NoFap and Fight the New Drug should team up

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Nov 13, 2017.

  1. Millenial and kropo82 like this.
  2. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    The creator of NoFap isn't Antiporn tho
  3. Actually, Alexander Rhodes is against porn. plus, it doesn't have to be through the leaders of the two groups, the members can forge alliances as well.
    kropo82 likes this.
  4. Check out the “What is NoFap” in the about section.
    It states, “NoFap approaches the matter of porn addiction from a secular, science-based viewpoint. We do not take a stance on the morality of pornography use.”
    SilentJay313, Low, sfmark12 and 2 others like this.
  5. Yes, that is referring to NoFap as an official organization. That is saying two things: 1: it does not mention anything about the actual founder of NoFap, Alexander Rhodes, and 2: It is saying that the official opinion of NoFap is neutral on the moral viewpoint. A moral viewpoint would be more in the FTND category. But in order to make a real dent in society, you need both a moral and scientific argument. Combining the forces of the two organizations would allow for a change in the society, while NoFap can still retain it's neutrality. That is why I suggested it.
    Knighthawk likes this.
  6. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    "Alexander believes that empowering people through education is the best approach to
    tackling the difficulties that widespread access to porn has created in our society. Instead of
    regulating or banning porn, Alexander is convinced that giving people the information they need
    to make informed decisions about how they express their sexualities is the best way to
    effectively combat the harmful influence of pornography in society."

    And quote.
    SilentJay313, Low, sfmark12 and 2 others like this.
  7. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Oh, and that bit I wrote goes out to everyone who wants to talk to Alexander before they get a interview... In case it answers their questions.
    He's very popular.
    So, yes, I do believe this is his stance on porn.
  8. Did I mention anything about banning or regulating or banning porn at all? Nay, I said that with the combined forces of the two organizations, a bigger difference could be made in society. Banning porn would not work. Obviously.
    Knighthawk likes this.
  9. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Then go back to main page and watch his speech from DC on Out of the Shadows where he spoke with many organizations about the effects of pornography.
    It's a yearly event.
    This year he attended as a key speaker
  10. What this is really intended to do is allow the viewpoint that most people on NoFap and that everyone on FTND share- Porn is harmful- to spread further into the mainstream.
    Knighthawk likes this.
  11. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

  12. Quitting porn is one of the most sex-positive things people can do."
    -Alexander Rhodes
    That seems like a pretty anti-porn statement to me, but it doesn't matter. I'm not here to argue, even though that's what I've been doing.
    Low likes this.
  13. That guy behind him seems really in argeement. That's not sarcasm, just something I noticed.
  14. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    I think he's done well expressing himself and explaining his views without pushing them on others.
    I think that I'd why NoFap is so successful.
    Just my opinion.
  15. Alright how about we just ask the man himself, and maybe he’ll respond here.. lol @Alexander are you antiporn?
    kropo82 and Kenzi like this.
  16. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    You just created another thread inciting hackers to take down PornHub. Looks like the mods deleted it.
  17. The founder isn't against porn. Cool idea, but I don't think it's gonna happen.
  18. Actually, I deleted it because it was: 1-stupid 2-a joke post.
  19. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

  20. I don't care if you believe me or not, but those are the facts and I laid them right out there to be seen.