
Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by sombrero23, Sep 8, 2017.

What's your religion

  1. Christianity

    20 vote(s)
  2. Islam

    11 vote(s)
  3. Judaism

    0 vote(s)
  4. Buddhism

    1 vote(s)
  5. Hinduism

    3 vote(s)
  6. Other

    6 vote(s)
  7. Atheism

    10 vote(s)
  1. Dr Doom

    Dr Doom Fapstronaut


    I'm a fellow Muslim and the reason is simple: 0+0+0.... will never give you one. And the only reason you are able to be on this website is because somebody had to create it. It didn't emerge from nothingness by itself or did it?
    Just go read Quran with English translation for once and you'll find the solace your looking for and you'll truly understand its not man-made. But if still you don't believe it's not man made then go create a chapter like it and the shortest chapter is only 10 words... only 10 words man.

    Secondly, I believe in Life that God has given us! I so believe angels don't have life, they simply do what they are told by Creator and they never disobey. But God truly has given us a divine, a gift that science hasn't explained it to us and potentially will NEVER. Life, we choose our path, we decide our ending. Since you are asking this question don't let this chance pass by. Just go Read Quran once.

    Thirdly, I believe in something that's called "Shahoor" I do not know if there's a literal word for this in English but to define it means a sense that gives us the ability to observe our surroundings and improve ourselves; something animals don't posses. No, it's not brain since animals and potentially all creatures has brain, it's something in brain that makes truly unique to all creatures made by Qadeer (it's one of God's name means Power to do anything He wants)

    Life, Shahoor and Quran is what keeps me hold on to my religion.

    Life, Shahoor and Quran is what I value most.

    My biggest concern is that to keep my faith because the world is changing faster than the universe expanding, I mean, looking at how others treat religion, how most commit sins but think it's common I.e having sex with a total stranger and thinking its ok, how the world is forgetting God (by this I don't mean, God needs us by this I mean that once God was involved in daily life of everyone.)
    And most importantly scientists denying the existence of God while they see by their own eyes that Dark Energy despite being so close to our solar system it still hasn't expanded our solar system. They clearly know an outsider force (God) is not allowing it to affect our solar system, at least, not yet. But I know God knows what I'm going through, I know He is always with me, if it wasn't for Him I'd been one of the disbelievers, I was so close to quit my religion due to terrorism and being in US society but then I saw the Light of God, that lead me out of the Darkness that had encompassed me and for that I'll never ever even think of quitting my religion again. In regards with scientists I'm going to tell you a verse from Quran, "It's not their eyes that are blind, but it's their hearts that are sealed."

    Good luck,
    Choose your path wisely.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2017
  2. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    I would be interested in whether instead of Christianity you should have Catholic and Protestant to choose from. I say this because I hesitate to classify myself as Christian as this too often is identified with Protestantism. Thoughts?

    This may at first seem odd to Christians, but is more understandable when you consider how many Christians/ Protestants are actually adverse to the idea of religion [organized religion] these days. They prefer to say they are spiritual than religious. For me, I love the word religious [to bind together].

    When you consider that the OP's question asks what religion you are, then it makes more sense to split the Catholic and Protestant. For the Catholics have a religion, whereas the Protestants are an ever proliferating number of disconnected sects.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2017
  3. Yeah, tbh I find that incredibly annoying. I think such people have an emotional attachment to Jesus/God - it's like Jesus/God is their husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend. If you criticise their faith they'll feel like you're attacking their SO.

    So what happened to your religion thread. I wrote a two paragraph reply and it said it wasn't available.
  4. Hello,
    This topic is actually about faith, what else were you expecting in here?
    This thread, as its auther's intending it to be, is actually not a "debate" on each others views and beliefs. So kindly, don't start a debate already, rather post your own beliefs/views in regards to the author's questions in the first post.
    AM141 likes this.
  5. I believe in Jesus Christ, so I'm a Christian and also it's about having a relationship and fellowship with God not about religious rituals.

    I keep faith in Him because I've seen more than enough proof through archaeological evidence that affirms events that took place in the Bible, I see the manifestation of the Holy Spirit at church every Saturday and even though I haven't really delved into and researched deeply all religions (and I'm not trying to be disrespectful here) but Christianity is the only one that makes sense to me and I've seen more than enough proof for the existence of God. Eg. history is dated around his name through BC (Before Christ) and AD (After the Death of Christ) which sorta proves that He was actually a historical figure.

    I value God's Grace the most. I wrestle with it a lot and I often don't understand why He loves me but He does.

    My biggest concern about it is that some persons are becoming increasingly hostile towards Christians and persons of other faiths and it's really concerning that the free speech of Christians and persons of other faiths are becoming increasingly limited.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2017
  6. Hopeful Egyptian

    Hopeful Egyptian Fapstronaut

    I guess you haven't read about Islam, because the same as you said exactly but our book is Quran, our God is allah not jesus who is one of the prophets to us and we respect and believe him like we believe in our prophet mohamed. And we feel the same in mosques on friday like you feel in church on Saturday. Yes a lot of stuff and evidences in Quran too. After all islam, christianity and jaudaism are heavenly religions came from the same God. True muslims(don't mean extrimist, who may be found in any religion) respect christianity and not hostile. We live together in Egypt.
  7. I'm not religious, but am spiritual. I have a Higher Power, and am grateful for my HP.

    I don't question other's religious nor spiritual beliefs. I have friends and family of all faiths and no faith. It's part of my spirituality to not get involved in OPD (other people's drama).

    In fact, the only time I take issue (meaning I have to vote or actually act in a certain way) with other's beliefs is when they are being imposed on society and they conflict with my own world view. But, thankfully, that is rare.

    I live my life one day at a time and try to remain at peace. Sometimes it works great, sometimes - as the scientist said - the feces hits the rotatory oscillator.
  8. Spiff

    Spiff Fapstronaut

    Bearing children is just one way that a person can be fruitful. And, one can bear children and not be particularly fruitful, if they never take the time to teach or love the kid. If I draw a picture, build a shed, make a good meal for my family, help my wife when she is struggling, teach my children or anybody else in a good way, go to school to learn something useful, have a profession which helps others or produces good things, etc, then I am being fruitful.

    From a Christian perspective, being fruitful would be serving God, and there are many many ways to do that.

    Peace to all the Muslims in this thread - you are representing yourselves very well here.
  9. Hopeful Egyptian

    Hopeful Egyptian Fapstronaut

    @Icarium man teaching is very good example of having hope and work to do on earth. And as you said fruitful can come in any means either kids, good word, health, wealth. I respect you and thanks for your compliment on muslims brother in humanity. :)
    Deleted Account and Spiff like this.
  10. Dr Doom

    Dr Doom Fapstronaut

    Thanks man,

    So is everyone else, I respect everyone's point of view, I never force anyone to my religion.

    In regards to being with fruitful, It doesn't mean having more babies, even so if he/she meant it that way it still is cool because NEVER despair of Raziq (Food Provider, another name orb God)
    It has been proved by an event that God provides His creatures Food no matter their situation; the event is that there was a worm found inside a ROCK eating a leaf. See God no matter what your situation is, will prove you the Food you need, he has served us more or less 5billion years or so will continue if He wants. God has stated in Quran, "Never ask Me for two things; Food and Death." In this verse He says that what you are gonna eat for breakfast lunch or dinner is already determined and so is your death and Allah in another verse has stated, "There will be no change in creations of God." So it means your death and food is already DETERMINED and UNCHANGABLE. And being fruitful means to help others and most importantly help your own soul by not committing sins and doing good deeds.

    And something else I want to add is:
    Who says you can't see God in earth?
    Yes, indeed, you'll find Him if you are truly with your heart willing to see Him. Though it will not be visual but you'll sense the existence of Him. There was a prophet who once asked God so much that he wanted to see Him, so God told him to go to Mountain Noor (Mountain Light) he did go and when only God revealed a little of Himself, the prophet went unconscious and woke up 3 days later so what we learn is we are not ABLE to see God in this world but He has promised to us He'll honor us by revealing Himself in hereafter to the Righteous.

    At last, forgive me for all the sins I have made, I indeed have wronged my own soul many times by PMO, for You are most merciful and oft-returning and All-Lover. Let my last word on earth be:
    There's no God but Allah (worthy of worship) and Mohammad his Messenger.

    P.S. I always pray this because it's extremely rare someone saying his Kalima while they are dying.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2017
    Spiff and Hopeful Egyptian like this.
  11. Hopeful Egyptian

    Hopeful Egyptian Fapstronaut

    Great @Dr Doom , by the way he is well know to other religions. He was Moses.(moosa)
  12. Longinus

    Longinus Guest

    I have always found the opposition to religion from Christians to be very peculiar indeed. I think most of it comes from a misunderstanding of the purpose/virtue of religion and the meaning of the word Church. I think what most do not understand is that there is no way around being religious. In the end there are only two types of people who exist: those who follow an organized religion or those who follow to their own religion. Plus spiritualism is a religion in and of itself.
  13. Brighter

    Brighter New Fapstronaut

    As another member explained, Muslims believe in Prophet Jesus too. This makes them Muslims.
    Muslims believe they follow the primary command revealed to all Prophets of God "Worship God alone".
    Hopeful Egyptian likes this.
  14. sombrero23

    sombrero23 Fapstronaut

    Hey there once again.

    I read all the posts that appeared here, and I still get the same impression - that religion is like Earth

    What I mean by it? All of us can say that we live on planet Earth, can't we? We live on the same planet but still, it isn't the same for all people. Some of us live in the cities, some live on the plains, deserts, near the sea, in the mountains etc. But it's still the same planet. And in my opinion it goes the same with religion. There are some differences, but after all, primarily religions are all about love and compassion. And yet, so many conflicts occur. Despite all its wisdoms, people still fight because of religion. I don't want to debate over it, it just makes me sad. I really respect all of you, not because of tolerance, but because of your strong faith, which requires a lot of willpower.

    Some people wondered what do I want to achieve with this thread. I've been watching so much hatred for so many religions or beliefs lately. On television, on the Internet etc. But we forget that we all are humans, despite our beliefs. It isn't like people from a specific religon don't have the same problems as we do. We are all here have on thing in common - addiction to PMO. And we have a will to change it. It doesn't whether you believe in Jesus, Allah, Buddha or whatever else. Tolerance is a precious value, let's not lose it because of minor differences
  15. Hopeful Egyptian

    Hopeful Egyptian Fapstronaut

    @sombrero23 I guess then you have read my thread :). I agree with you. After all we are humans, we all know we descended from the same Adam and Eve. Yes there are extremists, but as I explained no need for stereotyping and relate violence to certain religions because of tv. May be they focus on certain people, but look to the other side. Humanity, and how people treat each other. We can tell people about our beliefs in a good way and they have the will to like or not. The Religion is for the creator. As a Muslim, I say I do my worshiping to God this is between me and him, if you like ok if you don't you are free as long as I don't harm others. But beleive me, there is good and bad in every beleif, no one is angel here. We are human and we many do mistakes.
    What makes me sad racism in certain areas or from certain people when knowing i am muslim, and that all Muslims are terrorists just beleiving media or focusing on extremists.
    Spiff likes this.
  16. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    From my standpoint, religion should be the most natural of all things. Get rid of the clutter, and what do we find? Ourselves as a religious animal. Nor are we autonomous, but come into this world with a set of hierarchies and authorities over us... once again religion. So how have we become anti-religious in our individualistic fervor? I'd say in becoming rational. Instead of moving in harmony with the cosmos, we detach and identify ourselves with the rational ego. This is actually a rebellious act. And then we think our selves free and independent, but the reality is we are controlled by a whole new set of hierarchies and authorities which are false.

    Autonomous reason [theory] is the culprit here, not reason per se. A more practical form of reason engages with the various religious traditions, and can come to some understanding of orthodoxy. Sadly, most are heretics today... I say that in the sense that the principle of thinking for yourself [heresy] is elevated to the sacrosanct.... as if we ourselves, in the puniness of our own solitary mind, could decide such momentous matters as to what is holy, good, and just. What odd creatures we are.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2017
  17. Dr Doom

    Dr Doom Fapstronaut

    I strongly recommend whoever that thinks Islam is behind all terrorism should watch this new movie of 2017 named Unlocked. It truly expressed everything. It truly explains how top countries are using Islam to test each other's might.
    Hopeful Egyptian likes this.
  18. I feel the same, as a Protestant who doesn't want people to think I'm Catholic. Lol ;)
    Buzz Lightyear likes this.
  19. dragonslayer

    dragonslayer Fapstronaut

    I am a Hindu by birth and was brought up in a religious family and also the society consisting of mostly Hindus. As a kid, religion was a big part of me and I used to pray to various gods (In hinduism, there are multiple gods with their own powers and identity).

    But after joining college, something changed. I started doubting if actually there was some higher being, or we all were believing so because we were told so. It's true that it makes us feel humble and gives us hope.

    I started to question the idea of religious beliefs and the picture got clearer to me. I started to see religion as a social glue, invented by man himself to bond with other people. I myself have never had a godly event to make me believe in God. Slowly, I came to reject this whole idea of any entity which created us and is looking after us now.

    So, I would say that I belong to the group of atheists now. I have read a lot on spirituality but still I am learning. My take on religious material is to read it and understand and follow the things that make you more human. Whether it's Gita, Bible or Qur'an. But, I cannot believe in a God because for me that's irrelevant. I'm a atheist Hindu and I plan on being a Hindu for the rest of my life because it provides me the flexibility to question the religious beliefs.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. I'm not included as an agnostic. But for me religion became quite interesting the last year.

    I'm thinking like this: I don't know if there is a god or something of a higher power.
    But I also don't know if there is nothing out there. I really want to believe that there is something, but after thinking and thinking about it, I just can't grasp it.
    I think I will have to live with me not knowing it, which is precisely why it's called believeing in god and not "knowing" in him.

    Why do I want to believe?

    If there is something after death it would be awesome.
    Someone looks after me, even if noones around.
    Someone cares.

    Is it plausible?

    Well. It is a possibillity. But if there really is something out there, it migh be of a higher dimension, so much more advanced that we couldn't ever wrap our heads around it. Think of a 3-dimensional world without time, it's just a 3-D model, without time there is no change and it would probably even consist without any atoms. Once you add time, it gets craziely more complex. Now if god would be 5-dimensional, would we even matter to him? I mean why should something like that bother?

    The idea I like most though is the one of us being in a simulation, that is quite plausible and it would increase the chance of some higher lifeform to observe us. It would even fit quite nicely within religious believe, that after death (end of simulation) you would go to paradise (whatever that may be then). If you think about planck-units, the smallest possible distance between two particles (electrons for example), you get the idea that our universe is voxelated (just like our games are). Time is also not infinetely divisible, so everything happens at a rate (think of frames per second).
    This theory also allows "god" to look somewhat like us. It allows interaction even, so that "god" could send some other higher lifeform to earth in human form (jesus).

    Just some thoughts of mine, this is the closest I've got to being religious in my whole life, it is this theory that I can call plausible. You can tell I was not raised religiously, but I was an agnostic since I thought about god, which is a good thing I think.

    Edit: @sombrero23 I just wanted to say that I think you have a great attitude towards religion or the people that believe in it, keep that alive! It's important to try to understand people with all their different thoughts, believes and ideas, it enriches life.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2017