a lot but feels like something is missing and then when he easily stops, he gets Scarlet Johannson to be his girlfriend. Cool. And then he hooks up with Julianne Moore once he realizes that Scarlett is a little shallow or something. Wow. Dealing with porn addiction sounds really easy and fun.


    This is not realistic. This is bullshit. This is just not how porn addiction works at all. Shame seemed more realistic to me.
  3. I'm afraid to watch masturbation/porn documentary because of too much explicit images even if it's about the danger of porn
    Vulkan likes this.
  4. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I agree that Don Jon just touched some of the surface but to it's huge credit it did go much further than standard or even art-house relationship movies on that subject. If I were retooling the script, Don would have some ED problems and that would cause some of the breakup. But the Scarlett Johanssen character had some issues with fantasy as well.
  5. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Shame is a great movie about this. All one has to watch is the scene where he tries to have sex with a "regular" attractive woman. Yep, that and Don Jon, which I agree is good, but not great. With Chris Rocks' new admission, hopefully more art will be illuminating this.
  6. lekasenor

    lekasenor Fapstronaut

    I don’t think Don Juan touched on the intense pain and despair that can accompany porn addiction. It doesn’t paint a realistic portrait of what it is like to battle that addiction. It doesn’t even touch on how hard it is to stop or how it can ruin lives. None of that. What about how it affects the brain? How it hurts the soul? How it can kill your love life. How it can destroy everything. The struggle wasn’t there. The reality wasn’t there. You could still have the same character and the same situations but do it in a way that’s real. It’s very trite. Unrealistic. Bullshit actually. I’m not a fan of the movie.
    Vulkan likes this.
  7. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    It would be a good to see a very gritty realistic independent film on that subject. But relatively speaking, I give Don Jon some props since there is so little being covered. Check out the movie "Shame" starring Michael Fassbender. That is way more gritty and dark, more insightful.
  8. lekasenor

    lekasenor Fapstronaut

    I guess. I’ve seen Shame, it’s good.
  9. While I do agree Don Jon does not cover the TRUE outlook on porn addiction it covers somethings. Like how it affects relationships and yourself. Like when Jon quit porn you saw improvements of himself and with his new girlfriend. I wish in Shame you saw something like that but sadly you didn't.
  10. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    They are both movies with steps in the right direction. Shame is certainly a better film. However, I can't help but go back 20 years ago to "Something about Mary". When Chris Elliot told Ben Stiller not go out with a loaded pipe so he will be more relaxed. Yeah, too relaxed, I thought at the time. Of course, it was a great comedic payoff with that great hairgel gag in the movie.
  11. softmax13

    softmax13 Fapstronaut

    I've seen shame a while has crushed me...Fassbender did a terrific job.There are so many scenes that are still stuck in my head..and I cried at the end when he was helpless in the rain.His attitude overall is can be related to as a porn addict.
    jhnmrstn and sfmark12 like this.
  12. That ending scene is still in my head like it's trying to tell me something. Amazing scene.
  13. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    Next on your list should be Thanks for Sharing (2012). Don Jon is my favourite though. And I need to watch the Shame finally as I wanted to watch it almost year ago but somehow I totally forgot about it.
  14. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Thanks for Sharing, haven't heard of that one. Will check it out. Shame is so far the best film overall so far. And...thanks for sharing!
    Reborn16 likes this.
  15. Wow... I just read the synopsis of Shame on Wikipedia... Apart from the sister, I was Brandon... Sad :(
  16. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Been there too. Still climbing out. The good news is we can change our direction, granted not easy, but not impossible either.
    jobbyj likes this.
  17. Summer Son

    Summer Son Fapstronaut

    I think Shame is the best movie about both porn and sex addiction. Don Jon is more funny but Shame seems more realistic to me. In the guy Don Jon, he clears his house, goes gym everyday, masrurbates more than 5 times a day, goes the church, hangs out his friends, and makes sex. Is it realistic? How can he have this kind of energy? I don't think so.
    sfmark12 and softmax13 like this.
  18. Sharavana

    Sharavana Fapstronaut

    Watched shame yesterday.
    Good one.. Must watch
  19. lekasenor

    lekasenor Fapstronaut

    Don Juan is not realistic at all.
  20. Not to you but it is.
    JustinX likes this.