Please help guys, so important.

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by RunForrestRun, Feb 9, 2018.

  1. RunForrestRun

    RunForrestRun Fapstronaut

    Guys; there is this girl from my class, I really like her. But I have a problem with one of her girlfriends (we were friends once, but no more. Shes like evil. I dont like her, she dont likes me). Because of that, I have no chance to get close to my girl (I mean like drinking some coffee in college). But I have her number, because we're in the same whtsapp group (a group for everyone in our class). Once, we had a small talk from whtsapp, just asking about some lesson, nothing more.
    I followed her on instgram, she followed me back. But thats very normal I think, cs were in the same class and know eachother.
    + I dont know if she has a boyfriend
    I'm so desperate guys, what should I do? Please help me, I dont want to stay platonic, I don't want to lose her. If she has no boyfriend, anytime she can get one and that would be total end for me. I have to get to action right now.
    Waiting for your advices, but this is an emergency. I need you guys right now.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2018
    pezzer likes this.
  2. Go up to her and say: "Hi, [name], I think you're very pretty, would you like to have a coffee with me sometime?". If she agrees - great! If she refuses - move on. :)
  3. RunForrestRun

    RunForrestRun Fapstronaut

    Man thanks a lot for your advice, but if she doesn't, ım done. Everybody, even she herself would make fun of me. Were in college, you know.
    And I never done something like that much fast with girls
  4. Do you know how big balls you have to have to pull that off? If you do it, she will most likely be impressed by your courage. If she laughs or puts you down then you don't want anything to do with such a girl. I did it in high school, she said yes, we were together for 7 months.

    If it makes it easier for you, go ask her when she is alone. And don't be concerned with what others would think. I know that embarrassment seems like the end of the world in college but it really doesn't matter at all later in life that someone laughed at you in school.
  5. RunForrestRun

    RunForrestRun Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot. Its good to hear that from someone good at this. Firstly, tomorrow I will talk to one of my pals, (he knows everyone better than me) I'll ask him if she's alone/with bf. If shes alone, if I can man up, I will ask her. Thing is, I'm not living in US (wish I could). Our culture is not like US culture. Thats why I'm so scared.
  6. Hey, I'm not good at this and I know how hard it can be. But sometimes you just have to man up and do it. And I'm not from the USA either, I'm from Europe. I wish you good luck and hope she says yes :)
  7. RunForrestRun

    RunForrestRun Fapstronaut

    I wish me luck too, looks like I have to man up. I can see her on monday. I will write the results
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Lonewolfpt

    Lonewolfpt Fapstronaut

    Wish you the best.
  9. RunForrestRun

    RunForrestRun Fapstronaut

    thanks a lot, you got any different advices bro?
  10. HighFlyer

    HighFlyer Fapstronaut

    Sort of classic issues. Everyone of us had a crush on some classmate during his school days, believe me. Don't make it bigger than it is. You may think that it would be the end of the world if she rejects you. In reality, nobody will remember it within few days. There are a lot of new things going on to care about.
    Just come to her after the classes and ask if she wanna hang out sometime. Thats it. If she agree, great. If no, great too, you would know what she thinks about you and you could move on. Give us some update in monday. good luck!
  11. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    Why would it be the end of you if she has a boyfriend or if she rejected you?

    Why are you unable to ask her to have coffee with you?

    The problem here isn't whether or not she'll become your girlfriend.

    The problem is you barely know this girl and she's able to end your world. The problem is you see her as above you and you're unable to ask her to have coffee with you even though her answer is out of your control. The problem is you don't want to express yourself honestly to her because you don't think you're good enough for someone you barely know.

    Having her as a girlfriend would be nice, but do you really want to stay as you are and require somebody else to validate your self worth?
  12. RunForrestRun

    RunForrestRun Fapstronaut

    You're completely right. I actually don't care if she rejects me, after that; I'll still be myself. It's just like, I have a place in my college. People respects me, I'm the best student in the class. People have some perspective about me, I mean they see me as a "hardworker, clever guy". I don't even say hi to all of the guys (just to ones I like as a friend), cs I don't like them, cs I'm clever; that makes them jealous about me.

    What I'm trying to say is; for a guy like me, being rejected is just like losing my place in my college/community. That's all. I have things to lose, I think. But I'm not a scared wierdo.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2018
  13. That’s just your ego talking. I recommend reading:
    Dr Mark Epstein - Advice Not Given. A guide to getting over yourself.
    Peter Hollins - The Science of Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone
    PedroCalrissian likes this.
  14. RunForrestRun

    RunForrestRun Fapstronaut

    Guys, I'm just scared. I think I'm just not able to talk to her. Cs I believe she's gonna reject me :( I mean it's obvious...
  15. Well you have two options: torment yourself by the uncertainty or go and find out for sure. It's not easy but the whole excruciating moment will be exactly that - a moment. Whatever her reaction, you will feel much better a few minutes after asking her :)
  16. RunForrestRun

    RunForrestRun Fapstronaut

    That's right, but she's always with her friends. I have a post in 20-24 years old section. I explained it there. Can you read it please
  17. RunForrestRun

    RunForrestRun Fapstronaut

    That's just being scared. Never had a girlfriend, im 20 now. So I have no experience. When I talk to her, she will think that I'm weirdo, cs I don't know how to talk to girls. Now, I don't care about what people will think, I mean if she rejects me, I will not feel shy cs of people. I'm over that. But it's to hard, I've always been alone, not so talkative. I'm trying to change, but in this age, its hard. People handled this situation when they're 15-16 in highschool. But im 20 and scared.
  18. Elcamino

    Elcamino Fapstronaut

    A. don't worry about the friend, she has nothing to do with you and the girl your are pursuing's relationship
    B. say Hi and keep it simple, tell her how you feel and she'll always have respect for you either way
  19. RunForrestRun

    RunForrestRun Fapstronaut

    Man, Im gonna be really honest;

    I just can't see myself good enough for her. Actually, I dont see myself good enough for any girl. I dont know why but thats it, being always alone made me like this. And the PMO ofc. Anytime I man up and talk to some girl; they reject me. It really sucks. That made my confidence very low.

    And this girl, I'm thinking about her for almost 4 months. And never had a confidence. Last night I cried like a f**kng baby. Because i felt like im gonna fail in this girl too, and after that, in sometime, I will see her with someone else. That is always what I get.
    MasterGamer likes this.
  20. You should probably see a specialist about your problem and work on yourself and on your confidence.