Doubting the process?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Dec 20, 2017.

  1. Do you guys ever doubt the process of nofap? That trying to do nofap will not result as well as you want/expect? That full recovery isn’t possible since you did too much coupled with drugs... or that you’re stuck this way and it won’t get much better?? Any answer will help and you can be honest.

    Helpful things would be telling me how your journey is and if you seen improvements. How often were you using when before attempting reboot. I got anxiety, depression and brain fog, derealization etc anyone feel these and see any improvements?
    Kpop addict likes this.
  2. Sh123

    Sh123 Fapstronaut

    I think it will work. It is different for us all. I forget what is said about forming a new habit but it is not overnight. That is what we have here, a bad habit, very bad. And the access to our form of bad habit is so easily accessible, I dare say than any substance you can abuse. Hell this one can be dang near free and at an inexhaustible supply.

    So like is said , we must retrain ourselves to do something different.

    Let's be honest, if having an o didn't feel so good this would be easy to stop, but that is not the case.
  3. Yeah I'd be lying if I ever said that I didn't doubt the process. I've never really had a serious history with drugs in the nofap process so I can't say much on that subject. Any times I have thoughts of being stuck this way I try to watch success videos or videos of motivational speeches. Meditation has been a main force in this streak. The first week of my journey was hard with urges but beyond that it has seemed somewhat peaceful, don't get me wrong I still have thoughts but somehow they disappear.
    I am also still suffering from anxiety and depression however the brain fog has lifted. I believe by day 25 I will see even more improvements. I hope the same goes for you.
    Deleted Account and Sh123 like this.
  4. I have definitely doubted NoFap, until I dug a bit deeper. NoFap alone is a great solution, but NoFap in tandem with self improvement is the best one. We must simultaneously improve ourselves. PMOing is like going further and further down a hole. NoFap will stop your descent. After that, it is up to you to start moving upwards again.

    Lastly, I wouldn't set expectations for day X of NoFap, as there is no way to predict changes. The only thing we can do is continue NoFap and self improvement, because that is the only choice we have. We have already tried the other path.
    r_ryan85, sakeen, learning and 2 others like this.
  5. phwrancesco

    phwrancesco Fapstronaut

    i doubt often but i respect the choice i made 8 month ago, to change my old shitty life and stop wasting my energy. And every time i doubt then i find out that it worth the effort.
  6. sknnyjns

    sknnyjns Fapstronaut

    Yes definitely doubt it if i can reboot to the point where i hope i can go. But as the days adding up and I see more and more progression i get more confident. We will only know if we try, time will tell!
    sakeen and Deleted Account like this.
  7. It’s not so much the habit but the actual physical and mental damages the habit brings about? Maybe we are talking about the same thing though
    Yeah man, this habit is us basically fighting against our own instincts/naturalness, and yeah P is everywhere and free, triggers almost everywhere, it’s scary all around being in this position

    Ahah right? We got here because it’s too good
    Am happy that you see the light near day 25, keep going and never return to the P no matter what!

    Yeah I read in the success stories section often and online, it helps me, but idk I been in the struggle so long albeit seeing improvements, I’m kinda unsure if it’s from nofap because I’m unsure about nofap I’m general, but it seems like everyone is saying pmo addiction may very well be a thing
    Yes I agree, nofap alone won’t get you anywhere, but I must say it is a very strong catalyst, I think

    Yeah tryna do day at a time :/
    I always doubt, I doubt more when I relapse, I’m not sure what that means but that’s what I feel
    Thanks for this answer, reminds me to keep going, I like when guys say they gain confidence somewhere in their streaks :)

    Thanks for the reply everybody! Sorry was late, been working and busy and the message slipped under me, but I came back and read it all and appreciate it. Sounds like we all think the same, but most of you guys seem to be doing well, so thanks for giving me confidence in nofap :)
    WesternWolf and sknnyjns like this.
  8. Ongoingsupport

    Ongoingsupport Fapstronaut

    Well, abstinence in itself is not a process per se, it is not doing something and hoping the natural healing processes kick in in time - which by itself is really just waiting.

    I don't know what the official Nofap process and the tools consist of if you sign up for it since I haven't, but we are all capable of learning and continually refining our process through better understanding, that's why I started the reading challenge thread.

    I mean even in terms of the tracker, PMO is really three things. Sure we want to abstain from all or at least PM if one is in a relationship, but that just means in terms of data collecting it would be ideal to have three trackers - though hopefully you don't end up needing it. But it's like Gary Wilson pointed out in Your Brain on Porn:

    "Many ask the obvious question: ‘How much is too much?’ This question presumes that porn’s effects are binary.[202] That is, you either have no problem, or you are a porn addict (or have other porn-induced problems). However, asking where one crosses the line ignores the principle of neuroplasticity: the brain is always learning, changing and adapting in response to the environment."

    The good news is that means everything you do makes a difference. Maybe you can't go more than say a week or a month in a streak now, but if you learn about yourself and work on it maybe by the end of that period you can go twice as long, and so on - which can end up extending that streak when you couldn't have in the beginning. What you're capable of to start with is different from what you can do later, but that's not going to be the case if it's a wait-and-see game.
  9. PornFreeMe

    PornFreeMe Fapstronaut

    When you expect the worst, you get the worst. When you expect the best, you find a way to get the best (or see the best). You have to believe, or this shit does nothing.
    sakeen and Deleted Account like this.
  10. Yeah I finally can make it a month, it’s hard but doable now, before I’d relapse every other day.

    Are you saying when we are abstaining (nofap) we are really not doing anything because we literally aren’t physically doing anything but refraining from doing something? I am waiting, waiting to get my emotions back, idk if it’s my brain fog or what but I don’t know what you are trying to say here
  11. 57yrold

    57yrold Fapstronaut

    I think everyone goes through that '...this probably isn't going to work for me...' phase.

    It's your screwed up brain trying to trick you into a relapse so it can get a dopamine rush.

    Tell your brain to shut up, stay strong, and achieve you goals...

    Best of luck to you!
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2017
    sakeen and Deleted Account like this.
  12. Ongoingsupport

    Ongoingsupport Fapstronaut

    I'm saying there are probably ways to speed up the process. Like people do all these self improvement activities, and like 12 Step there's a whole psychological process of working the steps. Most people are doing *something*.
  13. Oh gotcha, like reading, writing and meditating? I thought you were pitching the idea that nofap (abstaining from pmo) isn’t the only part of th process of healing
  14. That’s very comforting to hear, glad to hear from you

    Peace love and positivity to you brother
    sakeen and 57yrold like this.
  15. learning

    learning Fapstronaut

    I have only been able to abstain from sex once in my life. The desire mostly went away after a month or two, but I was in my mid 40's. I was very careful to avoid anything sexually suggestive too. Eventually, I started feeling sorry for myself and became careless. I haven't been able to abstain for any length of time since then (about 5 years ago).

    For me, there is no happy medium. I must be so strict that I can't even allow myself to notice pretty women on the sidewalk. Otherwise I just slide down the slippery slope to PMO. ... Everybody is different though. I'm pretty weird. LOL
    sakeen likes this.
  16. Ongoingsupport

    Ongoingsupport Fapstronaut

    Well isn't some of what you read possibly a part of the healing process, especially if you read about related stuff? I've been doing 10 pages a day, over a year that's 3,650 pages - that's a lot on porn addiction (I'm not even sure if there are that many books on the subject) but if it's just about addiction in general that ends up being a lot of knowledge too. Also a lot of self improvement is about healing.
  17. If the process is to hang out with a bunch of other people who are trying to avoid porn as a sexual outlet and to decrease using it in your life, then I think it works.

    I wish I'd had something like this earlier in my life.

    IMO, there are 3 goals:

    1) Direct energy one would use in masturbating to porn to finding and maintaining a relationship with a sexual partner. Nothing different here than what we were taught in sex ed class in high school. If I'd believed this earlier I'd have done a lot more dating in high school and probably would have been happier.
    2) Direct energy one would use in masturbating to porn to worthwhile work. Called sublimation in psychology.
    3) Manage my use of porn. I'm doubtful I'll ever be able to give it up for good, although I know many people on this board reboot for 90 days and then go on 100, 200 days and then apparently forever for a handful of people. If I PMO 12 times in 2018 I would count that as a success.
  18. mdz

    mdz Fapstronaut

    Before i started Nofap i usually masturbated to porn and binged every day, for several decades. I dont feel recovered yet, but i can list a couple of things that has definitely improved so far:
    1. General anxiety is gone, at last. It was really painful to have.
    2. Much less irritability and short temper.
    3. I dont feel creepy around women.

    I realized that my recovery will probably take a couple of years. for example my ED hasnt recovered yet.
  19. Thank you for this answer, I always look for these kind of answers, especially ones with improved anxiety, anything mental.

    You binged everyday like 4 or 5 times a day? How long have you been attempting to reboot? What’s your highest streak?
  20. mdz

    mdz Fapstronaut

    I mean, i edged every day. But i did bing as well occassionally, in stressful periods.

    I have tried to reboot for over 4 years. Longest streak so far: 270 days.