Thoughts of visiting escorts

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by lonercub, Jan 3, 2018.

  1. iaj

    iaj Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Been there done that (when I was younger), long before I knew of porn addiction/realised that I was a porn addict... I guess this is the point where porn addiction can lead to a sex addiction. It's a massive waste of money. I hung around with friends back then who became addicted to brothels. It's nothing like what you're fantasising about. You pay for the sex but the prostitutes do it for the payment and not for the sex. So how can you possibly enjoy having sex with them? It's transactional, not transformational.
  2. rishi123

    rishi123 Fapstronaut

    43 with spouse is better....prostitute just want us to finish shots as fast as possible with condoms and they have next intimacy
    iaj likes this.
  3. anewversion

    anewversion Fapstronaut

    Don't go down this road my friend.

    It's just another addiction in a different guise.

    Why do you feel the need to go down this route?

    Why not try and meet some girls and not have to pay for it. The process of getting to this point would be way more beneficial.
  4. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    finally getting that gf you always wanted is part of the reward system, having s** with her is part of the reward system, having determination an being the best you can be as a man won her heart, all part of the system, our whole being roots from sex, it created us an it progresses us, once you pay for it, it doesnt activate the reward system, if you havent tried escort services it excites your brain but only cause it well be your first time as for me i already went that route i know it wont really have an effect on me as much so i dont go back i still have a desire to go back but its not the escorts i desire its the desire to be with a woman a woman who well still be there in my life once i wake up after s** ,
  5. Porn Free Wanderer

    Porn Free Wanderer Fapstronaut

    I've been down that route too many times. It's not worth it. Sure, the escort ads make it seem like it would be a great experience, but the reality is different (and I've used escorts from every continent on Earth except for Antarctica). For one thing, the sex itself is usually terrible. Generally you'll be with a girl who's just watching the clock, waiting for you to finish so she can buy her next lot of drugs with your money.

    Admittedly, there were (very) few exceptions who got into it or at least acted the part very well, but after finishing up I was always ended up feeling like shit because I've just wasted money on it. Then, of course, there's the possibility of carrying diseases, or the woman you're with crying "rape" or getting pregnant (condoms do occasionally fail).

    Honestly, you're just better of skipping the whole experience.
    Runtilmylegsdropoff and im_alive like this.
  6. Vulkan

    Vulkan Fapstronaut

    It is possible to find the needle in the haystack, sex workers are also human.

    From my experience it can be TOTALLY worth it, if it happens that she is also a bit into you and if you are not jealous that other men fuck her - but it may be relatively rare, that all of this comes together. She may forget the clock and show you how sweet and wild she is.

    On the other hand, I regret some experiences.
    For those who want to try it out of desperation, be ready that you may feel even more pain than before after several devastating experiences. If you have a good intiuition which girl is good for you, then you may go for it.
    A good sign is, when you enter the room and she seems to be positively surprised (for example her eyes smiling, compliment on your nice clothes, your good manner etc).
    Then don´t treat her like some 3rd class human you now own for the hour and she may love you back.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2018
    culion likes this.
  7. First, I just need to admit I'm a sex addict. I go to group meetings on Tuesdays and have been upwards of 25+ women in the last few years. (just wrote that out today in fact).

    I've been with probably a handful of prostitutes and Asian massage pallor girls and can say by and large the experiences have been extremely poor, nothing spectacular about having sex with someone who really does not want to do it. The entire dynamic is off, there is no intimacy at all and you feel less than shitty. I personally felt terrible, like I was forcing the poor girl to do it or something.

    Now having said all of that I did have one experiences with a paid escort I wouldn't have traded for the world (I don't like to admit it) but they were pretty amazing. I know it's my former addict talking when I type that but he and I have come to an agreement that one experience was just too damn improbable to happen naturally and she was in super good spirits about the entire thing.

    Lastly; nobody can tell you how you'd feel about it until you actually did it is my train of thought.
  8. It's nothing more than two consenting adults using each other, chasing a hunger that will never be satisfied.

    It's a whole new level of hell.
  9. Semaphore

    Semaphore Fapstronaut

    When I started seeing working girls it was for fun and with a mate on his birthday - our partners were both aware and very pregnant so they agreed to let it happen. I enjoyed that happy ending a little too much and 29 years later I still can't kick the habit. My advice is don't be lured by this - it's much worse than PMO as it involves CASH, DISHONESTY AND HEALTH RISKS. Oh, and it's ILLEGAL. While its fine to talk about consenting adults, both getting what they need yadder, yadder, its the worst kind of sex addiction. I have written in other threads about how dangerous this habit is and when you are into it, it is all-consuming and much harder to kick than just PMO.
    Even as I write I have just returned from a visit to a parlour perfectly satisfied but ££ lighter and guess what - my NoFap counter is reset to zero. I will try harder next time to stay away. I know it'll be a battle. Thats my NoFap challenge.
    PLEASE dont get yourselves hooked on escorts/working girls/massage parlours. Its a VERY bad place to be.
    im_alive likes this.
  10. Semaphore

    Semaphore Fapstronaut

    @Vulkan, Vulkan, Vulkan, do not allow your addicted brain to convince you it is even sometimes "totally worth it" - I must disagree!! it's an increasingly common, internet-facilitated addiction that encourages an illegal trade.
    I get that its as old as the hills (romans, greeks, etc etc) and that it may be great on occasions and that single guys can get s3x when they otherwise might not AND that both parties get what they are after (s3x/cash) BUT it is an insidious addiction - I have it and i want to stop it but I cannot (yet) that is why I am on NoFap.
    Porn Free Wanderer and im_alive like this.
  11. im_alive

    im_alive Fapstronaut

    I'm still here about 15 years later after seeing my first one. I've spent most of the day looking for one but haven't seen one, I think for the only reason I couldn't find one that was decent! Ended up fapping instead. Bad place to be.
  12. Mr.Mask

    Mr.Mask Fapstronaut

    I very irregularly visit escorts. I am motivated because its a way to alleviate my relative sexual inexperience, a stigma of which compounds with age. Every time I visit an escort, I try to do something a little out of my comfort zone. Such as trying a different position and being the one that initiates it. Note I said try because I am often too passive and stick to whats familiar and easy. When I want to do something new, I am dumbstruck on what to do next. I hate being in that sense of confusion and indecisiveness. So I learned to plan what I need to do beforehand. How can I improve on having sex otherwise? Find a woman that empathizes my lack of confidence in the intimacy arena and have her teach me? These women do exist but my chances of finding one, let alone having an intimate association is nigh impossible. At my age (29) my inexperience is an anathema to attraction.
  13. Porn Free Wanderer

    Porn Free Wanderer Fapstronaut

    Be very careful with that, my friend. Not only can visits to escorts turn into an addiction, but an escort will never reject you either (unless you don't have enough money of course). If you're doing this as a way to learn about real women, at some point you'll have to learn about rejection too. Even PUAs or celebrities like Brad Pitt experience rejection. The difference is that those guys have learned to deal with it.
  14. Vulkan

    Vulkan Fapstronaut

    Most escorts WILL reject you. For example they do not want to kiss you, avoid eye contact, only touch/kiss you mechanically, fake moan, try to make you quick orgasm and throw you out early etc.

    From my little experience, I would only recommend it to guys who have a good intuition which girl does them good, with some luck you may find a girl who really enjoys the time with you or fakes it that well, that you feel really great.

    But looking at bad experiences and the other posts here, it seems to be rare and someone who does it out of desperation should prepare himself getting even more pain or addiction, have to be careful with that too - thanks for the warning guys.
  15. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    ^ Be glad they won't kiss you. That is the last thing you want to do. Besides having just finished blowing some dude who knows what you might catch kissing them. They are full of diseases and often quite filthy.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. Vulkan

    Vulkan Fapstronaut

    Some wanted to kiss me - one girl I paid for one hour and she kissed me for 2,5 hours gazing in my eyes - this healed something inside me. But yeah, I am scared of diseases, so I will soon see a doctor again. The possibility of carrying a disease makes me want to delay searching for a real girlfriend I want to be faithful to.
  17. anewversion

    anewversion Fapstronaut

    It's a very bad idea. Huge money trap and potential addiction.

    Plus disease.

    Avoid at all costs.
    Immature, Semaphore and Knighthawk like this.
  18. Mr.Mask

    Mr.Mask Fapstronaut

    A valid point I was already aware of but not putting enough thought into.
    Immature likes this.
  19. PornFreeMe

    PornFreeMe Fapstronaut

    Every time I considered hitting up an escort, I imagined what it would feel like to be arrested for soliciting sex. I believe that's the charge, "soliciting sex." Criminal reports are public domain. Imagine your mom, your brother, your dad, your friends seeing your name somewhere for "soliciting sex." Maybe nothing would happen, maybe you'd meet her, but maybe she'd have gonorrhea, or warts, or crabs, or hep c, or even hiv. Or maybe, yet, she was relatively clean and nothing passed thru the condom layer. Maybe her pimp was hiding the closet and beat the living shit out of you and took your iPhone.

    Paying for sex is terrible. That's an addiction just like noFap. Paying for sex from escorts is not a solution, it's a perpetuation of your problems. We are here under some illusion that porn is our problem. If we quit porn, we will be saved. This is false.

    We have addictive sexually compulsive behaviors. Porn, fapping, fetishizing, fantasizing, hunting, cruising apps, looking for prostitutes- they're all the same sexual impulse.
    Gnathan, Immature, Semaphore and 2 others like this.
  20. Semaphore

    Semaphore Fapstronaut

    Spot on.
    im_alive likes this.