Long Term Health Risks of NoFap

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by ZenAF, Feb 26, 2018.

Does this study make you reconsider your ejaculation frequency?

  1. No. The study doesn't concern me at all.

  2. No. I recognise the risk but it's not worth it to break my celibacy.

  3. Somewhat. I'm considering to increase my ejaculation frequency slightly.

  4. Yes. I'm going to alter my NoFap-plan significally to reduce the risk.

    0 vote(s)
  5. Yes! I've never heard this before, I'm scared shitless and going to quit NoFap!

    0 vote(s)
  1. ZenAF

    ZenAF Fapstronaut

    Fellow NoFappers

    This issue is something that concerned me about the NoFap way before I even understood the severity of my own addiction and joined NoFap.

    In 2016 researchers from Harvard University released a study involving 31'925 men (age 20-29 and 40-49) of which they observed the ejaculation frequency over a period of 18 years.

    The study appears to show a statistically significant reduction in prostate cancer cases when the men masturbate frequently.

    Men who were in the category of 21 ejaculations per month show the lowest risk of developing prostate cancer. The difference isn't huge compared to the lower frequency categories but relevant enough to note, not only because the study is very thorough. It's a large sample of the population and it takes many factors into account, like age, height, BMI, alcohol intake, race, and others.

    The researchers assume that through ejaculation the body may flush out cancer-determining toxins.

    Here's a link to the study: http://www.europeanurology.com/article/S0302-2838(16)00377-8/fulltext#sec0030


    But considering some people on this forum go an entire year without masturbation and don't have girlfriends/wife's yet to take care of business, I think it's information worth knowing.
    For my part it's reason enough to never go full cold turkey. I'm at the very beginning of my restoration process, so I'll go longer without MO, but as soon as I've normalized after a couple month I'll definitely keep ejaculating once a week.

    I'm interested to know what you think about this.
    Full ahead likes this.
  2. Yeah this study pops up all the time.

    Rather than jerking off 5 times a week to reduce your chance of prostate cancer by a percentage that is statitically significant, I would suggest working on factors that decrease cancer rates from the ouste: smoking, drinking, diet, exercise, mental health, overall well being.
  3. ZenAF

    ZenAF Fapstronaut

    Sure, but those factors you mentioned like smoking, drinking etc. are separate categories. Meaning they don't have the same impact as ejaculating.
    It's like saying if you want to lose weight, you shouldn't focus on your diet, just make sure you exercise enough. It's not the same thing.
  4. Okay. Then I would jerk off 21+ times per month and ignore the rest. Then you can die from cardiac arrest, lung cancer, liver cirrhosis, morbid obesity, brain annuerism or stroke before you get prostate cancer. Which the risk of is only lowered a small percentage by all that ejaculating.

    Yes I understand the factors I mentioned are separate categories from what the research was testing. My point is that by focusing on that minutia you ignore stuff that has a greater impact on prostate cancer (and cancer in general). These studies are great for finding out how our biology works but I would advise against using them as one’s primary means of prostate health.
    Moatasem likes this.
  5. Timeon

    Timeon Fapstronaut

    I skimmed through the study and it does not state if the men who were studied were married, has a partner or if they masturbated. Because there are studies out there that married men live longer and are more happy than single men.
  6. Slamex

    Slamex Fapstronaut

    I think it's safe to say we're all going to die. One way or another. Live a long happy life die of old age. Be fit and healthy get hit by a bus. Live in the now. But do take precautions to ensure you look after your health.
  7. ZenAF

    ZenAF Fapstronaut

    I heard that too that married men are happier. That's also in alignment with my beliefs. Regarding the partner/masturbation-point that doesn't really matter if you just count the number of ejaculations. It's hard to factor in "marriage-happiness" into cancer risk. Although happiness does have an impact on your health, it's not directly measurable.

    I never suggested to use ejaculation as the only or primary means of prostate health. You are of course right that the total impact of other cancer prevention methods is greater than ejaculation alone. But I still don't see how that's an argument to neglect the ejaculation factor as such.
    Look I totally understand if you say I don't care because it's worth it to me to take a risk. I take a risk every time I smoke and I have my reasons. But it's off the point to suggest that doing x-amount of other things to prevent cancer is enough. Because ejaculation is a separate category and might just be the one thing that gives you cancer in the end, despite all your efforts.