How to make sure kiss without bad breath with alcohol?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by green lion eating the sun, Feb 7, 2018.

  1. I am going on my first date after a year (1 year without s. and last time I kissed was July 2016)

    I am excited about this date (I am a girl btw and I am 26). fully rebooted and in March I will celebrate 1 year PMO free :emoji_birthday:

    I will grab a drink with this guy tomorrow night and I am glad/afraid :emoji_beers: it has been a long time since i have been with a guy in any intimate way. I don't even remember how to kiss. i used to kiss very good but without practice i have no idea anymore

    what worries more and wanna make sure it goes smoothly and good is the kissing part. I am not a teenager anymore so I imagine he will try to kiss me at some point during the date:emoji_kiss:

    with my last ex we kissed for months until i started having bad breath so then i didn't even try to kiss my last guy or to talk about that coz i felt bad about it but we kept having s. and he always liked the s. we had. but the fact he stopped kissing me but kept having s with me, put me down, my self-confidence, my self-esteem:emoji_weary:

    So I am afraid to kiss again. I don't want to get a reaction where the guy is not too happy and feel bad breath from me. that would be humiliating

    I am a beer person (don't drink dark beers though) but probably beer gives the wost smell as alcoholic drink before a kiss. He will take me to an Irish pub:emoji_beer::emoji_cocktail::emoji_wine_glass::emoji_tumbler_glass::emoji_tropical_drink:

    i don't think my breath is bad now but i would like some advice especially from guys and what they like in this:emoji_persevere::emoji_raising_hand:

    some guys i went on dates in the past always had chewing gums after pub and offered me one. would it improve the smell if i don't have a too good breath? i was thinking i should grab a cocktail like a mojito light to reduce at max chances to have a bad breath. I wanna be at my best and confident as i usually am :emoji_dancer:

    can i check myself if i have not too good breath?

    i look 13 with these stupid questions but i wanna feel good at this date and don't wanna get a disgusted face from the guy
  2. If he's been drinking too, I highly doubt he'll care or even notice if you have alcohol breath.
    GG2002 likes this.
  3. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    I’m female older than you 40 but I have to tell you that in all my years of dating I don’t recall once thinking about my breath before kissing someone! Or if I did it was for a few seconds. So just a thought but maybe you are overthinking this a bit. You said you and your ex used to kiss before you got bad breath can you explain what happened? We all have bad breath at some point in the day it’s normal!! I wonder if whatever your ex said to you gave you a complex and that’s why you are concerned?

    First you don’t have to kiss on the first date if you do not want to and are uncomfortable. Second unless you have morning breath times ten I highly doubt a guy will notice it and even if he does he will blow it off because again we all have bad breath. A guy who is not interested in you because you have bad breath after drinking is not a guy you want to be with. That’s very superficial.

    If you are that concerned then don’t drink a beer. Drink a seltzer water with lemon or lime in it and tell him you are not drinking that night or pretend it’s a mixed drink with vodka no one will know. Yes breath mints, gum, mouth wash all can cover it up but if often ends up smelling and tasting like bad breath covered up with mints! The only true solution is to go to the bathroom and brush your teeth and tongue. Amazon makes prepasted toothbrushes that you use once and throw away. I have braces so I carry them all the time.

    But really my advice is focus on having a good time. If a kiss happens and you both enjoy it great. If not oh well. It just seems you may be robbing what could be a very fun time of its joy by over focusing on something that really does not matter. Good luck!
  4. There is a way you can test your own breath since your mouth is directly under your nose you can sometimes become desensitized to it. The best way though is to lick the back of your hand and allow it to dry away from your nose, then smell the spot you just licked.

    That's about as close as you can get to smelling your own breath.

    +1 on this
  5. This is true:

    However; after some careful research it has become known to me if you take a girl to an irish pub after she's not been kissed for a year and a half, the guy aka (Irish Pub Date Guy) is completely obligated by international law under the pains and penalty of death to plant one epic, leg raising wet one on her.

    Signed: Universe
  6. Congrats on the year PMO free!

    Beer makes bad alcohol breath. Vodka is probably the least offensive. Carry mints with you and pop em regularly. Peppermint would be my suggestion since it’s strong and masks most odors. Listenine also makes strips that melt on your tongue that you can carry in your pocket. Or stash mouthwash in your purse and hit the restroom. Or carry all three and use as needed.

    If you think the bad breath is a regular thing, go see your dentist. Chronic halitosis is almost always a symptom of a bigger oral health problem (gingivitis, accessed tooth, cavities, etc).
    GG2002 likes this.
  7. first of all thank you :emoji_relaxed: hearing women's opinions is nice about this too :emoji_ok_woman:

    @DemonSemen i would like your opinion given you are a guy about this stuff below i wrote about my ex's behaviour about the bad breath:

    basically me and my last guy kissed for months. thinking that he used to like the way i kissed him (biting softly his bottom lip).. then i got bad breath (i was eating junk food in that period) and his behaviour made feel bad about it. at the beginning he was playing, leaning closer to kiss me and i would like refuse to kiss him coz i felt he did to make fun of me

    so i didn't try to kiss him anymore only hugs, caress and contact during s. and sleep, holding hands (we kept doing everything except kisses). i gave up and didn't care about eating more healthy coz i thought what is the point in the sense he won't kiss me and i didn't have the courage to actually talk about that with him. it was very embarassing for me

    then he was when out in a pub he would chew a gum and then ask me if i wanted one, i said yes but he didn't try to kiss me. i dunno maybe he meant it a reminder "you have bad breath" and that's it. i took it bad. he did this more than once, the chewing gum stuff but didn't lean to kiss me even the last time we went on a date a year ago. i don't understand why he did it

    the fact i had bad breath didn't make him lose interest in having s. with me. he should have, i guess instead he was always fully satisfied in s. with me. technically for males and females that should be a huge turn off

    technically a kiss is not due on the 1st date but it is one of the main reasons i wanna re-start dating :emoji_joy: plus i am not a very patient person when it comes to picking up and guys i want. i want to feel i am on a date with a guy i like for dating material and it doesn't look like hanging out with a sibling or a friend. i like feeling that kind of s. tension otherwise it is boring for me. i like to go straight to the point. i won't have s. though. i am just saying i want to feel excited about seeing him again and i wanna test the waters from the beginning

    but i dunno in this case. i should adjust to dating again. honestly i feel a bit scared like my first date ever. i hope i have a good date and the guy is good to me and treats me good :emoji_green_heart:
  8. this sounds like a single incident of junk food bad breath that you became self conscious about, the guy picked up on your vibe and subsequently stopped kissing you, which has lead you to be insecure now about your breath.

    People offer gum when they use b/c it is courteous, not necessarily b/c of your breath. Guys have no problem not kissing as long as they get sex. Some may prefer b/c then it’s “just sex.”

    My point is you may be insecure about your breath from one instance. Not sure if this one guy’s reactions necessarily point to that.

    Instead of wondering about it, just figure it out. Do you have bad breath? If you do, let’s fix it.
    GG2002 likes this.
  9. I remember one girl whose breath could be described as "bad", probably because of whatever weird drinks she'd had.

    It didn't really bother me, I hadn't kissed anyone in ages before that lol. I think if you like someone then a little thing like that isn't a big deal.
    Hitto and GG2002 like this.
  10. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    Lol. But what if said girl Meers said guy and they don’t click and don’t want to kiss each other?
  11. Guy
    Irish Pub
    She is a "Beer" Girl

    Whomever this lad is he's clearly hit the jackpot, he should propose marriage before the nights over!
    Hitto likes this.
  12. First your prolly overly paranoid but...
    Bad breathe comes from a slew of things: diet, oral hygiene, and what you ate/drank and overall general health, so be cautious and aware of that.

    I don't like having bad breathe or a partner who does but will deal with it in the moment. (But for me can slightly damper the mood)

    Brush well, brush gums and tongue regulary: that's where bad breathe usually lingers. Gargle mouthwash. When going out for dinner if it's a first date maybe avoid garlic onions and drink can switch to a vodka soda would help. Gum or a small mouthwash help.

    Usually it's not a huge deal but sometimes can be bad.

    I'm do a ketogenic diet often and transition into it always produces bad breath so I'll carry mints and up the oral hygiene around these times. And one thing I stole from my ex is if someone sleeps over I wake up a little early and rinse my mouth before coming back to bed in the morning.
  13. Thanks for your advice :) my last ex made me feel self-conscious about that and it put me down honestly. yeah I know i am getting paranoid and need to calm down. i just want to make it good for me not worse for my self-esteem for the kiss stuff. feeling the stress i had before my first date

    i decided tomorrow in the morning i will go a buy a mouthwash (will use once before going to the gym :emoji_lifter:) and another time before going to my date. throughout the day i will test my breath it is not bad really now but just wanna have a good breath :emoji_100:%. then i will decide if bringing in my bag chewing gums or no

    when i work out i always feel so good and confident about myself. perfect for pre-date :emoji_dancer:

    we'll just drink alcohol at the pub, I am sure. i will eat before going there to avoid having empty stomach and feeling tipsy/drunk that it is something i wanna avoid lol. i will see the drinks menu but won't opt for a beer, even red wine or a mojito, def a light drink. vodka soda is not my cup of tea
    GG2002 likes this.
  14. Y
    Yea sucks you had an ex make you feel that way. I try to let people know but should never make them feel awkward. Most guys don't notice/care too much, however that little extra to freshen-up may be noticed and appreciated
  15. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    Impossible especially if a tight fitting sweater is worn.
    Merovingian likes this.
  16. thank you for your support :emoji_relaxed: I do appreciate it :emoji_bouquet:
  17. btw i went on this 1st date and i went ok. i liked talking with the guy. he asked me if i wanted to hang out again and i said yes so let's see
    about my breath, i didn't feel confident enough for the breath stuff even though the guy said i was very confident

    I bought on Thursday Listerine zero and a tongue scraper to see if it fixed it. especially since i have been taking this Listerine zero my lips are very dry. I now put some lip balm. my mouth is incredibly dry. before taking listerine it was not dry. this listerine makes me feel i haven't drunk water in 6 years. i think i will stop taking it. i thought it would have fixed the issue quickly. so obviously i didn't want to kiss him even though the guy wanted to kiss me during the date. i want to make sure i am 100% ok with that. i want to fix it asap max a week

    this morning i started brushing my teeth with baking soda. the taste of baking soda was strong but it looks like i am going ok i guess. now i prepared a peppermint tea :emoji_tea: i saw a video where a lady recommended it to have a fresh breath. so i brushed my teeth with baking soda and then used normal toothpaste and i keep drinking a lot of water and avoid junk food at all cost also eating basil leaves

    I want to be able to make out if i want to lol and be completely confident about that. it is important. i finished my peppermint tea and i feel better much more than mouthwash with chemical stuff in there
  18. You're putting an obscene amount of pressure on yourself to avoid simple bad breath. I have a feeling all your efforts are really about something else entirely.
    GG2002 likes this.
  19. What do you mean? This is the only issue to fix. I know I may sound obsessed but would you like to kiss a woman when you start dating her that shows bad breath?

    My last guy stopped kissing me for 5 months until he left me (he kept having 's. With me though). Even when we met again after the breakup 4 months later he didn't even try to kiss my mouth and instead kissed my chest. That made me feel bad and hit my confidence a lot

    I sort of have some acidic taste in my mouth and hopefully i'll get rid of it very soon. This bugs me. I am on a diet now also good for my body and mind too

    Dont wanna get a bad reaction from a guy that kisses me. Like disgusted and he won't text me ever again. I would feel even worse. All that confident the guy from this date told me i was would go straight to the bin

    He texted me today again asking how's my weekend going. I told him what I did today and ended the text with a smiling emoji :) I guess during the date he wasn't sure if I liked him back
  20. You could use Smart Mouth, it can get rid of bad breath.