Hello family ( sorry long Read)

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Twotall85, Dec 14, 2017.

  1. Twotall85

    Twotall85 New Fapstronaut

    good morning everyone,

    I have been lurking this site for quite a while. I have been PMO since I was very young just about everyday. I have tried to reboot many times before with no luck. I have recently hit rock bottom when My girlfriend whom I was planning on spending the rest of my life with found out that I was not only addicted to porn but had developed a fetish for transwoman porn, I would also browse CL and Backpage ads and MO to then and the tumblr pages linked to them. When she confronted me about it I lied at first. I then got the courage to tell the the complete truth and she was relived, we decided we would work it out. Then like a week later I guess she couldn't deal with it the uncertainly anymore and left me. I then started PMO even more to cope, and started to sink into a dark place. On 12/12 I decided that enough is enough and I will get better and beat this. I have sense been doing good with no PMO. Sometimes its hard for me because I am an content creator that works from home and all my work is done on the computer(the gateway). One thing that has really been helping me is that for the past 2 days I have set up a routine of waking up early going for a 2 mile run, doing some push ups, and doing a 10 min. guided meditation. Thank you for listening, I will kick This, I will Win.
    rostronaut and I Am that I Am like this.
  2. I Am that I Am

    I Am that I Am Fapstronaut

    Hey is that Rocko from Nic?!

    Welcome mate!
  3. Hey buddy, welcome!
    You're not alone here - most of us have.
    I am sure you will be successful here - you are no longer alone in your struggle: we are all here to help each other.
    So you're not perfect! Wow, neither are any of us or any other person on the planet. You will not be judged here, whatever your choices or fetishes. No one is better than anyone else, no one's fetish or preferences is worse than anyone else's. There are many guys here with exactly your fetishes too, so you will find support here.
    You most certainly will, my friend! Good luck on your journey.
  4. Twotall85

    Twotall85 New Fapstronaut

    Thank you for you support I have started to bring up the subject with to of closed friends today one male and one female and the male friend(whom I got my first promo tape from in middle school) told me he has been fighting the same battle and he is 2 months no pmo and he agreed to be my AP. I will Keep this momentum
  5. Marx23

    Marx23 Fapstronaut

    Hey man sounds like I'm in a very similar situation as you. Keep powering through!
  6. Beachcomber

    Beachcomber Fapstronaut

    I want to add my welcome too, never give up. We all fall down from time to time, in every area of our lives. It doesn’t matter how we fell down, the only thing that does matter is how we pick ourselves back up.
  7. Great! That was very courageous! Especially to tell the girl. Your courage will ultimately be your ticket to a PMO-free life.
  8. Sometimes, people can be on this site for several years going round and round in a vicious circle of small streaks of a few days and innumerable relapses, masturbating to other people having sex. Often, what makes the difference is when they hit rock bottom. That is the reason I have mentioned this to you. You are at the perfect moment to successfully address your addiction. You recently hit rock bottom, giving you the best possible motivation to get rid of this shit once and for all.
    Beachcomber and kropo82 like this.
  9. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    Yes, what @IGY said. We have all been round and round the relapse cycle so look for the catalyst that could lift you out. For me it was finding NoFap, though I am reluctant to write that because who knows when I'll join you on Day 0 (well Day 2 as I type.)
  10. daveintexas

    daveintexas Fapstronaut

    Welcome! Keep fighting the urge!
  11. Twotall85

    Twotall85 New Fapstronaut

    Still going strong had some temptations today but I stood still for a second and beat the urge. So far so good
    kropo82 likes this.
  12. Beachcomber

    Beachcomber Fapstronaut

    I agree. From 35 years AA experience and several years in SAA (sex addicts anonymous) I’ve seen time and time again that NO ONE ever gets truly serious about recovery til they’ve had a significant, life-altering, horrible experience due to their addiction that grabbed them by the neck and put them face-down on the floor. Your life has to totally blow up in your face, and you see clear as day how fragile life is, and how - if you continue like you are in your addiction - you will either die physically - or die spiritually. It has to literally scare the fuck out of you.