Religion and ego.. and flat earth

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by IggyIshness, Sep 18, 2017.

  1. I do research and question things in the Bible and you still haven't answered what it is you believe about God.
  2. One can do those things without adhering to a specific faith but look at the world today and you don't really see a lot of healing, compassion or forgiveness. Following God's example and using the Holy Spirit to guide in doing the three things is the best way for us to do those things because it's very hard to do those things on our own especially forgive because a human's natural instinct is to seek revenge not forgive and as for compassion, a human's natural instinct is to be selfish and look out for their own self interest not offer compassion.
  3. Yeah I looked into it and you were right. I admit I was wrong but still I do question and research things about the Bible on my own.
    HopeFaith likes this.
  4. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    You hate snakes too lol
  5. HopeFaith

    HopeFaith Fapstronaut

    I belie He is the one and only. Master of the day of judgment, Him alone I worship and Him alone I seek. He guides whom He wishes and leaves in error those who do not seek His guidance. He is the forgiver of all sins and His doors of repentance are always open for those who are alive.... so it is up to us to knock at those doors. He is universal, eternal, wise beond any measure. He is all knowing and all forgiving and it is up to us to make a choise if we want to live in surrender to Him: beig happy or in according to our own thoughts and desires: suffering.
    He is the master at all hearts and His incredibly loving peaceful energy maintains this whorld and the entire universe in incredible harmony.

    But so many people are so far disconnected from their hearts and from Him that they for ever dwell in error and eternal suffering never realising they can just come out of it. Infact, suffering means disconection from His love and light. This is what hell is all about. It is a very far, far away place away from God's love.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2017
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. That's beautiful and I totally agree. Jesus' love is wonderful and awesome beyond any measure, description or comparison, it can't be put into words the greatness of His love, Grace and mercy.
  7. HopeFaith

    HopeFaith Fapstronaut

    I was not talking about Jesus, I was talking about the God the Fater. The one who was worshiped by Noah, Abraham, David, Salomon, Marry, Jusef, and by Jesus himself. Infact, Jesus repeatedly stayted through the bible that he can do nothing on his own. His power and knowledge all comes from God the Father.

    "I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me." John 5:30 King James Version

    Jesus heart and will has perfectly surrendered to that of God the Father. This is what I am telling you to do too. If you love Jesus you should do as he did. Stop worshiping him as God. If Jesus was God he would have been praying to himself. God is all knowing but Jesus was not, God is all mightly, but Jesus was not, God is eternal but Jesus was not. Jesus prayed to God the Father, so should you.

    I will leave it here. I understand you belive dearly that Jesus is God all mighty even though every messenger in your own bible prayed to God the Father including Jesus himself. It is not for me to convince you agains your faith you but it is for you to explore the truth and see the obvious. This is what never stops amaising me, how people can believe in strange concepts even though it is written in plain sight otherwise. The power of brain conditioning. People will believe anything if repeated to them constantly and since childhood.

    It was pleasure talking to you and good luck with your recovery and with your journey of the heart. I know your heart is recognising my words as truth, but your head keeps in cheeming in with your childhood conditioning. It is up to you so follow the truth, even it it goes against everything you have been thought in your life. Infact this is what Jesus had to do too! He had to go against the Jewish establishments of his times, against the traders in the wholly place and interest applied on loans, he went against everything that Jewish society adopted and believed to be Godly, but it was not. So if you love Jesus, be like him. Follow the truth and God the Father. This is what he did. Take care.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2017
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Jesus is an intermediate between God and man. That's why I pray to Jesus. God the Father, God the Son or Jesus and the Holy Spirit are all one, they all have equal power and they are all eternal beings therefore Jesus is all powerful, all knowing and is an eternal being, that's the power of the Trinity, all of them are equal. Do you believe in the Trinity? As a result of our sinful state, we couldn't and can't communicate with God directly but rather His Son, Jesus who is an intercessor or intermediate through which God and man can communicate and have relationship. Since you keep talking about God the Father and Jesus, does this mean that believe in the Bible? I also hope for you to have an excellent recovery. You seem to be doing well. I enjoy discussing these theological matters with you also.
  9. HopeFaith

    HopeFaith Fapstronaut

    So if Jesus and God have equal powers why don't you start praying to the wholly gost? If they are the same, do it and then go to your priest and tell him that you are worshiping the holly gost only from now and see his reaction. And if they are the same: how can you have the same God being an intermediate to the same God? If they are equal then one cannnot be half way God between The higher God and the people. If they are equal then you should pray to all 3 of them equally otherwise the other 2 might get jealous. And you do not want to upset 2 gods out of 3! That is a very bad idea ... and that is polytheism. Infact this is what poganinc people of Arabia used to do before the establishment of Islam. They all believed in one God who had daughters and sons. I am not Christian but I know a little about the bible. Infact I used to be Christian but after quitte comprehensive study of the scripture I saw the truth and woke up. That was the greatest thing of my life. Another greatest thing was the realisation that the pathway to heaven is real and it leads via my own heart being purified and inlined as much as possible with God the Father and His will.

    .... but if those 3 gods are not the same.... then why worship a servant and lower God who "himself can do nothing"? If you do not mind I would like to leave this discussion now. I can not help you any further. You have to start searching for truth yourself. Take care my friend.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2017
  10. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Actually, God is massively forgiving. The second I received Christ into my heart, I was no longer a sinner in the eyes of God. In fact, scripture says that He actually forgot my sins, as if He chose to erase them from His memory. I challenge you to find a better illustration of forgiveness than that.

    You don't. Christianity isn't primarily concerned with good behavior. It's concerned with eternal salvation. That's the one thing you can't get without Christianity.

    Interesting. Since you reject scripture, how exactly did you come to this realization? Did you just think it up one day and say, "sure, that sounds good to me"?
  11. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    You offered no help to @aarondf from the beginning. He isn't searching for truth, because like most of us Christians have realized, it's a waste of time to keep searching for what we've already been given.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    That's quite a statement coming from someone who rejects Christ as the all-sufficient savior.

    Jesus said no one comes to the Father except through him. He also said that no one who denies the son has the father.

    Are these the statements of a man who you admit had his heart and will "perfectly" surrendered? Or do you only credit Jesus with the sayings that conveniently line up with your own personal spirituality?
  13. HopeFaith

    HopeFaith Fapstronaut

    I wanted to know the truth so I started studying. It took me few years. Very helpful to me were the books and lectures of Ahmed Deedad but also research done by Christian scholars. Maybe start by reading the preferences to all the different bible edditions.

    I love Jesus with all my heart. Infact I try to copy him as much as I can. But tell me: where in the scripture Jesus says to his followers: worship me? Pray to me? Nowhere! Or did he come with the message for people to worship God the Father?

    " Me and my father are one" simply means that my will and the will of my Father is aligned, it means Jesus was doing as God the Father wanted. He surrendered his own desires completely to God the Father.

    I agree that one of the the pathways to heaven is via Jesus.... but this means doing as he was doing. And he was always praying to God. Even before his crucyfiction he was praying to God to save him, like every common Tom, Dick and Harry when they are in deep trouble. Trinity concept was first introduced by Paul after Jesus was already long gone and in 381 it was formalised by the First Council of Constantinopole if I am not mistaken.

    Infact, you will find not a single mention in your bible about trinity. Jesus never said worship Me, my Father and the Holy Goast. His mother Marry.... all she ever did was pray to God the Father. All the previous prophets ever did was pray to God the Father. Do not believe me. Check it out yourself. It is there, in plain sight in your own bible, for everybody to see. Who did Abraham pray to? Who did Noah pray to? Who did Adam pray to? Who did Mussa pray to? Who did Mary pray to? Who did Jesus pray to? They all prayed to One and the same God. Infact, your very first commandment:

    "I am the Lord your God, You shall have no other God before me"

    States that you should pray to no other but God. The only God that is, the one and only, you call him God the Father.

    If all of a sudden you start praying to God's son, God's daughter, God's nephews, gosts even if holy, to angels, to Marry, to St. Peter, to the pope, to mother Teresa, to the Sun, to the moon... you are committing the greates sin ever. It is like writing a letter to God but praying to the postman because God is too big.

    And let me tell you something else: I truly fricked out when my heart has realised I was polytheistic for so long. That was 20 years ago.... I was severely scared for years after wards. The magnitude and heaviness of the sin of praying to others but The God is enormous. It would shake you to your very core and your whole world would crush. Infact, whole nations in the bible were destroyed for polytheism. This is why it is number 1 in your commandments. And prayer is worship.

    So drop the postal services, pray to the big boss. Can't you see that by the single concept of intercession millions of people are deceived into praying to other deitis? This concept is even present in some Islamic schools now but they go to graves asking their dead for intercession. And who is happy when you pray to A, B, C or D instead of God the Creator?
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2017
  14. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    First of all, it's holy, not "holly".

    Jesus claimed to be God in far more ways and in far more passages than the one you chose to focus on.

    Ah, I see what you did there. Unfortunately, the words of Christ totally contradict that statement. Jesus did not say, I am a way to the Father ... he said he was the way to the Father, and went on to say that there was no other way to the Father except through him. This is why he says the path to heaven is narrow. It's narrow because truth is very exclusive.

    Once again: "No one comes to the Father except through me." - Jesus
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. Lol, I believe in the flat earth theory to the extent that I reject the common belief that the earth is an "oblate spheroid"... It's not because I want to feel more significant, it's just that I have a hard time believing NASA's claims. You can feel how you want about it, but I would suggest that you consider the earth being flat as a possibility and do your own research before rejecting it. Otherwise, that's just being dismissive.
  16. No, it's not being dismissive to reject a theory which has already been proven to be incorrect. Hell, proven incorrect to such an extent that only conspiracy nutters are the ones who hold onto the theory.

    And this one for fun...a leaked NASA photo they didn't want you to see. :D
  17. What proof do you have of the Earth being flat?