Please help guys, so important.

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by RunForrestRun, Feb 9, 2018.

  1. Lapu-Lapu

    Lapu-Lapu Fapstronaut

    Well that sucks balls man, but anyways as the cliche saying goes "there are plenty of fishes in the sea" I'm also on the same boat as I have no idea if the girl I like has a boyfriend and I don't even know her name! I know I should ask her but now isn't the appropriate time as I'm focusing my time on something else and can't afford any distractions.

    Anyways, glad to hear your story man good fortune on your travels
  2. RunForrestRun

    RunForrestRun Fapstronaut

    Guys, I'm so sorry. I lied to you because, I felt like "fck it, I'm not gonna talk ti this girl because I cant do anything with someone like this". Im really sorry.
  3. RunForrestRun

    RunForrestRun Fapstronaut

    Guess what happened :) I saw her im the bus stop, stopped right in front of her and opened my cars window, and said "(name), we're going to same place, you can come with me if you want too" she said something like "no," and I said "it's cold, we're going to same place " (and it was dark too), and she said "I don't wanna give you trouble, or something like that, (her voice is to low, hard to hear). And again, I said we're in the same class, and we're going to same place. Then she hopped in :) :)

    I don't even know what I was thinking, I mean saying to somw girl; "you wanna come with me?" İs just not me :) but I did it.

    Driving took just 5 min, but we talked about lessons. İ said that "you look so hardworking", and she said that " not much, but I say you look so hardworking"

    :) :) :) :) I'm so fckn happy
    MrMurk, pezzer, Petros Santos and 2 others like this.
  4. RunForrestRun

    RunForrestRun Fapstronaut

    Man, I'm so happy but, she is so so so much quiet. I mean I had to ask everything 2 times in car, its impossible to hear whats she's saying.

    What Im afraid is, even after 2 months from now, if I say my feelings to her, it looks like she will reject. She is acting like, I dont know, not like any girls.
    pezzer likes this.
  5. RunForrestRun

    RunForrestRun Fapstronaut

    I need more advice guys :) how the hell I'm gonna handle this after this very moment?
    pezzer likes this.
  6. MasterGamer

    MasterGamer Fapstronaut

    Man your a beast good job bro ! You finally did it ! I am happy for you man
    Milhouse Van Houten likes this.
  7. I don't think you need any more advice on here. You've done the whole 'Lemme give you a ride' all by yourself man. Trust your feelings you must.
  8. GeneralismoKilgore

    GeneralismoKilgore Fapstronaut

    Bud we've all been there.
    The trick is not to get to hung up on the idea of outcomes and actually enjoy the chance to get to know her better. You will find that if you are friendly and honest, and not hung up on outcomes then it can be a liberating experience. You have to approach it from a win/win mind set.

    I've went through the same sort of thing, and it sucks.

    A few things that can help you with learning confidence in situations is look if your college has a local improv group, join it and start participating. It forces you to approach weird situations, with the idea of yes, and will help you learn how to deal with things on the fly.

    Don't get hung up on outcomes, your slowly starting to move on this, and it helps to have the idea of nothing ventured nothing gained, and its all experience. If this doesn't work out, you will meet another girl that you like, and we all have to start from somewhere.

    Another thing that will really help, read some books on how to influence people, be friendly to her and her friends, even the one you don't like you can be cordial to. It will show her, that you are not an asshole, that the friend probably makes you out to be.

    Take things calmly, love is one of those messy games you just have to keep playing.
  9. Lapu-Lapu

    Lapu-Lapu Fapstronaut

    I've heard of that book so much for a while now, pray tell, is it really that good? and how is it different from like manipulation tricks that you play to get others to like you even more?
  10. Milhouse Van Houten

    Milhouse Van Houten Fapstronaut

    My number one piece of advice for getting to know any girl:


    I know some guys believe in this imaginary "friend zone" that supposedly halts their advances but in my experience (and I'm a short, hairy guy) girls just want you to be kind and honest. Don't just be that "nice guy" who is basically a yes-man and agrees to everything she says but be real, be a real friend to her and be as honest as you can be.
    I give guys advice all the time on their relationships All else I can say is talk to them the same way you would talk to any other close friend. It's no manipulative "trick", it's just being an honest person, being a legitimate human being who doesn't need to justify his actions.

    Some lyrics from a heavy metal song my song wrote come to mind:
    "You've got the attitude, no need to prove it - You've got testosterone, know how to use it".
    Soren K., Mr. E and Deleted Account like this.
  11. RunForrestRun

    RunForrestRun Fapstronaut

    Guys, today was so bad. We had just 1 lesson (just 60 minutes, and lesson was in the evening. So I had to wait till the evening). I had a nice haircut today, wear some nice clothes. I was looking good.
    I was there 1 hour ago, she was not there. Then lesson started, after 20 mins, she came with her friends.
    I mean, I was there 1 hour ago, just hoped that maybe she came earlier too, by that my intention was talking to her more and sitting with her. But that's not happened.
    After the lesson, I saw her leawing school with her girlfriend ( with his girlfriend and gf s boyfriend, in his car).
    So, I just had a chance to say good evening to her when shes going in the guys car. And she was so shy, when saying "good evening to you too", she was not looking at my face.
    I mean I was walking when saying good evening, but I looked at her face directly. And they fckn gone. No chance to have some conversation.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018
  12. RunForrestRun

    RunForrestRun Fapstronaut

    Tomorrow is my last chance. After that, I need to wait 2 BIG days. I cant wait that much.
    I mean I just want to hug the my cars right seat, the one she sit in my car. Im really falling for this girl. Already did. I will and this ASAP
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018
    MasterGamer likes this.
  13. GeneralismoKilgore

    GeneralismoKilgore Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't say tricks, they are more in the realm of hacks if you will. If you want the science behind tricking or manipulating people, that is an entirely different set of books, which you will need to find yourself.
    These are not generally related to game theory, though there is some credit in the works of Strauss and Mystery in overcoming approach anxiety. These are more for dealing with all people from all walks of life.

    How to win friends and influence people - Dale Carnagie
    It's a classic on how to talk to people and get them on your side, I've read it several times now, it does work if you apply it.

    The Science of Likeability - Patrick King
    Currently going through this one, and I like it. A lot is based on pure psychological studies, so no technobabble or lack of observable phenomena.
    Lapu-Lapu likes this.
  14. RunForrestRun

    RunForrestRun Fapstronaut

    Wow, this is the 14th day. Time is passing really fast. Since I dont care about pmo, it's not hard to stay away from pmo
  15. Prince The Alpha Male

    Prince The Alpha Male Fapstronaut

  16. Let me give this a try. There is no girl in the world that can make you whole. Two halves don’t make a whole person. Two whole people make for good company. Be kind to yourself, relax and enjoy. Chicks dig that. Be yourself.
    Soren K. and MasterGamer like this.
  17. RunForrestRun

    RunForrestRun Fapstronaut


    Guess what happened guys? :)
    Today, after lessons, I invited her to have a coffee with me, and she said yes :) :) :) We talked like more than an hour. I get her number :) Tomorrow I will take her (with car ofc), and we will go to the school together :)
  18. PSC94

    PSC94 Fapstronaut

    Am I missing something or this girl still has a boyfriend, no?
    Lapu-Lapu likes this.