RIP Hugh Hefner

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Son of a Bitch, Sep 27, 2017.

  1. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Because Playboy magazine doesn't exist in a vacuum. It exists in a real world where there are other things it can be compared to ... in fact, you must make comparisons in order to pass judgment on it.
  2. Neither am I. That would be rude and pointless.

    I haven't insisted that either. I've instead that PLAYBOY MAGAZINE is degrading and objectifying.

    No no no... you said "I didn't realize all women have universal experiences," not "I didn't realize all women have similarities in their psychological make up." The latter is true, the former is not. I have never, and would never, claim(ed) that all women have universal experiences. But I do believe, to some degree, all women are going to be negatively affected by being a Playboy bunny, whether they recognize that or not.

    Neither am I, and I have done nothing of the sort.
  3. Fine, but Instagram and cave paintings are not accurate comparisons. And certainly Michaelangelo's David is not. The most accurate comparison I can think of to playboy would be porn, because both display nude (or at least sexually dressed or partially nude) women for the SOLE purpose of eliciting sexual desire in the observer.
  4. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Right. So it's about the context. It's about the intent of the artist (or the producer, if you'd prefer). Which is what I've said from the beginning. How exhausting.
  5. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    If that were the magazine’s sole purpose, it would just be 50 pages of photos and nothing else. There would be no editorials, articles, etc.
  6. Plutonium

    Plutonium Fapstronaut

    That's the very point of a reductio ad absurdum argument - to produce an absurd (nonsensical) result!

    But by accepting the absurdity at least you're being philosophically consistent. It certainly doesn't take much to degrade and objectify a woman is all I can say. It's a wonder any dare to come out of their houses at all... :D

    It's called a demand for philosophical or intellectual consistency.

    You invoked "purpose" as your standard. And as I have demonstrated that cannot be limited to Playboy magazines alone no matter how much you may wish it were otherwise.

    Personally, I can only long for the day when the descendants of all those degraded and objectified cavewomen will finally receive reparations and a long overdue apology from the descendants of those leering and drooling cavemen. ;)
  7. Plutonium

    Plutonium Fapstronaut

    The second vulnerability of your position is the super-psychological skills you presume to enjoy. The purpose of any actor, unless clearly expressed - and even then he might, of course, be lying - is part of their psychological make-up not directly open to others to observe.

    Take, for example, a photographer. You do not know what is in his heart when he takes a photo. His very purpose behind each shot may be to capture a deliberately titillating image. Alternatively he may have an artist's heart and eye and wishes to capture the beauty, the essence, the complexity, the raw animal instincts, at the heart of human's sexual behavior.

    This problem is compounded by the fact that photos are then selected by sub-editors then reviewed by editors each adding their own psychological make-up to the overall process. They may agree or disagree with the photographers interpretation for each image.

    Further, - although not directly connected to the original purpose of the image - the person consuming the final product has his own psychological make-up. He might find one image titillating (and wank himself stupid over it), while another image he finds artful. And any two people will not always agree over which is which, nor may they agree with the photographer or editor's own interpretation - such is the wonder and diversity of mankind.

    Finally, there is you. The person with super-psychological skills - able to discern the purpose lying at the heart of all these independently acting human beings.

    So I'd like to ask you - what is the test? How do you discern what lies within a photographer's heart at the very moment he takes a picture? How do you discern original purpose or intent, given that it is a psychological factor? And is your test to be applied ex-ante or ex-post?
  8. Yes, but you deny that Playboy falls into that category.

    I can feel a certain way about playboy, and a different way about a cave drawing. You are being intellectually dishonest if you want to pretend that those are the exact same thing and strip away all of the nuance of a situation.

    You're being a deliberate asshole, and I don't appreciate it. I never said that I can read everyone's minds. I really can't believe this conversation has gone this far and both of you men here have twisted my words and manipulated them, pushing me into a corner I never wanted to be in in the first place.

    All I was trying to say is that playboy is degrading to women, and this is where it has gotten me. Seriously, dude, just f*** off now and leave me alone. I didn't need to engage in any conversation with you in the first place, and I wouldn't have if I knew it would get to this point. Your entire comment is absolutely absurd and over dramatic to say to someone who is just trying to say "playboy is gross and harms women." Both of you boys are blowing my thoughts wayyyy out of proportion and making it sound like I have these insane beliefs that I don't have.

    And I'm particularly sick of your incredibly condescending attitude, Plutonium. Learn how to disagree with someone without being an ass about it. I havent treated either of you with that kind of disrespect, so I would appreciate that favor to be returned.
    TheLoneDanger likes this.
  9. I'm officially done with this ridiculous conversation. I don't need to sit here and have my character dragged through the mud because of my response to a ridiculous hypothetical question that didn't need to be asked in the first place. It's manipulative and unfair.

    Playboy is degrading to women. That's all I was saying this entire time, and I should have just left it at that. If you disagree, fine, whatever, I don't care.
  10. Plutonium

    Plutonium Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry - let's just call a truce. I'm not trying to antagonize you. While I disagree with almost everything you say I find your points highly engaging and you show an open attitude to debate which is quite rare these days and is thus refreshing. I'm an extremely rational, logical person and I follow the argument where it goes and I simply enjoy arguing. For me it's not about scoring points or winning - it's about honestly approaching a subject to see where it leads. And where I'm wrong I win big exchanging truth for falsehood. But I can often do this in a overly rational, emotionally detached way. You are far more emotionally driven than I and the two types of argumentation don't mix so well when dealing with a charged subject like Playboy.

    Plus on this thread you have double trouble - as I suspect @SuperFan is even more rational / logical than I am. :confused:

    I wish you well. And again I'm sorry to have messed with you - it was certainly not my intention.

    Have a great weekend, CTE!
  11. Good.

    I remember I picked up my dad's Playboy magazine to look up something interesting and I knew I was looking at nude women when I was just 12 years old but I did not care for it until early 2005. When I started to think about looking up a naked woman on Playboy website when I was 13 years old and then grew up getting older and started to get myself into boobs on the Internet the whole time since 2005, that's what got me into porn.

    That one night when I was in 10th grade in high school, I was watching a dumb horror film that shown a commercial of Girls Gone Wild but still did not care for it. Until I discovered GGW website in late 2010, I addicted to look at beautiful, young women showing off their boobs on screen in the videos and kept masturbated every week. Since then, I discovered cam sites and that took to porn addiction on a whole new level and always thinking about going back and fourth. That camgirl made me keep thinking back about her just because how hot she is/was. It was pretty damn difficult to break my habits at times, though.

    Since I discovered NoFap on Reddit and then here, it made me want to get over porn and stop thinking about naked women for life but I am still lonely about having sex with a hot, young women (cammodel, pornstar, etc). At least, I'm still trying to do my best to this damn habit of mine. 12 years of viewing porn and masturbation is already enough.

    Fuck you, Hugh Herner.
  12. I don't consider myself an overly emotional person, but when someone is being snarky and unnecessarily saying false things about my character, that's not keeping things "rational" And "logical." It's being an asshole.

    Well if that wasn't your intention, and you truly are sorry, then I would suggest you read back your comments and learn from your mistakes. Making sarcastic remarks and putting words in my mouth, along with being condescending and making up ridiculous scenarios to force me to answer a hypothetical question that isn't equivalent to the question at hand and disregards any sort of nuance, therefore making the question pointless, is certainly going to "mess with someone."

    I appreciate the apology, though.
    Taylor25 likes this.
  13. Plutonium

    Plutonium Fapstronaut

    :( <--- that's me, feeling like I've been a bad boy...
  14. It's fine. I appreciate your apology. I really didn't expect to get a response like that at all, so I'm grateful for that. I just felt a bit ganged up on, and I feel like this debate has gotten so far from what the original topic even was, and it's exhausting. I didn't expect it to go that far. Heck, I didn't even expect a statement like "playboy is degrading to women" To be controversial enough to start a debate in the first place. I thought that was something we could all agree on, but apparently not.
  15. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    But there's an even more dastardly empowering component to this. Think of the flip side to it. It's all relative - women are empowered, not so much in their 'right' to do something, but in so far as men are disempowered in lusting after women. When men lust after women, women have the power. This is no doubt the real reason why feminists are all for pornography.
  16. That's probably true. They don't realize the damage they're doing to themsleves as well, though, by making the male gaze the determining factor of their self worth.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    As to those that would want to put Playboy in context and see it as something harmless [compared to today], they are not quite putting it in context enough.... I mean, you need to envisage the history and the differences in culture, and not just look at it objectively/ anachronistically.

    Back in the day, when Playboy was first published, we lived in quite innocent times. Playboy shocked that generation just as Hustler did the next. Playboy was the thin edge of the wedge that fuelled an appetite for increasingly explicit material. State censorship should have got involved earlier, but I think it lost a significant battle with Larry Flynt [there was a movie on this].
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    The male gaze would be one of power. The male 'glaze', where he is compelled by an addiction to drool uncontrollably over images, is one of disempowerment.

    The reason why feminism has a foot on the world's throat today is largely because of men's addiction, one way or the other, to sex. If men were more in control of their libido, then they would simply not have put up with all the nonsense.
  19. MiddleGround1706

    MiddleGround1706 Fapstronaut

    Hey, hey. Don't stoop to that, man.

    If someone questions your beliefs, religious or political or whatever, just rise above it. There's no point attacking them or defending yourself. If they're not open to a discussion, it's a waste of time and energy. Just stay focused and keep moving forward.

    (and this is coming from an agnostic -- no snark from me!)
  20. MiddleGround1706

    MiddleGround1706 Fapstronaut

    I'm not sure I agree completely with this.

    Without a doubt, a big chunk of modern-day feminism stems from the over-sexualisation of women. Movies and advertising and things like Playboy have certainly played a role in framing women largely as 'sex objects', so it makes sense that much of modern day feminism is about promoting realistic portrayals of women. And you could argue that it's the result of men's addictions. To a point.

    But if you look through history, all the way through to the dawn of time, men have held the cards. The social norm for centuries has been 'men gather, women nurture' or 'men work, women raise the kids'. The general pattern is that men can do the work or the fun stuff, but the women have to stay home. I'm not a woman, so I have no crucial insight into that. But I think feminism is much more about power than sex. It's about allowing women to do the same things that men can do, rather than having to be subservient to them. If men controlled their libido, feminism wouldn't just stop. Feminism was around before playboy or porn. A quick google search shows that feminism was around 24 centuries ago in Plato's time, long before pornography.

    So, I think sex is an aspect of modern-day feminism, certainly, but it's ultimately irrelevant. Feminism has been around since Plato over 2000 years ago; it won't end until that fundamental imbalance of power is addressed and women are afforded the same rights as men. I have no authority to speak on feminism, generally, but I struggle to understand the opposition that people have to affording women the same treatment as men.