Drugs and its effect on the reboot

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Nick 100, Jan 5, 2018.

  1. Nick 100

    Nick 100 New Fapstronaut

    Dons of nofap,
    So I'm on day 50. The first 2 weeks of my journey were incredible. Amazing energy levels, motivation, glowing skin, confidence, better eye sight, appetite improvement, an overall sensitivity to the natural things in life. I felt pure, awake and alive.
    I would fap generally 2 times per day and watch porn at least 3 times per week.
    Around day 26, I hit what I believe to of been a flatline. Nothing too major, just the god mode feeling started to fade (still much better than i was before starting my journey)
    I used to do party drugs (not herion or meth etc, but potent ganja 5 days per week and sometimes mdma, pure cocaine, occasioanlly ketamine) I believe this contributed to my addictive behaviour and fucked with my dopamine reward system.
    For NYE around 45 days in, I went to a techno rave, popped a pill and blew half a gram of ket. That night I felt like a king, I was bounced out of my flatline entirely. Unbeleivable amount of energy, connection with people, dancing all night long until 6am. Women attraction was real. However, the commencing days I have had really dry skin, felt low, some anxiety returned and have had 5 nights of insomnia. I feel like I am gradually returning to normal.

    This is my first ever post on any kind of forum, however I am writing this to raise awareness. During your reboot, I advise that you stay away from drugs until you are rebooted as your brain is trying to chemically re-adjust itself.
    I am certain that blasting your brain with artificial dopamine whilst on a flat line is similar to a relapse and will set you back on your journey.

    Has anyone else experienced a similar story with regards to drugs setting them back? I also did some coke which I believe threw me into flatline, and that fucked me up emotionally (100% stear clear of P1) And symptoms of dry skin, and sleep problems whilst in flatline?
    also, has anyone used psychedelics whilst on nofap? I.E could magic mushrooms in the right dose and setting speed up brain healing?

    I have cut out a lot of additive behaviours as i have been fapping for 10 years and watching porn for the same amount so I know its going to take some time. Be good to hear some people stories that can relate. Peace and love
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2018
    GoldenGod15 likes this.
  2. MatthewGrün

    MatthewGrün Fapstronaut

    Hey, Nick. I wouldn’t advise anything but take your time in addictions. As it is advised on this site, “don’t bite off more than you can chew.”
  3. Dillby-dude

    Dillby-dude Fapstronaut

    I would 100% recommend staying clear of drugs that act on your dopamine receptors while in recovery, ESPECIALLY coke and opiates. These receptors are what keep us addicted to porn and cloud our brains when not practicing nofap. You will find it hard to experience to full benefits of nofap if using these substances and it may take a few weeks for your brain to recover.

    I rebooted 10 days ago and usually by this time I am a sexual demon trying to stop the urge to masturbate; but I am not horny at all. I'm almost certain it is because I took LSD on NYE which also acts on serotonin and dopamine receptors quite taxingly, hence my brain not craving a big dopamine hit at this stage. It is good that you shared this brother and learnt from this experience. You will be back on god mode in no time.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2018
    Nick 100 likes this.
  4. MatthewGrün

    MatthewGrün Fapstronaut

    Yeah, well, I still stand by my reply. Failing in one area in a time of tempation is a trigger to go back to one’s ways to ease the guilt of failure in the area. What strength in the beginning did you haveto tackle such feats? I don’t believe you know addiction as well as you think you do. We all can learn a lot more addiction, and more about judging ourselves than others.
  5. Nick 100

    Nick 100 New Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your replies, appreciated.
    There is no chance I will relapse because I have suffered with anxiety so badly for 3 years that my willpower to overcome it fully is at the maximum level.
    Already, my anxiety is 80% less, 50 days in.

    I know for sure if I didn't do any drugs (was difficult with it being Xmas and NYE) I would be further than I am now but as you said, I have learned from this mistake.

    Believe me when I say my addictive behaviour was real as I know truest this is the source of my issues.

    As I would meditate daily, exercise daily, eat clean raw foods, go out in nature, use natural supplements to attempt to restore brain function. All of these gave temporary assistance. Within no time, socially withdrawn, depressed, loss of interest in old hobbies, no energy or motivation etc.

    I would also really struggle to gain any muscle as if I went gym, it would take me 5-6 days to recover. Now I can go every other day. I also found it hard to gain any weight no matter how much I ate. I believe this was due to me wasting my nutrients through fapping.

    Since nofap, I can feel it spiritually, physically and mentally that I am re-adjusting to my pure old self.

    Since dealing with my constant sexual thoughts which I know would sometimes trigger anxiety, I have regained enormous amounts of energy and passion for life again. Transmuting this energy throughout my body for more productive purposes, I.E my job and socialising.

    I know this will take time but I am determined. I have accepted this to be a lifestyle, a journey, NOT a challenge. A challenge sets you up to go back. This way of life is far better. As we are the only 1% of living beings that have no mating season. We are not designed to orgasm twice a day, it is in fact far less than that. The only way I might relapse is through sex, I am hoping I can control to retain my semen and learn karezza, during my reboot period.
  6. talontron

    talontron Fapstronaut

    drugs will only hurt your progress. Never help, it uses your dopamine system in mass amounts. The very thing you are trying to heal.

    That is like stabbing yourself in the thigh repeatedly and trying to run a marathon.
    Nick 100 likes this.
  7. GoldenGod15

    GoldenGod15 Fapstronaut

    I did molly while I was still on porn (not knowing I was actually in a flatline at the time too and fapping without urges). So you don't think the Molly on top of the porn abuse can do permanent damage? I'm in a flatline right now and just so scared its permanent damage.. it has only been 7 days tho
  8. BigOne79

    BigOne79 Fapstronaut

    Hey Nick!! Not sure if your still around this message board but was interested in what you How you were doing so far. I have questions on your post as I do dabble in some drugs as well. Wonder if coming down the next day will really hurt my progress. Been on nofap for six months now..
  9. Joshhayze24

    Joshhayze24 Fapstronaut

    What I want to know is.... I took shrooms last night. I’m on day 12. Does this mean I fail and have to start over?
  10. I took many drugs during my first nofap streaks including MDMA, cocaine, fentanyl, methoxetamine, kratom, morphine and they messed up my reboot for sure. Massive brain fog, insomnia, jelly legs, anhedonia and social anxiety returned a few days after. All of these drugs are dopaminergic. However I strangely never had any problems with baclofen, alcohol, nicotine, THC, 2cb, phenibut and caffeine. These drugs never really harmed my reboot while they are also dopaminergic. A friend of mine succesfully rebooted (he also experienced withdrawal symptoms), and he can now use MDMA and cocaine occasionally without it causing any symptoms. I guess it all depends on how much you have healed and personal chemical and genetic makeup. But my advice would be to just stay away from all drugs for a long time and preferably live a sober and healthy life.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2019
  11. Shrooms mainly work on the serotonin 2a receptor, psilocin does not hit the dopamine receptors (LSD does) You don't need to worry about it.
    Joshhayze24 likes this.
  12. Joshhayze24

    Joshhayze24 Fapstronaut

    Thank you! Because I was about to say fuck it and fap then start again the next day with no drugs