Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by 2525, Oct 2, 2017.

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  1. Guyperson

    Guyperson Fapstronaut

  2. newdawn(10-17)

    newdawn(10-17) Fapstronaut

  3. K423

    K423 Fapstronaut

    I don't mind at all! I have not yet tried a cold shower to be honest. It pertains more to my lack of focus/ wandering eyes. I often find myself very distracted at my university when I sit down somewhere to study/ do homework. I'm always looking around/ towards attractive girls which makes me feel weird/ creepy- not to mention unproductive. So I tried setting a timer, during which I would try my best not to look away from my work. Something small like 5 minutes, after which I'd either look around briefly or simply restart the timer. It helped a lot that first day I tried it!
    As I've been dealing with my wandering eyes, I've realised how they're trying to use real women as a replacement for porn and how checking them out excessively prompts me toward porn. I think keeping control of my eyes is the next step to take on my road to freedom because where my eyes go, so to does my mind.
    paradigmshifter likes this.
  4. K423

    K423 Fapstronaut

    Missed yesterday, so I'm checking in for days 6 and 7!
  5. Since01_11_2018

    Since01_11_2018 Fapstronaut

  6. Zephil

    Zephil Fapstronaut

    Really good idea K423. I deal with wandering eyes, by thinking, fix myself first. In all things, including fitness, affluence health and then instead of just looking I could be dating. I like the timer idea. I could use that excellent idea in so many ways. Thanks for taking the time to answer me. Keep at it buddy. We will get there.
  7. pablo150

    pablo150 Fapstronaut

    Today at night, after three weeks I was relapse. It's my fault because when I came from pub I didn't go to sleep but I scroll fb, insta and other websites. I was a little drunk which made the fall easier. But I don't give up and I'm fighting. Let's start this challenge again.
    day 0/30
  8. Zephil

    Zephil Fapstronaut

    4/30 Well what a year so far. This is the best start to a new year I've ever had. I stopped pmo and drinking after a boxing day binge that wasn't my worst but definitely the straw that broke the camels back I would do so well and then after a few weeks I would get drunk and I would go on the internet and I would surf p and I always felt so bad about it the next day to the point where I would have an anxiety attack for the whole weekend and feel incredible shame.

    No more. Moods etc still up and down but I'm not going back to the Oldways. I'm worth so much more than that. This site and the community are the absolute best. What a difference it makes to not do it alone, to have the support and to support others, fantastic.
    slitebg likes this.
  9. Rocky11234

    Rocky11234 Fapstronaut

    Day 30 :) Today is the last day of this challange.
    Guys flatline i am going through. It is better than what i was before nofap.
    Hope soon will win this. :)
    Best of luck guys to complete this challange.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2018
  10. Michael Sternig

    Michael Sternig Fapstronaut

    Day 30,challenge completed!
  11. Amarion

    Amarion Fapstronaut

    I'm ok
    slitebg likes this.
  12. alex_volodin

    alex_volodin Fapstronaut

  13. Day 7/30 Done
    Unfortunately it seems my urges are back once again, ah well, it was nice not having them for a while.
  14. hexotl

    hexotl Fapstronaut

    And day 17 done! But I feel a bit down, sprained my ankle and had to stay home over the last couple of days and loneliness got to me. But a friend is visiting me today, so I am going to feel better soon :)
    Icematey and slitebg like this.
  15. Poagu

    Poagu Fapstronaut

    2/30. Doing well so far
    slitebg likes this.
  16. Tleilax87

    Tleilax87 Fapstronaut

    I hear you Brother! For me it is the same, the first two weeks are not that tough, almost enjoyable even as you feel good with each day you succeed and the will is strong. After two weeks however that insidious voice creeps in and starts going to work. I failed this challenge last time at 16 days, I gave into that voice which said "Just fantasize a little bit, it won't hurt, its not P" big mistake. Thing is for me I also feel that its a mental battle, the body is strong but around that time I have to be extra vigilant and what really gets me is being tired. Its like around that time I need 9 hours sleep or something and if I am tired then I am going into battle without my armour or shield.

    If you are up for it, why don't we check in with each other around that time mark? I am interested as to why this is. Is it a time limit we have created for ourselves? As in we believe its difficult then so we make it difficult or is there something else going on.

    Big love bro and stay strong, you got this!
    slitebg likes this.
  17. Tleilax87

    Tleilax87 Fapstronaut

    Day 5 today!
    slitebg likes this.
  18. One more and counting!!!
    slitebg likes this.