Premature Ejaculation

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by NewDrug, Mar 7, 2018.

  1. NewDrug

    NewDrug Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    11 days into a new streak after caving at the end of a 2 month streak - disappointed that I couldn't make it a completely porn free year but trying not to let black / white thinking mess me up. Anyway the craving for p hasn't been terrible yet (although, as always, it will be). I was edging in bed w/o porn a few nights ago and randomly decided to say f it and go for it. Wish I hadn't but at the same time I'm trying to find a solution to caving and feel it's better to start with MO w/ no P instead of going HM and inevitably caving (have a gf but we've both been busy and sex life has been non-existent). I was edging about 2 nights ago and for the first time I came (a very small amount) without O. It was very strange and pretty sure its the first time it ever happened - I was M'ing and suddenly felt a little sticky fluid so stopped.

    This has been a persistent problem during my recovery - the constant edging in bed. I do it to replace the night cap that porn provides and mostly fantasize about screwing other women but just end up sore and frustrated and closer to PMO the next day bc I feel all worn out (dick is numb). This is, I think, one of the major factors behind my P compulsion - the desire to have casual encounters with random women that I never did before settling into a LTR (only had about 3 partners in my life). Has anyone here had a lot of experience with casual sex and found it fulfilling / unfulfilling? Sometimes I'm burning inside with angst - I want to sow wild oats but am old (34), don't feel attractive / desirable to women and, a little side note, love my partner dearly and would never want to hurt her. So P seems like the obvious solution right? Therein lies the dilemma...
  2. bobbybooyah

    bobbybooyah Fapstronaut

    Why don't you just fuck your partner? Then you won't be edging in bed and then you will think about her more and less about other girls. Seems like a win win.

    Part of why lots of guys seem to be on here is the PREFER PM over O with their girlfriend (or a partner they don't have). You seem like you aren't interested in your girlfriend sexually.
    NewDrug likes this.
  3. TomMoin

    TomMoin Fapstronaut

    just stop edging at all and then the next level of problem occurs (regulating you sexdrive). and stop your fantasizing about screwing women??? like what? raping them?
  4. bobbybooyah

    bobbybooyah Fapstronaut

    Why would you jump to rape? He didn't say anything about rape.
    NewDrug likes this.
  5. NewDrug

    NewDrug Fapstronaut

    Yeah...I don't know how you got to rape from "screwing other women" but that's a pretty big jump. Perhaps you're having rape fantasies and are uncomfortable with them so you're projecting @TomMoin? I have all kinds of fantasies when it comes to sex just like every other human being on this planet (rape fantasies included) and have been able to avoid much guilt because they are fantasies and harm no one. Please don't come at people in an accusatory way with your baggage on here - these forums are a place to help and heal.
  6. NewDrug

    NewDrug Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply Bobby - you bring up a great point and to be clear, I am sexually attracted to my girlfriend but actually having sex can feel like way more of an investment of time and energy and the possibility of rejection and a whole slew of other things that make porn so tempting to me as to many other men. When in the middle of a good streak, the frequency would occasionally rise from average but was generally 2-3 times a month, so not often. The thing is it didn't matter bc the sex was incredible and I made a point to record it in my journal soon after ("don't jerk off, it's worth the wait, this is what you want" or along these lines). I want to get to that place again and stay there (a healthy sex life with my gf) but I always seem to cave in to PMO around 2 weeks for a number of reasons - could be the fantasies about porn got to me, could be I asked and was rejected by gf, could be that I happen to not be particularly attracted enough to gf at the moment to make the effort but still want to reawaken my libido using P, could be I just relapsed and feel like I should just give up and go the easy way with P, could be I'm craving variety and having trouble with my aforementioned obsession with sowing wild oats and having experience with a wider variety of girls...etc. There is definitely a pattern of thinking while away from porn for long enough and either being around other women or being isolated at home away from other women: "porn is your only way out, if you give up porn, it's one woman for the rest of your life...", and even at the ripe old age of 34, this scares the shit out me my friend.
  7. bobbybooyah

    bobbybooyah Fapstronaut

    Humans aren't biologically made to have sex or orgasm once every few weeks. No wonder you are having problems. You get in a relationship so that you can have a healthy sex life. Could you be more in control, obviously, as you are having problems with waiting. But onto the completely different issue, something is wrong in your relationship if you have sex that little at your age. Are you guys like obese or have medical conditions? Does she travel out of town a lot to go to conventions for work? If none of that applies, then I think you both have some serious communication and intimacy issues to work out.
  8. bobbybooyah

    bobbybooyah Fapstronaut

    This is dysfunctional. It comes from lack of communication with your girlfriend.
  9. NewDrug

    NewDrug Fapstronaut

    When you say 2-3 times a month is "too little for my age" I'm curious to know how old you are and what you consider to be a normal frequency for people in an 8 yr. relationship. Have you ever been in a long term relationship? Too little for my age as in - too old for that or too young for that? Also curious to know how you back up your claim about the natural intended frequency of human orgasms. There's a lot of pseudo science in the NF community the often starts with "humans aren't made to" with little scientific backing.

    To answer your other questions, no we are not obese nor do we have have bad communication skills. I would go so far as to say we have excellent communication skills, are both aware that our sex life is not amazing and continue trying to work on how we communicate our needs to one another and set time aside. When we actually do make time, it is often amazing sex and she can get very into it, so I don't think it's that she doesn't like it but I would say that we have a very different idea of how frequently we'd like it to happen. We've been living at her mother's house for the past 4 yrs. and will be moving into a house of our own this year, so I've always suspected that this has seriously gotten in the way of things even though we have our own floor and the mother is out often. My gf does have a very stressful job that easily follows her outside of work so, yes, stress is a big factor. I honestly don't think it's abnormal for one's physical attraction to their partner to wane or for someone to become occasionally bored after 8 yrs. - maybe I'm deluded but from what I understand the divorce rate hasn't risen so rapidly because married couples are fucking each other's brains out 7 days a week. I'd say it's a major factor in the compulsive, escapist behavior many of us on here are dealing with.
  10. bobbybooyah

    bobbybooyah Fapstronaut

    I have been in an 8 year relationship and some 2 year relationships. We had a heck of a lot more sex than 2-3x a month.

    Heres what I see, sex is too much time and effort on your part, so masterbating seems like an attractive alternative. Sex seems easy and effortless to me, plenty of time before bed or when you wake up or i mean dont you guys have days off from work?

    And she denies you. Sorry you just arent turning her on or doing her right. I dont think ive ever been denied once in my whole life in the confines of a relationship, save because her period kicked in but i still did it anyways half the time and tried not to look. If i went more than 2 days w/o sex my gf would have attacked me, such as times when i had to go out of town or something.

    Last point, you girl sees you struggling, i dont think she loves you loves you, if you love someone you dont leave them hanging. Imagine she had the masterbation problem. Would you watch her struggle and keel denying her sex or would you fuck her? You would fuck her.
  11. bobbybooyah

    bobbybooyah Fapstronaut

    You are deluded. After 8 years i was so much more attracted to my girlfriend than i had been the day i met her. This is what im saying, after 8 years you should know her better than she knows herself, you should have a deep deep understanding of her. Knowing someone like that doesnt attract you to them? Its because 1. You arent at that level and 2. You are probably obsessed with physical beauty ie porn which has no intimacy. You should feel safe comfortable no pressure relaxed and that should make you enjoy sex with her.

    Occasional bordom, sure, but are you an adult or a child? A child will be like "i dont wanna" or be an adult and put in effort and be unbored. Thats a terrible excuse.
  12. NewDrug

    NewDrug Fapstronaut

    First of all, I'm happy for you - you should feel fortunate that you've had such a deep connection with your gf's and that physical beauty didn't seem to be an issue in the slightest for you after a certain point. That's the true love everyone's looking for, right? It also sounds like your libidos have been perfectly matched with all of the women you've been in relationships with, having not been rejected for sex once in all of those relationships (save for the periods). You must be a damn fine lover bobbybooyah. Any woman is lucky to have you.

    So considering these past relationships (not sure if you're in one now), what brings you to this site? Why would you choose stupid, fake, childish, shallow porn over either maintaining or seeking out another high quality relationship with regular sex?

    I think its possible to feel attracted to your partner, to feel like you know them, to understand what that feeling is like and, as you seem to have been able to do, to hold onto it, and to still find yourself battling porn addiction whether you're in a great relationship, in a shitty relationship or in no relationship. I wont argue with you that sex 2-3 times a month isn't a lot, and I don't know where you were at in your life when you were in these relationships, but the stresses of everyday life take a toll on anyone's sex life. To be honest, a big reason that timing it is so difficult is that, almost like clockwork, I get extremely anxious, irritable and exhausted after sex and it can last the whole day, making work almost impossible and making me lash out over just about anything. I know this and she is also aware of it to some extent, even though I've tried to hide it because I didn't want it to be a deterrent from sex. It basically rules out the morning or afternoon on a weekday because I'm fucked up the entire day afterward and can't think straight, and at night we're both exhausted from work and not in the mood. Occasionally one of us gives it a shot and the other reciprocates and it's almost always amazing sex, as previously mentioned. But the frequency suffers.

    I am NOT whining because I've been occasionally rejected by my gf and I think its absurd to think that my partner may not love me because she won't fuck me everytime I ask her to - recovering porn addict or not. Porn is a very different thing than sex and it satisfies a selfish and perverse craving - something I'm guessing you know very well. It's perfectly natural, no matter how old you are or how long you've been in a relationship, to fantasize about other people and to yearn for new experiences.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2018
  13. bobbybooyah

    bobbybooyah Fapstronaut

    1. I wanted to try a nofap challenge, I looked at porn all the time and masterbated a lot. Wanted to try something new. Didnt really cause any problems for me. Testing willpower trying to learn something etc.

    2. Why do you get anxious irratable and exhaused after sex? That isnt typical. Have you looked into medical or psychological causes of that. I mean maybe exhausted like you want to cuddle and pass out, thats normal. But if its during the day i simply get out of bed and im fine. One of my exs just was here and we had sex twice and then we cuddled and she read to me. All very pleasant.

    3. For about 5 years I managed about 25 employees, worked 60hrs a week and was working to keep a struggling company afloat. I also had to live out of a hotel for 2 months because of unexpected move and difficulty finding a new house. Also injured my wrist in such a way it was impossible to be on top very well. Very stressful few years. Didnt change the sex at all, except made her go on top much more for awhile. Tbh saying you are stressed sounds like an excuse. Sex is supposed to be relaxing. Why isnt sex relaxing for you?

    4. No. You guys are perfectly matched. It sounds like you dont put much effort in and neither does she. Not trying to be rude, just letting you know what an outsider sees. Id never let my girl hang, ever. I personally think its morally wrong. Part of a relationship is to satisfy your partners needs. If i make a committment im going to stick with it. And i hold a girlfriend to the same standards. I know its not PC but yes you are owed sex, its your right (same goes for her too).
  14. NewDrug

    NewDrug Fapstronaut

    1. I'm glad to hear that you wanted to improve your life without doing it out of necessity. I can't say the same for myself - my life isn't exactly falling apart bc of porn (which is part of what makes it hard to quit), but it has been seriously keeping me from growing in myriad ways.

    2. Frankly, I have no idea. I don't think I'm alone though - almost every account I've read in the NF community clearly mentions "brain fog" lasting a long time after sex - i.e. extreme exhaustion and the inability to concentrate. This, for me, can lead to a lot of frustration bc I'm basically unable to think, feel out of control, and this leads to anger. It goes beyond this though. I'm an anxious person in general and have suffered extreme panic attacks in the past due to excessive drinking (alcohol) and I'm sure this is tied to it. I've read about others experiencing it online but, yes, I probably suffer from it way more than normal and I'm not sure how to fix it.

    3. That's great that you able to find a balance in your life with all that stress. For me and her, I see it more as a constant feeling that we need to be working in our off hours and this makes it hard to relax.