Best Documentaries on Netflix

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Jan 28, 2018.

  1. Netflix have offered a new trial so I was wondering what are the best documentaries you've seen on it. What would you recommend?
    Deadlihood and tiredofbeingtired like this.
  2. One I watched was "Gleason" but I must warn you its heavy stuff. It's about Steve Gleason's battle/journey with ALS. Very powerful.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Do you have any specific areas/topics you’re interested in? Or any doc in general?
    tiredofbeingtired likes this.
  4. I'm watching Netflix about a chess champion
  5. tiredofbeingtired

    tiredofbeingtired Fapstronaut

    Planet Earth, Planet Earth II, Blue Planet, 13th and Tower are supposed to be really good. Chef's Table, Jiro Dreams of Sushi, Blackfish, Into the Inferno, Cowspiracy (this is made with a biased and sensationalist tone BUT the information and general message of the movie is accurate and more people need to educate themselves about the topic), The True Cost.

    Definitely watch Virunga and the Ivory Game.
    Min95, Deleted Account and MLMVSS like this.
  6. Min95

    Min95 Fapstronaut

    Planet Earth II is the best thing on TV in my opinion
    Awakeatlast and Deleted Account like this.
  7. History, music, sports, different cultures/countries, stories of interesting people.

    I've added that. I have never been able to rap my head around the rules of chess and hope watching it might help me understand the game more.

    I live in the UK and could watch them on BBC One before they come to Netflix but I've never got into Attenborough or nature docs. I always end up getting bored about 15 minutes into them. More into docs about a country rather than the animals that live in a particular country.

    In the UK we don't seem to have it on Netflix.
  8. I saw that on YouTube and I felt like the makers of the film were trying too hard and that put me off. They make some good points but I still haven't given up meat yet... Maybe sometime in the future but not yet.
    pezzer likes this.
  9. Happy People: A Year in the Taiga
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things
  11. todaysresolution

    todaysresolution Fapstronaut

    ethos by woody harrelson its extremely good
    also unacknowledged is neat but only half true
  12. tiredofbeingtired

    tiredofbeingtired Fapstronaut

    Yeah, like I said the lens they use is unfortunate especially considering the importance and the general accuracy of the material. All the same facts can be gotten across a swath of better sources I just think it's a helpful collection of all of the big points for people who are completely new to the matter.
  13. tiredofbeingtired

    tiredofbeingtired Fapstronaut

    Oooh totally forgot about this one.
  14. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    The mask you live in

    It's about how society is raising boys impacts development.
    My SO said it answered a lot of questions on How his addiction developed.
    He was raised into it.
    Recommend for parents or/& addicts.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    A trial? Why not just pay the $8 a month?
  16. Time the Khalief Browder story
  17. making a murderer was alright just too many court room scenes
  18. I started watching it but couldn't get into it. I Also started watching The Keepers. I thought the second episode was very disturbing, when I hear of things like that it makes me wonder maybe there isn't a God.