Great News I Have Broken The Habit(Goodbye NoFap)

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Dec 7, 2017.

  1. Finally I have great news. To being able to break free from pornography.

    So just yesterday I was finally able to reset my iPhone to be able to reset the passcode on my phone for adult content.

    I literally can’t reach anything now ! And I’m so happy because my resolve has been to simply break free from pornography and since my phone is the only access to the internet .

    Though this has left me with having to leave NoFap as well. More than ever what really helps my is my genuine sincere desire to having a good and clean relationship with god, and now I believe that I can do so.
  2. What day are you on that you have been able to stop the your pmo habit/addixtion
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. I am on day 2 my friend, and what has helped me really is mostly my love for god. You may or not believe in him, but I have always first had a strong desire to break free of anything sexually immoral especially pornography. However, in more broad terms what has helped me is the fact that I had to take porn addiction as a "serious" addiction.

    To me it's like cigarettes. If you want to quit smoking you shouldn't have any cigarettes in your house or that same go to stash. You have to get rid of it completely literally "rebooting" yourself.
    I Am that I Am likes this.
  4. So, all you did was change the adult filter password on your phone?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Yes, except I had someone else put the code in for me so that I can't access those sites. I have always used porn on my phone which was the biggest thing its so easy to access. So basically I had to cut the source off in order to allow myself to reboot.

    Also think about the consequences of how you feel after porn before porn. Think of the feelings of guilt, shame, addiction how it just controls your thinking, and body mechanics.
  6. TrappedInTorment

    TrappedInTorment Fapstronaut

  7. Reverent

    Reverent Fapstronaut

    It's hard not to be snarky with this thread.

    Please @ColdCutTurkey if you ever slip up again and view porn or fap promise you will come back on here and tell us what went wrong. Okay?

    I am so glad you were able to stop an addiction with the swipe of a password, that's incredibly amazing.
  8. Yea Brother, it's you that has to change, not your phone. Best of luck to you but I hope you come back if it fails.
    I Am that I Am likes this.
  9. Bruce Clarck Wayne

    Bruce Clarck Wayne Fapstronaut

  10. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

  11. I basically did what the scripture you have posted under your profile stated. If something makes you stumble cut it off.
    ISFPdude likes this.
  12. That's ok if you want to be "snarky". I mean the end goal is for us all to stop watching pornography correct? I am just applying what works for me, and I have stopped whats been tempting me.

  13. Ok i'm going on day 3 by the end of December i'll post my post rather or not I fapped to show you guys how this has worked for me.
  14. Thanks for your answer brother. Peace love and positivity to you!
  15. I Am that I Am

    I Am that I Am Fapstronaut

    With the wind at your heels and the Godly light in your soul, je te souhaite le meilleur.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. Well I'm glad you have some additional motivation to push you towards that goal - even if it's my doubts fueling your drive ;). I know for my own Journey those types of limitations were superficial and I soon fell back because I hadn't changed (but adding blockers is a good step to take). But bit by bit, struggle by struggle I've changed such that now, P-blocker or not, I'm not falling. I do hope you prove me wrong and have a lot more self-control than I did with the blockers but I wouldn't call them a cure, just a supplement; because you aren't trying to break your phones addiction to P but your own. You will be tempted in other ways besides your phone... Be fore-warned.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. Thanks I appreciate it. My viewpoint is you can't be tempted by what you don't allow yourself to dwell on. If the end game is to stop pornography addiction stop it at the source. People are always counting days as a measurement of progression with pornography instead of measuring their how strong their action or course was to stop it before it began.

    Also my friend I used the code blocker from an "accountability partner" if you have no one to help you defeat the battle youll just keep going back to day one, and feel like you'll never break the habit. Trust me as i've stated that my desire to quit porn relied upon me. Obviously I can't access nofap on my phone anymore so i'm using a computer, but i've limited my computer only to nofap instead of being online all day or night which is no more than hour.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. Glad to have you still with us and thanks for the clarification!