Your 3 goals for this month (November edition)

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by vibemaker, Nov 1, 2017.

  1. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Hi everybody,

    so after slipping up this morning after being ashamed over myself I took a run and had this idea for this thread. I need change and maybe you need it too? Then join me. We're signing contracts, ladies & gentlemen. No bullshit. We'll start to live our stories. And we'll do this together. Wolf pack my friends.

    Take three things you want to get done this month. Be as precise as possible. This will help you to not get lost. 'Getting rid of my perfectionism' probably isn't such a good goal, but 'don't listen to my perfectionsim while working on my article for this school magazin, so I can actually finish it' might be one. You can even outline some strategies if you want, this will also help. The goals you couldn't achieve this month you'll take with you in the next month & you can only take a new goal when you finished one of the previous ones.

    Don't be ashamed of anything, I invite you to be bluntly honest. This will be a place without judging. Shame just feeds addiction and addiction comes with even more of it. So let it all out and say why you want to achieve this and I'm sure your day will be 50% easier already.

    The purpose of this thread is to get rid of drowning in your dreams. We'll sort out our closets with all that unfinished goals, that slay us everytime we're trying to make a step. So we're doing this structured. I honestly believe our minds will get calmer and clearer and we will get happier during this journey. This is a journey about practicing vulnerability and overcoming shame. So the more your heart starts to throb while thinking about a particular goal, the more you'll probably need to get this done.

    My 3 goals for November:

    Asking this girl out I ran into a few times.

    This will be a hard one for me. I'm not used to ask girls out, especially when I don't know them. But everytime I see her and don't make a move, I regret it and feel ashamed.

    Finish one chapter of my novel.

    I started writing a few months ago, but I'm not really seeing any progress, because I'm always starting new projects, but now I want to stick to one good idea and try to overcome the barriers.

    Finally doing a mix for my soundcloud.

    It's basically the same problem as with my writing. Too many ideas, no structure and getting lost.

    So tell us your goals and a little bit about it, maybe yourself if you like to and how you want to do it. Just to make it a little more personal.

    Let's do this.


  2. Nothing kills goals like perfectionism. I’m currently reading “Finish” by Jon Acuff and have to say it’s really good. Check it out if you’re able to.

    Goal 1:

    Finish the book “Finish”! :D I’m horrible when it comes to finishing books. I’ll usually start one and read it halfway and then start another one.

    Goal 2:

    Paying off or getting my credit card balance to under 30%. I’ve been reading about personal credit and how having a balance over 30% impacts your credit score in a negative way, so I’m working on fixing that in order to be able to apply for a business loan; which brings me to goal 3!

    Goal 3:

    Getting my LLC started. It’s been my dream to be my own boss so I’m working towards making that dream a reality. Ideally I want to be able to reach retirement by my 40th birthday. When I say retirement I mean being able to leave the 9am-5pm worker world where I live paycheck to paycheck or only one paycheck ahead of a mountain of debt.
    Asgardian36, David0895 and vibemaker like this.
  3. Goal 1:
    I want to get 85's or higher on all my tests and assignments for school, mainly for Chemistry and Algebra 2. Those are my two weakest subjects, and I need to get my grades up in them, so getting 85's or higher will be great.

    Goal 2:
    Staying as active as possible. Optimally, I will be working out in some way every day, but I realize that's a bit much. However, I feel like just getting up and moving around a bit between projects or doing pushups or planks while studying or whatnot. So just in general to keep moving and not laze around as much.

    Goal 3:
    Eat healthier. This is really hard coming right off of Halloween, but I can do it. It'll be hard, but I'm going to get rid of my candy and strive to eat more veggies. I'm pretty good with fruit, as I just enjoy eating the stuff, but vegetables are a bit harder.
    Asgardian36 and vibemaker like this.
    1. Finish the lucid dreaming book I'm writing. After finishing work on my self-improvement course the other day, the next product in line to be available to my YouTube subscribers, I decided to start work on a lucid dreaming book. I have 59 pages and > 20,000 words done so far, and I'm working on the 5th chapter currently, out of a planned 8 total chapters. I did all of that in the past 3 days (most of it on day 1, where I just drank a ton of coffee and spent 7 hours writing non-stop), so this goal could even get finished this week in theory - but I do have a lot less time during the week, so my goal is just to work through it at whatever pace, but to be able to release it next month for certain.
    2. Maintain my nightly meditation practice. Back in 2016 I started being more consistent with my meditation, doing 15-30 minutes each time, and always doing it at night in the last few hours before bed. As well as the usual benefits of meditation, this had tremendous benefits for my lucid dreaming practice, and led to me setting two personal "most lucid dreams in one night" records, of 11, and then shortly after: 13 lucid dreams in one night. After a while when I got more busy with work I moved meditation back to the mornings, and stopped being strict with duration. Then over the summer, I started to get lazy with my meditation practice. Recently it got to the point that I stopped meditating altogether. In the past week, I've started meditating every day again, at night, for 15+ minutes each time, and I want to keep at it and maintain it this time around.
    3. Bench more than my bodyweight. I'm super light, so this isn't a particularly difficult goal for most people, but I've made much slower progress than most other beginners when it comes to strength, and so I haven't yet reached a 1x bodyweight bench - but I'm very close, like literally just 0.5kg away. So it should be easy to achieve with a whole month ahead of me, but depending on whether or not this cut saps my strength and whether or not I have to deload/reset, it might take shorter or longer - but I want to have achieved it by the end of the month at the latest. Maybe even this week.
    4. Increase my revenue. Whether it's more sales, more views/ad revenue, consultations/coaching, or more affiliate sales of products I've reviewed, I'd like to increase my income this month, at least a little.
    5. Face anxiety in some way. Maybe go to the shops more often, or go into the city, or go to the bar - just anything that has me facing up to the social anxiety I experience a little. I'm taking Ashwagandha to help with anxiety, and so I want to actually put its positive effects to good use.
    I went with 5 because they're all equally important to me, and so I couldn't really pick a top three from those.
    Asgardian36 and vibemaker like this.
  4. Mankrik

    Mankrik Fapstronaut

    1. Do hc no pmo the whole month.
    This is my top priority. A couple days in and I'm feeling a lot better. I'm actually looking forward to this; think it will help me start actively talking with girls again.

    2. Maintain 4.0 GPA.
    First semester of college and I have been hanging in there with all As so far. November is going to be a crucial month and I need to keep things up and pull through.

    3. Do 5 lessons of Duolingo every day
    Duolingo is a free site that helps you learn other languages. I'm currently trying to learn Spanish. The site has streaks just like nofap so I'm going to be doing both at the same time.
  5. Bullarrd

    Bullarrd Fapstronaut

    1. Buy a reliable car and improve on it
    2. Visit a urologist and
    3. Adopt a puppy
    I'd elaborate on these but I'm only scrolling through here before I go to sleep


    'The Bull' Bullarrd
    vibemaker likes this.
  6. avatarivn

    avatarivn Fapstronaut

    My own monthly goals:

    1. Reduce coffee consumption to 3 cups or less during this month.
    2. Absolutely no soda nor carbonated drinks
    3. NoFap
    Single Palm Change and vibemaker like this.
  7. Lazylicious

    Lazylicious Fapstronaut

    My goals for November
    1.Find another job so that I make up for the money I lose because of the state not paying me anything yet.
    2. Finish writing the lyrics of my mixtape and finally start the recording process.
    3. Find a method to change my self-image. I noticed that I have a very negative and toxic self-image and I need to turn that around for a happier and more successful life.

    Good luck everyone, I hope you will all reach your goals and be happy and at peace with yourselves.
    vibemaker and Bullarrd like this.
  8. Bullarrd

    Bullarrd Fapstronaut

    Sharing your 2nd goal
    vibemaker likes this.
  9. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Thanks for participating guys. I noticed some real drive the last days to finish things. I think it's good that we share this.

    I would say we should come together around the mid of the month to report our progress so far. If you already finished one before, tell us.

    Hope you guys are doing well.

    Bullarrd likes this.
  10. Lazylicious

    Lazylicious Fapstronaut

    You're a musician too? Released any stuff online yet?
  11. Bullarrd

    Bullarrd Fapstronaut

    No, I've recorded a few songs but ever since I started nofap my dedication has been lacking, tryna find ways to pick me
  12. Single Palm Change

    Single Palm Change Fapstronaut

    Besides NoFap,
    1) martial arts training every morning
    2) journal every night
    3) read in a book every day

    In my opinion, you could benefit from setting more concrete goals. So if I were you, I would say:
    1. Study for my X min everyday
    2. Do my light and easy training program every day
    3. Eat veggies with dinner every day.
    The power of concrete goals is that there is very little risk of ending up not doing it because of overthinking. Vague goals are easier to skip and justify not doing.
    vibemaker likes this.
  13. Single Palm Change

    Single Palm Change Fapstronaut

    I hope I don't misunderstand this thread. I just think that setting up a way to keep reaching whatever accomplishment you have in mind, and then move on - this is a nicer way to go about it. That way the accomplishments don't seem like monumental challenges and when you finally get them done, you are moving on to the next thing, instead of going "ok that's it now I can finally relax".. - no! "finally relaxing" is what got me into this mess to begin with.
    Just my 0.0000000002 bitcoins
  14. Lazylicious

    Lazylicious Fapstronaut

    Yeah I posted a bit of stuff, has been a while since the last track though. I'd send you some links but it's in German, no idea if you'd understand anything :D what kinda music do you do?
    Bullarrd likes this.
  15. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    Maintaining nofap for the month of November. Attempt to meet and talk to one or more women every day. Take no more than two days off from running every week.
    vibemaker likes this.
  16. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    I think you misunderstood something here. It's just about 3 things you want to get done in this month. Of course you move on after finishing them. And the purpose of this thread is to actually get them done before the next month starts, without procastinating it. Sometimes it might not work out, so you take them with you into the next one.

    Like I wrote in the intro this thread was created to get a little structure in your goals. Because in my experience I start a day or a new month with 1000 things like, oh I want to do this and this and end up with not really finishing anything. It is about finishing and moving on basically. Staying evolving instead of being stuck.
    Single Palm Change likes this.
  17. Bullarrd

    Bullarrd Fapstronaut

    I think it's be awesome to here some of your music. Even in different languages, the vibe is always the same.

    I'm from the U.S., here we call it trap music. If you've ever heard uk grime, it's like that except it's more focused on making people dance.
    Lazylicious likes this.
  18. Lazylicious

    Lazylicious Fapstronaut

    We know trap over here bro, in fact many german rappers copy US or french trap-rappers :D I'mma send you something
  19. Goal 1: Finish reading Portrait of The Artist as a Young Man.
    Goal 2: Go to all of my yoga classes. I will not let my anxiety get in the way of a good experience.
    Goal 3: Find a volunteer opportunity that I would enjoy. I think helping the community will be a great aid to my reboot.

    Thank you for posting this thread. It is a terrific idea.
    vibemaker likes this.