Finally on nofap!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Thynes, Jan 10, 2018.

  1. Thynes

    Thynes Fapstronaut

    It's been a long time since I wanted to be part of the nofap community. Today, I decided to take a step forward and register on the platform. I think it is time for me to share my fight with other fellow fapstronauts.

    I think no fight of this magnitude should be fought alone. We all need others to succeed just to tell them about our adventure. Before, I tried in vain to succeed a 90days challenge on my own, but the farthest I have reached is 15 days. And yet, I began to start feeling what it is to be rebooted and saw major changes in my life.

    Many times I have failed, but it did not stop me from continuing since I know this is the keystone to a better life, far from depression, far from loneliness, far from recurring failures. Indeed, this is the first fight of my life!

    Now, I realized willpower and motivation is unsufficient to to fight this scourge. I need more: I need to follow a plan of attack that will eventually lead me to victory. But most importantly, I need to share my story with other people who are fighting with me.

    Whoever you are, you rock!!
    shamrock likes this.
  2. Thomas8

    Thomas8 Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the forum. Glad your here.
    Thynes likes this.
  3. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Welcome @Thynes, I'm glad you're here!

    I listened to a talk recently that made several good points, one of which was that we tend to act out because we're sad or lonely, and we are in the habit of using masturbation and porn to make ourselves feel better. So the answer is to re-learn how to deal with feeling sad and lonely, by seeking out real, human experiences instead. He didn't mean sex, he meant, just connecting with another person.

    That makes a lot of sense to me, and this site can help. I hope you keep coming back.
    Thynes likes this.

  4. Hey @Thynes ,

    There is so much support on this forum, the profiles and the various groups. It works if you work it. I don't offer advise. I offer only my ESH (experience, strength and hope).

    Work it? Oh yeah. There's work to be done, that's what's worked for me. Two things I've found necessary.

    1. I had to Learn the NoFap Program.

    2. Getting involved with the community on here was vital to help my recovery.

    Learn the NoFap Program
    The resources listed on the "New Users: List of Rebooting Resources" helped me find my way around the reasons behind the program and the terms used.

    They are:

    You can find this same list on the top of the forum you posted this message on at - the "New to NoFap" forum.

    Get Involved with the Community
    The community has been my lifeline. I've found journals I love, people who are very supportive and a place where I could get to work helping in a small way others.

    I'm nobody important around here. Just a normal user with no magic powers.

    But, I can:

    • Read Journals, and comment when I have ESH
    • Find people I admire and stay in touch via their profiles
    • Pick a forum and make sure evvery post gets and answer. I can't answer them all, but that's good - different opinions make for a better group.
    • Post in my journal (I could be better at it - but I do milestone posts at least) To make a journal go to the section listed by age and start one. Keep all your journal posts in one thread. But, for random thoughts, you can create a new thread.
    Looking forward to seeing you around on the forums,

    - L

    PS - Think of pmo like a wolf. Stay near the center of the group with the winners and the wolf has a more difficult time finding you. But, stray near the edges of the community and the wolf can pick you off.
    Thynes likes this.
  5. One of the ways I got involved with the fellowship was by reading some really great journals.

    I've included journals from all age groups, spiritual members, religious members, secular members, male and female. You should find journals that help. If not, look around, there are hundreds of others from which to choose. When I say "it works if you work it", reading journals is part of that work.

    Once you open a journal, click "Watch Thread" in the upper right of the page to get alerts when new posts are made. Here are just a few:

    @DavidGibson Journals at:
    @Euklid Journals at:
    @LilD Journals at:
    @BreatheDeeply Journals at:
    @LiquidShoes Journals at:
    @Reverent Journals at:
    @zakes Journals at:
    @Former_CD Journals at:
    @PatrickR Journals at:

    There are many more, and you can discover them on your own. But, these are great places to start.

    This is a work in progress. So, if a journal has changed or is no longer active, look around there are some amazing journals on here.

    - L
    Thynes likes this.
  6. Thynes

    Thynes Fapstronaut

    Thanks mate!!
  7. Thynes

    Thynes Fapstronaut

    Thanks @Septimus (I still don't know how to tag... lol)

    I just went through your post and I really enjoyed reading it. There is indeed a need to connect with another person which can greatly help us overcoming the urges of sex. I really loved the passage on how sex is meant for unity and life giving. There were times when I tried to figure out whether I should desperately fight with these urges or there would be any alternative routine in which I will receive the same reward as sex. And real human connexion would be one answer.

    Thank you so much for your post!! I will use that strategy to make it work and finally overcome PMO.
  8. Thynes

    Thynes Fapstronaut

    Wow!! I really love all the pieces of advice from you guys! I am impressed at how much support there is in winning this war together. The steps you provide is just gold since I really needed some actions to help me go through the tough days but not just only resisting until my willpower is delpeted.

    Thank you so much for the support,
    Wishing success to all of us :)
  9. Thynes

    Thynes Fapstronaut

    Thanks mate!! Checking them :)
  10. Thynes

    Thynes Fapstronaut

    k You :)