Am I Really Broken and Worthless?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by We CAN Do This!, Sep 30, 2017.

  1. We CAN Do This!

    We CAN Do This! Fapstronaut

    Had a dream last night that felt so, so real where I met a stunning girl, got in a relationship. Then I woke up to being a porn addict on day 0. like she was fucking gorgeous and within a split second she disappeared and I was thrown back into reality. I haven't felt a transition like that in ages. Going from being so happy to so depressed hit me hard and I woke up at 6am on my day off because of it, which is super rare for me.

    It made me realize, I'm a shy, lonely, anxious, porn addicted person and I'm not particularly good looking either. I'm 16 and already feeling like I've had my lot in life. I feel like because of the addiction and because of who I am, I'll never be happy and I'll never achieve anything I want.

    The only thing I'm proud of is my education because I worked fucking hard at school and came out with an A grade in maths and English, but how is any of that supposed to make me feel happy and accomplished?
  2. slb

    slb Fapstronaut

    You're here now. Which means you've got a head start on most of the rest of your generation, who are our will also have issues I suspect.

    You're working on yourself, which is amazing at your age. I seriously can't even imagine having the maturity and courage to do something like that at 16. I envy you, actually - I really wish I had realised I had a problem and done something about it at your age, instead of carrying on regardless for 20-odd years first.

    The education is something to be proud of, and something you will draw benefit from in the future. But the fact you are trying to deal with your issues, overcome this problem and improve yourself is even more so.

    Keep working on yourself and the world will catch up soon enough and see you for the person you are and the person you are becoming. Ironically, you might even end up achieving more in life because of the work you are now putting into learning and healing yourself, than if you'd never had the addiction. I'm not saying the addiction is a good thing to have - I know first hand how horrible or is - but you can actually get strength from the process of dealing with it, especially since you are doing so so young.

    You'll get there. Focus on today, on staying sober and healing yourself and trust that life will happen and it will be good.
  3. lucastoni

    lucastoni Fapstronaut

    Do not give up, youre only 16.. I wish I was your age when I discovered NoFap.. You know what to do! if you wanna change you gotta stay away from PMO...

    Know your triggers and stay away from them..
    Cold Showers, working out and meditation are your best allies, they help me A LOT

    Good luck
    We CAN Do This! and slb like this.
  4. We CAN Do This!

    We CAN Do This! Fapstronaut

    This really means so much, thanks for writing all this!

    You are right, and I do appreciate that I've recognized the problems this early on, but in a way it kind of feels like I've created a lot more problems than I needed to at this age. Part of me feels like I'm wasting this part of my life worrying about who I am, but I mostly feel good that I'm already sorting myself out, and as you said, getting a bit of a head start :)
    slb likes this.
  5. We CAN Do This!

    We CAN Do This! Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice mate!

    Cold showers and working out I'm kind of doing, meditation I've never done but I'd love to try it :D Thanks for replying :)
  6. Sananafraz

    Sananafraz Fapstronaut

    Got hit hard? Perfect chance for an abrupt change!
    lucastoni and We CAN Do This! like this.
  7. Hey bro, it's tough for students like us, but treat it like an assignment. Stop worrying about what you can't control.
    What you can control is your urges and you'll feel waaaayyyy better in just a week or so. Personally, I've always felt that the toughest days are the first 15. Then simpler, then more easy till your 90. Basically focus for the first month, then stuff will start 'happening' by itself. Good luck, stay strong! :)
  8. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    Sounds like you got a great invitation to get back on track and become the man for that gorgeous girl. Your grades are an accomplishment to be proud of and build on. Continuing your studies will generally take you farther than skills and talents in other areas. It is nice to play an instrument or be athletic and score goals, but, unless you are incredible, that is not a plan for a good life. An advanced degree will not guarentee a good income, but it usually helps.
    As for your looks, you have not arrived. I remember looking at a formal photo I had gotten at 16. I immediately ran to the bathroom with it and looked in the mirror to see if I really was that skinny and ugly. Sadly, it was a reasonable likeness; my ears were that big. In a few years my head grew into my ears, I filled out some, and I was much happier with my appearance. You will probably grow a bit more and look different in a just few years..
    As you get off PMO, you will gain pride and courage. You can spend some time in the gym building some shoulders and strength, but keep up your studies. You may not be happy with what you see in the mirror today, but you are in good shape, and without PMO, you will do great. Stay with it, get off PMO, and enjoy becoming the man you really are.
    Phil63, slb and We CAN Do This! like this.
  9. Loveyourself

    Loveyourself New Fapstronaut

    you need to look at the bright side! you're addressing a life ruining disorder in such a young age! not everyone gets that opportunity. cheer up!
    slb and We CAN Do This! like this.
  10. We CAN Do This!

    We CAN Do This! Fapstronaut

    That's exactly what I think!
  11. We CAN Do This!

    We CAN Do This! Fapstronaut

    I've never made it past 9 days, so that's why I've never felt the benefits. This time I'll do it though!
    AscendingBorborite likes this.
  12. We CAN Do This!

    We CAN Do This! Fapstronaut

    Damn you know how to cheer someone up! I'm definitely gonna come back to this post when I'm feeling down, cheers mate :D

    Also thanks for taking the time to write so much for me, really appreciate it :)
    HappyDaysAreHereAgain and Phil63 like this.
  13. We CAN Do This!

    We CAN Do This! Fapstronaut

    Thanks man, I am gonna start trying to focus on what I have to be happy about. Quitting PMO should help tons, too :)
  14. You just had a taste of what your life could be like if you really quit PMO, I remember when I was 16 and feeling like you do sadly I did not know NoFap back them, you are ahead of most people your age and if you keep going in six months your life can be like it was in your dreams. Being good looking is not that importante I have a friend that is short, smells bad, and is uglier then me but he has had way more girls then I did, I love being around him so does EVERYONE else.

    Saying that you are ugly is another excuse to give up and relapse. Stay strong and your dreams will come true.
    We CAN Do This! likes this.
  15. We CAN Do This!

    We CAN Do This! Fapstronaut

    Thanks bud, that really means a lot! I just gotta sort out this addiction and I'm sure everything will work out :)
    O.Renato likes this.
  16. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    You are over the hump to your personal best.
    Stay strong, and you will soon set a new record.
    Blow the doors off!
    We CAN Do This! likes this.
  17. 5adn8m8

    5adn8m8 Fapstronaut

    First of all I really congratulate you for being here at age 16.Many PMO addicts decide to revise the way they're living at 20s or even 30 or 40s. But here you are! joining a fabulous community to make the rest of your life the best of your life.

    Second of all you're in a critical age.I know that because I've been there.I had too much acne on my face, I was so thin and short compared to my classmates(It was before I learnt that I should never ever compare myself to anyone. We are all gifted in one particular way and just because we don't know in which way exactly doesn't mean we are not!)
    I am 23 now and I can tell you none of those things matter anymore. because either they have gone away(like acne) or I just found a way to expect them as they are(like my height).I've been going to gym for a year and half and I've gained some weight and increased my BMI from 17 to 19.5. I'm not saying this stuff to impress you just saying to let you know that you can accept things you can't change(believe me a lot of thing won't matter in next 2 years so why worry too much?) and change what you can!
    Who said you're not handsome or good looking? you? after watching porn and jerkin off you can't possibly feel good about yourself, I get that. But jumping to conclusions and saying that I am not good enough, not sensible at all.
    you have so much potential and remember you are only 16 years old.I can see a smart teenager who knows what he's exactly doing! I mean come on I joined this community 2 weeks ago after losing a lot of things I could have kept because of PMO. You are here and that says a lot about you.I can imagine a determined man like you can achieve so many things.Things he has written in his journals as his goals for his next 2 years!
    Every achievement can influence our self esteem so your school grades just show you that you can achieve more than that.You're the same person who got those grades right?Why in the HELL you shouldn't be able to achieve more?!
    You need to believe in yourself and you need to take it easy!
    Life has much more to offer and you are gonna experience a lot of nice things.just wait for it!
    You're on right track keep going!
    Good luck!
  18. We CAN Do This!

    We CAN Do This! Fapstronaut

    You’re right, I will!
  19. We CAN Do This!

    We CAN Do This! Fapstronaut

    Wow, this really blew me away! This made me feel so much better and more accepting about myself!

    You made some great points there. I really do need to stop worrying about myself so much and enjoy my time as a 16 year old.

    Thanks for this, really am grateful for you typing it all :)
    5adn8m8 likes this.
  20. 5adn8m8

    5adn8m8 Fapstronaut

    Your welcome buddy!
    We CAN Do This! likes this.