Porn Addiction Rebooting Frequently asked Q and A

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Mateo89, Feb 13, 2017.

  1. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    Hello folks,
    I'm seeing a lot of repeat questions over and over so I think I'll address most of them here. Feel free to add in any questions I've missed!

    1. I am currently experiencing X symptom sexually, is it porn?
    -Yes the dangers of pornographic stimulation on our brains is very real. Millions of people are reporting sexual dysfunction correlating with the viewage of pornography. Once removed for a required time, they report the relief of all symptoms.

    2. How is Porn bad for you?
    -Pornography artificially hyperstimulates your brains central reward system and overfrying it, similar to that of cocaine. Thats why you feel that dopamine initial rush during it, and the shitty crash followed after. Over time, our brain becomes so habituated with this stimulation it no longer is excited by intimacy with real life partners, causing sexual side effects and creates deep addiction pathways

    3. How do I begin to start my Reboot?
    Check out my post

    It outlines a technique beginners can use when they've just started out. Utilizes goal orientation and weaning.

    4. What is the difference between No PMO and No MO?
    -No PMO involves purely the removal of internet pornography. However it includes watching any artificial sexual imagery for extended periods of time not limited to: Instagram, music videos, Pictures, Youtube, etc.
    --I would also like to note that fantasizing about pornography in your head, also constitutes as watching it, so that must be removed as well.
    -No MO involves the removal of masturbation with orgasm. This would include, edging, excessive touching of any kind.

    --The main issue that needs to be addressed however is internet pornography. That is the culprit of your sexual dysfunction. Remove that and you will notice return of sexual function. Practising FULL abstinence however, which includes Porn AND masturbation, is the most optimal way you will recover form this addiction. But if you cannot handle both, start with PMO

    5. So can I still masturbate if I dont watch porn
    -Very common question here. The answer is yes and no. I will first address that for the fastest recovery time, abstaining from Porn AND masturbation is the most optimal. However many Fapstronauts struggle with tackling both of them at the same time and frequently relapse. IF that is you, you can give yourself permission to masturbate as a LAST resort. Do not abuse it. ALSO, masturbation should be done for the sole purpose of relieving sexual tension with touch. You are not allowed to fantasize about pornography. Once you become dewired from pornography, you will notice you need to masturbate less and less. Eventually you want to tackle NoFap as well. Again, please check out my link

    As it outlines it there.

    6. I am experiencing "X" symptom ever since I quit Pornography, what is happening?
    -You are experiencing flatine. An absolutely necessary part of your recovery.

    7.What is flatline?
    Any negative symptoms associated with the removal and recovery of pornography can be described as such. Not limited to: No Libido, Insomnia, anxiety, Urges, irritability, depression, weakness, fatigue, headache, flu symptoms, joint pain, homosexual thoughts, intrusive thoughts, etc.

    8.How long do flatlines last?
    -Depending on your level of addiction, age, individual variables it can depend. Individual flatlines can last anywhere from a couple days to a month.
    However during reboot, heavy addicts often will experience multiple flatlines on and off up to 6 months to a year, until it levels off.

    9.Are all flatlines the same?
    No, they vary.
    I've developed a general concept of the two main stages you may experience DURING your flatlines.

    a. Withdrawal Flatline Phase
    -This phase is the hardest as you feel like shit, depressed, anxious, irritable, urges, etc. with all of the symptoms mentioned above.

    b. Coasting Flatline Phase
    -Once reaching this phase, most of your withdrawals are over, your moods are stabalizing, you feel better mentally etc, HOWEVER you still dont have a working libido. No real attraction to girls etc. So your main issue during this phase is boredom.

    You can often times go back and forth between these two flatlines during your reboot.

    10.So I won't reboot in 30 days?
    Unfortunately in MOST cases no. The majority of Fapstronauts here suffer from moderate to severe pornography addiction, which requires upwards of 6 months to a year before recovery levels off. 30 days is just a motivational tool to keep you looking forward. You do not want to stop at 30 however, you would set a new goal for 60 and onwards until full recovery is achieved.

    11.How do I know the severity of my addiction?
    check out my post

    It is a simple questionaire you can take to get an idea of the level of your addiction. It will also tell you the estimated time line of recovery depending on severity

    12. I'm nearing day 7 and I actually feel great! Am I cured?
    -This is also a common question on here. No, quite the opposite, you have approached the calm before the storm. Its called the honeymoon phase, where Fapstronauts report feeling better and even cured 5-10 days into their reboot. This is followed by a gradual decline below baseline levels and the flatline, which can hit you like a brick wall only getting worse up to 30 days. All initial motivation and benefits are gone at this point. This is where your true strength will need to be applied as you will be fighting against your own body and mind.

    13. What are some tips to help with urges?
    -Cut out caffeine, alcohol and other drugs, they will only make your urges worse and lower your inhibitions
    -Try and reduce your junk food consumption. They make it worse.
    -Meditate, and practise mindfulness. Be conscious of your thoughts, if you find yourself thinking about it, bring yourself back
    -limit time on the computer, and reduce or remove excessive videogaming or movies/tv
    -Post on these forums, get feedback, support, help others
    -As an absolute last resort, you can relieve tension through masturbation without fantasy. Check above for the link on how you can do that.

    14. What is an accountability partner? Where can I find an accountability partner?
    -An accountability partner is what it is, someone to keep you accountable during this reboot. He or she can also be a support system for you, where you share your thoughts, build connections etc.
    -There are many people on here who are willing to help in that aspect. Just post your request on the forums. You are also free to PM me, and I can provide some service as well.

    15. How do I know if this will work?
    -The evidence is on the forums, from thousands of people reporting a complete relieval of all symptoms. You can also educate yourself behind the actual science behind how it damages your brain neurochemically. It is very real, it is not some pseudoscience or placebo.

    16. I feel discouraged, what should I do?
    -Take the first step, introduce yourself and start posting on these forums. Many are here to help. You can change your life today for the better.

    17. What is the purpose of this website?
    I see this website as an online rehabilitation center for addicts who want to recover from pornography, share their story, make connections, and educate each other on the realities of addiction.

    18. How can I stay connected with Fapstronauts outside of the website?
    I've just launched my Official NO PMO ACCOUNTABILITY Kik GROUP CHAT.
    Follow the link for more information:
    KiK is free to download in the APP store

    19. What is the golden rule to become successful in NoFap and in life?
    Check out my post below.

    20. What is your story?
    Little bit about me:
    I started watching porn about 10 years ago in high school. It was edgy/cool at the time and I enjoyed the high it gave me in addition to the other host of drugs I was on. There was no NoFap forum at the time. I never realy had a problem getting a girlfriend; had the looks, and was physically fit. However porn addiction led me to a host of nasty break ups and the inevitable PIED which made me super depressed and the main reason I came on here. My life in my early twenties was about getting girls and having sex, and when I lost that ability I was a giant mess. So fast forward to today, here I am on my 3rd month of No PMO NoFap, and still currently in flatline in the hopes I can recover completely.

    I also work as a Personal Trainer, and would love to offer any services related to health/fitness

    AND thats it, If I think of more questions I will post them later.
    And I welcome anyone to contribute or ask their own questions here as well

    I wish you all a successful recovery,
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2017
  2. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    Excellent post!
    Full of great material, well answered, but not too long.
    If you had a blog format, you could do a post on each question, going into more detail, and allowing anyone to search for the answer to their specific questions. You could also add more questions as they come up.
    Keep up the good work.
  3. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    Happy days are here again,

    Thank you so much for your feedback.
    Could I ask you to elaborate on this blog format your referring too?

    And yes I plan to adding more questions and anyone is open to contribute their questions as well.

  4. chuka

    chuka Fapstronaut

    Great piece Mateo id like a partner to help,would you mind?
  5. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut


    Give me a pm. I'd be glad to.

    chuka likes this.
  6. chuka

    chuka Fapstronaut

    Im new to the forum.Started PMO while I was fourteen.Been struggling with it to date.Today I PMOd/faped before joining the group. I have a plan to stay free till end of March 2017 to begin with.Thanks for the interest.
  7. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut


    Your very welcome, I hope you can find the information you need on these forums.

  8. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    Last edited: Feb 15, 2017
  9. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    Close to 15 members

  10. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    If you guys like my content. I invite you to join my kik group chat. Here's the link

    Also please be sure to check out my other posts
    1. NoFap frequently asked questions and answers

    2. Month to month plan for NoFap success

    3. Different stages of flatline

    4. How to become better looking and attract more girls

  11. AVJ

    AVJ Fapstronaut

    Hey man so is it completely normal to have thoughts you never had ? I've had intrusive thoughts thru out my journey and I feel terrible, they are thoughts I never had , and would never do, violence, sexual etc... I'm on my 25th day and I feel terrible.
  12. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    If you have started experiencing these thoughts after quitting, then yes, it is part of your withdrawal. Anyone coming off of an addictive substance goes thru periods of irritability, moodiness, irrational thoughts, anger, what have you due to their brain suffering withdrawals. Dopamine is the neurochemical responsible for "reward," and is the chemical released during pmo. Once removed, your brain will seek to gain that release from you again, and as a result provoke your conscious thoughts.
    This will subside with time; the duration of the time varies depending on the level of addiction and individual experience.

  13. AVJ

    AVJ Fapstronaut

    Thanks man , I appreciate it. Mind if I keep you updated and you can give me advice.?
  14. AVJ

    AVJ Fapstronaut

    You think my thought will eventually go away as well ?
  15. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    Yea absolutely,

    Add me on Kik
  16. AVJ

    AVJ Fapstronaut

    One last question I have been watching Pornography for about 4 years I would say the average 3 times per week . How long will I continue to feel like shit?, I hate this feeling , I've noticed how much i have changed mentally, emotionally and physically, for example I would prefer to stay home and alone, I'm depressed, have thoughts I never had, I feel like I have a fever, nothing seems to cheer me up, I talk really slow and in a low voice to the point where I can't even here myself, I dislike being somewhere where there is a lot of people, I just feel like giving up... but then I remember about my family members, and I have been a Catholic and practice the religion about 3x a week now and ask God how much more of this suffering to get my reward. What do u say or what do you believe? How much ? I'm on my 26th day I believe with out Porn and Masturbation
  17. Thanks for the great post! For how severe my addiction is I expect it to take at least a year, but at least the withdrawals are actually a good sign you're getting better.
  18. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    Things should start improving gradually after 30. Its important u do ur best to rewire healthy things. Even tho u may not feel like it, go out and socialize, go to events, etc. Its all part of the process.
    Open up to someone u trust about ur addiction so they can keep u accountable etc.

    U seem to be in flatline, which is very very normal. Ull get out.

  19. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    Very informative post. I've never had the major flat lines and withdrawals like described here, just the ones out of the 10 day honeymoon phase. So it's good to know what to expect to really get through this!
  20. AVJ

    AVJ Fapstronaut

    Thanks Mateo, I'll keep you updated