Time to stop gaming.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. I have been gaming so much the past few days I haven't got much accomplished. I realise now that if I keep going It's not going to do me any good and that it keeps on giving me the dopamine rush that pmo did. I thought if I played them to keep my mind off of pmo it would help but realise that it won't.
  2. r8js

    r8js Fapstronaut

    gaming / over exposure to screen /rapidly changing scenes in music songs / mindless spending time / over emotional scenes in music or movies effects badly.
    Empty Red Cloud and Ghost79 like this.
  3. lamstronger

    lamstronger Fapstronaut

    Few days is better than few or more years lol. You'll quit easely.
  4. Mavricko

    Mavricko Fapstronaut

    Don't do anything too much. But you need hobbies and activities to wind down. Just do it for a small period of time. You don't have to do it a lot or not at all. You need to learn to limit yourself.
  5. Yeah I used to play video games a lot in highschool but I got better. but these past few days I have been getting worse Crusader Kings 2 is an addicting gam but I uninstalled it from my computer.
  6. In deed but I need to pick up good habits rather then bad one's. Video games I don't think is a good one.
  7. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    That's a pretty awesome realization. Good for you.
  8. AChosenPeople

    AChosenPeople Fapstronaut

    Do it man, I've quit gaming a while ago, only good came out of that.
  9. This one goes for me too. It takes wayy too much time, and sometimes messes you up mentally.
  10. Yeah all action with no excersice! A total mindfuck. Like porn and virtual reality.
  11. Samsunglover

    Samsunglover New Fapstronaut

    I used to play games a lot also i even stop talking to my friends and family i used to soo angry because i was not able to rank up in csgo. After leaving video games i have more social interaction also i am more happy now days and i am more focused in life
  12. Let's quit then dude! Remember It's about making a good decision one at a time!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. I am in no more wasting my time with them.
  14. Minsc

    Minsc Fapstronaut

    I've phased gaming out as well. Getting into online games I believe had kept me "in the game" for a lot longer than I believe I normally would have. Back when I was playing Phantasy Star Online in '01 I recall my mother telling me to go out and meet some friends. I responded by saying I am meeting friends, online. Looking back I can see my foolishness. Outside of Facebook, I don't recall ever meeting any of these internet friends in person. Though, really, that was the best I could do at the time. We can't blame ourselves for going to those places when they are there, waiting for people.

    When there's commercials like these, how can people resist?

    I suppose there's a bit of irony to be had with my time on PSO. Briefly I had started chatting with a person living in the same Province as me on the IGN forums. He showed me some videos of the game which immediately sold me. Never did see the guy online. I think a part of me did want to meet him in person. Even then, despite my inability to get out and meet people, I was still looking to get out.
  15. I'm considering quitting as well because just after a few minutes of playing DS, PC or anything my right wrist/hand begins to hurt. And....it's starting to get really annoying.
    Can't even enjoy it.
  16. Yeah!

    I am going to uninstall all of them now.

    But I think we need to find something to replace the gaming habit, or else we'll just fall back into it again.

    Do you have any suggestions?
  17. r8js

    r8js Fapstronaut

    very well said, ur thoughts and observations shows intelligence.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. Sirkingington

    Sirkingington Fapstronaut

    Phasing out games is great, I feel much better doing that. I do on the play games sometimes but it has to be as a rewards for doing something I didn't want and it has to have a strict limit on it.
    I found that doing sudoku is a great way to fill in time gaps and I feel so much better winning that rather than online games, plus it has proven benefits.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. I think I have some ideas to use up that time:

    1. I am thinking of doing freelancing work, and make some money, which in turn I can spend on improviing myself
    2. Learning a sport (confused between boxing and MMA)
    3. Reading good books (at least 30-40 mins everyday)

    Staying off the laptop is a bit difficult, but I guess I'll have to think of it as an opportunity to strenghten my willpower.

    I hope you guys are having a great day :)