Cortisol hit to remove urges, a weird way I began using and it works

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by arminhul, Dec 20, 2017.

  1. arminhul

    arminhul Fapstronaut

    So this is something I have thought of using before many times but didn't because well it is an extremely bitter pill to swallow.

    I guess I am posting it here because I want some feedback on this method. It is probably even a very sad and pathetic method.

    So I used to have a gf 6 years back and after she ended the relationship I over a span of 1-2 years fucked up every aspect of my life which kind of led to me self-medicating with PMO. Now I am over her. She is happily married. But it was very traumatic for me. I did obsessively check her up in those days. Made me feel like shit.

    Now I am good at not thinking about her. I even think I am over her. I never think about her or dream of a future or think of the past. I absolutely don't. But the sight or news of her gives me that same sinking shattering feeling(there was another guy and she really destroyed me as a man with the things she said when she left, I can rationalize why she said it but it still hurt like hell, like nothing else ever has, except I guess PMO). So now that I am really trying to beat PMO I thought lets use that.

    I am 8 days into my journey. I relapsed 3 days back. In fact I began 8 days because I checked her up and it tore me up. So when I relapsed I again checked her up and it tore me up and stopped my binge and I am now 3 days sober. Today I again was feeling the beginnings of an urge and checked her up just a google search, we are not connected on any social media. And it tore me up and stressed me enough that the urge just vanishes.

    I think the reason it works it because it increases cortisol in my head. I am guessing here. Similar to cold showers but this works even better I feel. Should I continue to do this? It really works.

    I reminds me of all the things I could have had, in life in general and with a woman (not her) and even though it makes me very sad for a few minutes to some hours, I am filled with determination to fight to beat this and get those things. I know I still definitely can.

    I am 28 years old. I am trying to do other things too like eat right, no smoking or alcohol(which is actually very easy for me, I was never hooked to those), meditate, slowly trying to build a habit of exercising. This method is like my emergency button.

    Please guys give your point of view and feedback. I would also really appreciate if some females can say what they think.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2017
  2. Ongoingsupport

    Ongoingsupport Fapstronaut

    Some things work in the short term, sometimes very short term but beyond that time frame it's important to change up your strategy. I see you're meditating but rarely do people mention they are reading about the mind or working on themselves psychologically. I would suggest you look into the long term mental healing to bring you some peace, because ultimately that's what we're after.
    Deleted Account and arminhul like this.
  3. arminhul

    arminhul Fapstronaut

    Thanks man.

    In the last 6 years I have worked pretty hard. I was PMOing everyday and fatigued all the time but I have learned a lot about people, dealing with people, the world in general. In spite of everything my experiences gave me enough confidence in my abilities that I took the big step of starting up on my own. Granted my business is not doing as great as I had hoped but that is not because I am an idiot or because my business idea is stupid. I know that on a gut level. It is more because I am fucked up of this habit, I am unmotivated, I lack in aggression, I am very highly inconsistent. I will probably have a shot at being the guy best at doing things improv but I know that is simply not enough. It is recipe for more failure.

    As a kid I was a bookworm. I read books like crazy. Now I still read, but nowhere near as much as before and that too mostly online. Reading is one good habit that I had and still comes a bit naturally to me. I don't get bored reading.

    I believe I am about as healed as can be without the PMO recovery. The only thing I need to do successfully to improve all areas of my life and this is something I believe absolutely and wholeheartedly is that I have to reboot. Of course successful rebooting means I do other things also, build other good habits.

    Using the imagery of my ex-gf to stop myself relapsing is a way I found I can successfully cheat my addicted brain. After all pain is supposed to make us better. My previous painful experience with my ex-gf gave me the worst habit of PMO.

    Is it to too bad (or wrong?) that now I want to use that same pain to do something which is actually beneficial to me, my brain and my life.
  4. FeelingFine

    FeelingFine Fapstronaut

    I'm confused, are you taking cortisol? Long term it wouldn't be a good strategy because it'll kill testosterone production, but it's being used as a bridge therapy, wean off as soon as you can.
  5. phwrancesco

    phwrancesco Fapstronaut

    Man, the best thing you can do is a good streak. I am in your same boat, i had an Ex witch destroyed me and for years i've been suffering. Sometimes i still think to her but i choose to don't check her out, never. Quitting masturbation and PMO is a great way to start something new :)
    arminhul likes this.
  6. If absolutely necessary, this may be a good short term solution. However, for anything longer term, I highly recommend starting a hobby (I enjoy reading as well works for me). It may be more difficult at first, but you'll be stronger for it.

    Good luck
    arminhul likes this.
  7. arminhul

    arminhul Fapstronaut

    I am not taking cortisol artificially as in medications. I read somewhere that what cold showers do is spike the cortisol in our brain. Because it is not something we want to do or enjoy, doing it increases cortisol so we train ourselves to handle more stress.

    Begin Quote
    [You know how acutely raising your dopamine, as in watching porn, eventually leads to less dopamine effects on your system because of decreased sensitivity?
    Well, acute exposure to cortisol can also help decrease its chronic levels.
    Cold showers are stressful, but they help your body respond to stress in a way that turns the “volume knob” on other stress way, way, down. (Sound familiar? Except this time we WANT that to happen.)
    So expose yourself to stress in the form of a cold shower. You’ll lower your cortisol and up your superpowers.]
    End Quote

    Here is the link: (I know it's tumblr, but I assure you it is safe)

    I am using the stimuli of checking up on the exgf to kill my urges because it makes me sad and I don't feel like PMOing anymore. So my logic is that I check up on ex(not something I want to do because it is unpleasant) my cortisol spikes up, dopamine jumps down. And I also train my brain to handle stress better so next time I am feeling down I do not self medicate my PMO.

    Does this make sense to anyone?
  8. arminhul

    arminhul Fapstronaut

    thanks for replying.

    I am as over her as possible. Any weakness I have is due to PMO. I really do not want anything to do with her. I don't even hate her. I have accepted the thing. All I really want is to live my life to my full potential. But yes looking her up makes me so dejected that the PMO urge just vanishes.

    I just wanted to use this as a cheat code for my brain and wanted some feedback.

    Really appreciate. thanks
  9. arminhul

    arminhul Fapstronaut

    Thanks for replying.

    I too think of it as a short term thing. I expect my willpower to become better as my brain balances so I won't have to continue using this hack. But as a urge killer and stop a relapse this is the best that I have found personally speaking.

    As to the long term implications of this. I think long term problems have already happened to me. Emotional pain, PMO, PIED, career losses and all.

    The pain as well might do me some good and help me get rid of PMOing. PMO was like my alcohol to cope with the pains of life.

    Thanks, really appreciate it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. SpartanViking

    SpartanViking Fapstronaut

    Hello @arminhul

    I am going to divide my answer in two sections: in the first I am going to criticize your method and in the second I am going to point out the best ideas you have presented in your posts.

    1. Criticize

    We can say that those things that help you not to relapse are most welcomed, but in this case I think is not the case (not at least in the long term). Do you really want to continue attaching those feelings of sadness to the idea of your exgirlfriend? What kind of energy do you think she is receiving from you, when you think of her with that negative vibrational state. This is related to what you said in your first post:
    Let her go. Let her go of your mind. With your way of thinking you are consolidating a psychological framework in which you are a victim of a "bad" woma. So, instead of saying "she dumped my ass", you should say "she ended the relationship". Whenever you see yourself that chattering starting in your mind, ignore it. If you happen to think of her, think positevely of her, "pray" for her, that is, think things like "I hope she is happy" or "I hope her marriage fructifies and give so many new life to this world". Things like that. When you achieve that state, you would have really overcomed the problem you had when she ended the relationship.

    2. Your ideas for the future

    I have bolded the word "exercising". Mind and body are connected, is a two way street. Your unhealthy physical state influences your mind to have weak thoughts; whereas your weak thoughts weakens your body even more. And the circle goes and goes.
    Strengthen your body and strengthen your mind. Thus, you have two focus of action: the body and the mind. Do not ignore neither of them.

    Exactly, we need to return to our "factory default" state. Hard mode (sex), if you ask me.

    So, the ideas that you pointed out in your posts are precisely the things I am encouraging you to do. And that bad way of talking and thinking that you seem to be unaware off is what I propose you to change.

    arminhul likes this.
  11. FeelingFine

    FeelingFine Fapstronaut

    @arminhul if it's cold showers you're doing, then keep it up. Your immune system will get stronger and the cortisol spikes will eventually become minimized.
  12. arminhul

    arminhul Fapstronaut


    I didn't even realize I wrote it like that. I am for the most part able to rationalize her leaving without judgement. I guess unless I am able to turn my life around I will feel a certain level of betrayal. I do believe she was one of the best people I have ever met. There was nothing evil or twisted about her, even when she was ending things. She was a good woman, that made it even harder to move on. Not that I was a bad guy either, just I really thought we would live our lives together. I tried hating her too, but I was kidding myself, I never could. I don't think I love her anymore, I do have a soft spot.

    I changed the line. It sounds more grown up now.

    As to my future plans it is so damn hard. Now I have relapsed twice in 10 days. It is demoralizing.

    PMO is like really holding back. I absolutely cannot access my potential. It is 2nd 3rd rate existence I am living.

    Really helps to write here what is going on in my mind.

    Single Palm Change likes this.
  13. Single Palm Change

    Single Palm Change Fapstronaut

    It's so hard to quit an addiction that is hiding an underlying problem. I think we can all agree.
    I hope you take into account what @SpartanViking said, wise words. Especially exercise and transforming the self-image.

    The first few weeks are the toughest and I would advice you to start spending some time every day to really make plans for yourself, plans to meet friends, exercise plans, and also contingency plans: so you know what to do when the urges are very strong, and you can act automatically because you have decided on a plan of action beforehand. For some people, going for a walk is a good contingency plan. Some people think that calling your mother is a good way to kill the urges. Some people do the plank exercise or pushups until they feel better.
    arminhul likes this.
  14. Single Palm Change

    Single Palm Change Fapstronaut
