Dealing with alcohol - any tips and hints?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Rob_B_, Dec 14, 2017.

  1. Rob_B_

    Rob_B_ Fapstronaut

    Now that I'm starting to deal with my PM addiction, I would also like (and feel stronger) to improve other aspects of my life. One major issue is my alcohol habit, which is excessive (more or less daily) and long-standing (15+ years). You might describe me as a 'functioning alcoholic', ie. not lying in the gutter drunk 24/7 and unable to hold down a job etc., but also much more than just an occasional social drinker etc.

    Will power (of which I have precious little anyway!) isn't going to do it; tried that, and failed. I won't join the AA, it's just not my scene. I've read a few self-help books on this subject (including one by Allen Carr, whose book on smoking helped me quit that disgusting habit instantaneously and very easily), but so far they've not given me anything useful.

    I don't want to cut it out altogether (I did that for a few years, but it didn't make me any happier, just a healthier version of miserable) but rather to cut it down considerably. Which unfortunately is exactly the thing that I find difficult - drinking sensibly, in moderation.

    Would be interested in hearing from anyone who may have first hand experience or otherwise any suggestions (hopefully something a bit more useful than the sort of Nancy Reagan-esque 'just say no'!).
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2017
    A41:14A likes this.
  2. 2wolves

    2wolves Fapstronaut

    I want to cut back myself. I was on day 7 of no porn and relapsed because i drank after a long day of work, which ive done soo many times but now its becoming a threat. I was thinking of ways i can cut back but the only thing thats seems reasonable at the moment is set a goal and just go for it. Nofap helped me hit those 7 days because i felt like i was able to talk about issues and the feeling of not letting somebody down. So im goin to try a 5 day goal of no alcohal, which will be extremely hard because i am in the playoffs for fantasy football and im also off sunday lol. If you want to do the same thing and keep eachother accountable even through messages on here id be happy too for those 5 days. If not i hope you find a solution to cut back. My whole fathers side drank heavy their whole lives and from what i have seen it just leads to depression then to anything else. But best of luck to you my friend!
    A41:14A and Rob_B_ like this.
  3. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    I also struggled with drugs in the past. Mostly alcohol & marihuana.
    I got a book tip for you, it's not really about addiction, but it's very good for working on all the stuff that makes you turn to your drug of choice. If you're open to meditation it might help you. It's called 'Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself'.

    What I also found very helpful is doing something creative, they say being creative heals and I found that true.

    All the best!
    A41:14A and Rob_B_ like this.
  4. Rob_B_

    Rob_B_ Fapstronaut

    Thanks @2wolves - I'll take you up on that in the new year (realistically not going to happen over the gluttonous eating/drinking fest that is the second half of December!).
    A41:14A and 2wolves like this.
  5. Rob_B_

    Rob_B_ Fapstronaut

    Thanks @vibemaker - I'll get a copy of that, if the title is anything to go by, that's exactly what I need (in more ways than one!). :)

    PS: Kudos on your likes count, BTW, you must have a helluva fan club! :)
    A41:14A and vibemaker like this.
  6. Rob_B_

    Rob_B_ Fapstronaut

    Hey @bike-wrench - any views on this? I know (and it was also helpfully pointed out by a fellow fapstronaut) that you've experience in the addiction field?
  7. bike-wrench

    bike-wrench Fapstronaut


    What you're trying to do is REALLY hard; it's trying to return to a functional level when you're used to an outsized level. It's part of the reason that losing weight, and keeping it off, is so tough (and, I think, why return to normal sexual function is so tough for us PMO addicts); it's easier to abstain completely than "so far, but no further", as you want to do with alcohol.

    I'll admit I don't have experience with helping people return to "social drinking"; by the time a person comes into my evil claws, they're usually so far out of control that a return to social use is just not an option.

    I'm in recovery from alcohol and drugs, so it's not useful to ask me much about social drinking, either. But it seems to me that you need to set a limit for yourself and see if you can stay within it. The NIAAA defines problem drinking for men as 4 in a day or 14 in a week (and back before 1982, I was hitting that threshold most days). Try seeing if you can keep it under half of that, and see how it goes. (For me, two drinks was stupid; I wouldn't drink at all if I could only get two.)

    If you can't, or find you don't want to, then it might be time to look at drinking.

    I need to do one of my commercials here: If you're trying to get no-PMO time together, and you're drinking more than a little, I think you're setting yourself up to fail. Drinking reduces inhibitions, and the whole reason we come to NoFap is to develop a new inhibition against PMO. If you're working so hard to develop that, why do you want to weaken it?
    Rob_B_ likes this.
  8. You can’t quit any addiction by doing it “responsibly.” And if your an alcoholic AA is your scene b/c they’re all alcoholics too. Self help books only go so far. Going it alone your basically going on willpower, of which you already said you have little.

    So what exactly is your plan?? Read some books, drink responsibly? If one of the other members of this forum posted that would you think it a good idea?
    Rob_B_ likes this.
  9. Rob_B_

    Rob_B_ Fapstronaut

    Yeah. Point taken. I hate hearing it, but unfortunately you're right. It's like saying, I'll only PM once or twice a week (or, a parallel I've used myself previously, I'll only smoke a couple of cigarettes a week). Ain't gonna happen. Alas. :(
  10. Rob_B_

    Rob_B_ Fapstronaut

    Yeah @bike-wrench ... I sort of knew I shouldn't have looped you in (!) because you were always going to tell me what I didn't want to hear. But I'm grateful to you for doing so.

    Yes, you're absolutely right, I can't do 'moderate', and normally I'm the first person to say that (to others at least). Except that when it comes to myself, I of course have this tragic blind spot.

    Need to give it some serious thought, then, I reckon...
  11. bike-wrench

    bike-wrench Fapstronaut

    Gee. Sorry to hear you say that. "Tragic blind spot" when I comes to myself? I wouldn't know anything about that. Never heard of it. Nothing like that in my experience. Who could even imagine such a thing? Naaah, not me.


    (Don't ask my wife about that, OK?)
    Rob_B_ likes this.
  12. TreeGuy

    TreeGuy Fapstronaut

    So looks like you've already had some good answers.
    I too have never had a problem with missing work or anything due to alcohol, but im pretty sure its unhealthy for me especially the way i use it. i dont drink more than 1 or 2 socially, but drink alot when home aloe to 'forget', like 'oh its been a stressful day, i need a few beers' etc. I too dont want to say ill never drink again, my current solution is to cut it out completely for 3+ months, hoping this will break any habits, then after that we'll see. maybe stick to health guild lines on drinking per day/week, maybe only drink at 'special occasions' or possible best for me as a lone drinker, drink 0 at home, drink only when im out being social with it.
    Rob_B_ likes this.
  13. Rob_B_

    Rob_B_ Fapstronaut

    Thanks @TreeGuy

    Yep, that's me! Like looking in a mirror...

    Would be nice if it was that simple, alas, didn't work for me. Some years ago I stopped completely, didn't have even a sip for something like four years. Then I thought (the classic addict mistake), "well, it's been a while, I must be over it now, I can finally become a 'normal' drinker". I started by having some wine with the meal on the weekends, strictly limiting myself to just one glass at first. Then one became two, then half a bottle. Then, a cheeky G&T before dinner, and - hey, what the heck, let's have a whisky (or two) as a digestif! And at the same time, the definition of 'weekend' started to experience some major mission creep. Within a few months (at most) I was back to my old habits. :(
  14. TreeGuy

    TreeGuy Fapstronaut

    yup, ive been there too probably. its hard to know what to do, im hoping to cut it out completely until my lifes in a better place, and hopefully then i can make a decision, be nice to be able to drink socially though as people kind of expect that...
    the other option is im an alcoholic of sorts, and once an addict always an addict, and if i want to be happy and healthy maybe i have to never drink again, we'll see :)
  15. bike-wrench

    bike-wrench Fapstronaut

    They do. But they get over it. They generally are ore interested in what's in their own glass than what's in yours.

    I only ever had one person get all bizarre when he found out I didn't drink because of my problem with alcohol... but he came from a group where alcohol problems were rare (and those that existed were well-hidden), and he thought that alcoholics all had liver problems, acne rosacea, and no fixed abode.
  16. TreeGuy

    TreeGuy Fapstronaut

    yeah im sure they do, but it would be another one of those 'weird' things i do id have to explain, and as someone who isnt very social, social drinking is desirable to me, maybe.