Rejected by wife

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by ParvusSapentia, Jun 10, 2017.

  1. Queen_Of_Hearts_13

    Queen_Of_Hearts_13 Fapstronaut

    I can't fantasise about anyone else when I am with someone I view that as a betrayal and so does my fiance. I haven't fantasized about any other man if I ever chose to get off. I don't fantasize I personally feel like that means they aren't enough for me.

    I used to fantasize (before I met my fiance), except about how much better they could be or if they could treat me better, and that ended up always making me realize just how wrong the relationship was if the guy couldn't be emotionally supportive, or offer to go down on me after I do that for him. So I just stay away from fantasy. To me, it ruins the reality of what you have.

    Now I do fantasize about certain times I've done things with my fiance. I can remember the first time we hooked up and honestly that is one of my favorite's so I think of that, but never another guy, or never thinking my fiance could be better. I prefer reality to fantasy, but that's just me
    ItsNeverTooLate and anewhope like this.
  2. ParvusSapentia

    ParvusSapentia Fapstronaut

    Personally I never used porn instead of making love to my wife.

    Porn was a selfish misguided way of trying to get my needs met, and I didn't realize how badly it impacted my world view, or contributed to our intimacy problems and the distance between us. I see now that the impact my clouded thinking had on my wife.

    Wish I saw it sooner, but I can only work to change the future.

    Among the things I'm trying to give up are ogling and fantasizing.
    To be honest given the state of my home life and my marriage it is difficult to not imagine having someone love me enough to give me a hug, make love to me and tell me life is good.
  3. Kazmi

    Kazmi Fapstronaut

    I totally agree with you here mate. I unfortunately feel the same.
    Kenzi likes this.
  4. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    It could be we all view things from our own point of view based on experience. If she is physically abusing you you need to file a police report and leave now. I would never abuse or be physical that's just not who I am but I certainly wanted to! I just control my anger. All I am saying is I understand why she feels the way that she does and I'm not sure that you understand the extreme amount of pain that she is in as a result of the pmo and lies. She is lashing out in pain. That does not make it right by any means but just as addicts ask that SO forgive them and understand that their actions are not so easy to control I think you need to see that with her. But by all means get out of the situation if it's dangerous. I'm just trying to help you understand her behavior.
  5. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    I think men who are being abused should have the same rights. But I think part of the double standard comes from physiology. A 6'2 300 pound man can take most women down quite easily. So the female is more vulnerable in that situation than the man, barring of course if she has a weapon or is some master of the marital arts. A man has the power to fight back physically and protect himself often a woman is helpless and so society feels for them. It's not an equal fight. But physical abuse causes emotional wounds that are much deeper than the physical ones and society needs to get with the fact that men have just as many feelings and emotional wounds as women. No one deserves abuse and you need to not accept that. While I understand the rage she feels it still does not make physical abuse okay.
  6. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    This forum is about sharing experiences. I understand you don't like what I am saying and you don't agree or want to hear it. My advice was what he needed to do to have a chance to save his relationship. And I disagree I do see that he was trying to lay blame not for his pmo but for the downfall of the relationship. This is not advice about or what's right what's fair. It's about what SOs need and again I know it's difficult to hear. Several addicts in recovery recommended "The Love Dare" which is highlighted in the movie fireproof. Basically you make 40 days totally about your partner. This is what I am suggesting.
  7. ParvusSapentia

    ParvusSapentia Fapstronaut

    I get it. Really and truly do.

    The next morning I apologized again for being the source of her pain and rage but made it absolutely clear that there is no hitting or causing physical pain in our house - not to me or our son. she didn't get it, didt apologize for any of her behavior in front of the kids but then again after 15 years I've learned the best I'll ever get is 'it is unfortunate we had a negative interaction'

    On top of her poorly treated chemical imbalance she is dealing with an existential crisis (kids are old enough that they need her less and less and it's time for her to re-enter the workforce), add in my depression and betrayal... totally have sympathy and compassion.

    I am in no way worried about my physical safety, I'm a foot taller and 100 pounds heavier. I'm on my guard and will just try to de-escalate when things get heated. I'm more concerned about her doing this in front of the kids!

    I know your feel like all of this is entirely because of my Pmo issues, but I am not responsible for her chemical imbalance.

    At the start of our relationship we found comfort in each other, then we enabled each other, and we've reached a point where our mental health issues are reinforcing each other's.

    My sincerest hope is that couples therapy will cause her to both open up and look inside.

    I think we could work towards establishing a healthy relationship, but I can't do it alone.
    i_wanna_get_better1 likes this.
  8. ParvusSapentia

    ParvusSapentia Fapstronaut

    Some forward momentum!

    I just had a long talk with my wife over coffee this morning. She actually apologized for the knife thing, and explained that she is tapering off meds and is terrified about the future.

    I apologized for betraying her, and we talked without me trying to blame her or making any excuse about my behavior about how badly her rejections hurt me over the years (didn't have sex on our wedding night, our honeymoon in Hawaii was the least romantic and erotic experience)... I explained how many times she rejected me, and although she claims out sex life was "normal" bc we had sex at least once most weeks, I was able to explain that because she was only doing it out of obligation and not desire for me the sex was empty and sad.

    She tried to guilt me into believing I'm a pervert with unrealistic expectations, and I just stayed calm and reminded her of all the times I've explained to her that it's not sex per se, but the lack of desire and intimacy, the fact that she never wants to go anywhere or do anything etc that contributed to our relationship deteriorating.

    I absolutely tried to make it clear I take responsibility for looking at porn and lying about it, also other things like not setting good boundaries with my family, and during my depression cycle was lazyness etc.

    This was real progress, for the first time I think she sees that there is more to this all than just me being a jerk. We are definitely getting a divorce. We agreed maybe we never should have married... not a mistake because of our wonderful kids.

    We're going to therapy to navigate the split as amicably as possible so the kids are protected.

    She again said I'm free to get my needs met elsewhere as it could take us a year or more to fix the house enough that we could sell it for top dollar... I'm not sure I'm comfortable with finding another partner while still married. It's not JUST sex I want, plus how would the logistics work?
  9. Spiff

    Spiff Fapstronaut

    I'm glad to hear about the civility between you two. Is there really no hope for the marriage after seeing this progress?

    I think it's important to remember that sex isn't a need. Not sure how old you are, but must be in your thirties or more? At my age (37) I find it's rather nice to not be so driven by my male physiology anymore. The drive's still strong - but it leaves room at least for rational thought and self-control.

    Take your time - make sure that you're completely rebooted and confident that you've left porn behind forever. I quit for nearly 200 days a few years ago and stumbled back. Consider this transition period as a good opportunity to wipe the slate completely clean.

    Then you'll be in a good, confident place to find a new partner to (hopefully) share that loving intimacy we all long for.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2017
    Hopefulgirl and ParvusSapentia like this.
  10. ParvusSapentia

    ParvusSapentia Fapstronaut

    Thanks the progress towards civility is kind of predictated on us both accepting we maybe shouldn't have ever gotten married. We're going to therapy but the focus is navigating the exit I think.

    I'm 42, and still libido hasn't waned a bit since I was 16! Sex isn't really what I'm seeking but intimacy of some kind with another would make me feel so alive.

    Im in no rush, and I'm going to double down on my commitment to move in the direction of health.
  11. Good morning @ParvusSapentia,

    I am really glad to hear that you and the wife are making some progress! Even if it isn't all love and romance, being able to communicate is a really good start.

    From someone who has been where you are now, PLEASE don't fall back into PMO. Just as you couldn't have a logical discussion with someone high on herion or other mind altering drug, you will not be able to do so with a P addled brain, and things usually go badly and/or worse very quickly if you do.

    It is not easy giving up on many years of marriage, and the kids suffer the most. As far as possible, avoid letting the kids become pawns in the situation. I truly wish my divorce had been mediated - I am sure there would have been far less animosity during and after that period, and I might not have totally lost my two sons....

    If you really are getting divorced, take @Jolie's advice. Get legal counsel to avoid getting screwed, and ensure there are no loopholes where your ex can make you more miserable afterwards.

    P.S. I remarried and couldn't be happier. There really is life after divorce, and being happy is the best revenge!

    Stay strong, stay clean and God bless.
    Hopefulgirl likes this.
  12. kattskagg

    kattskagg Fapstronaut

    Happy to see you're making progress!

    Seeing other women might be problematic since your wife probably won't like it, even though she says your are free. But yeah, if a wonderful girl happens to just pop up, of course you'd take that chance. :)

    You and your family have been through hell, now it'll only get better I believe! You'll be just fine, and hopefully your soon to be ex wife will get out of her depression and be happy someday.

  13. ParvusSapentia

    ParvusSapentia Fapstronaut

    Thanks very much, that echoes the advice my father gave me - the worst thing that could happen to me already did.

    Now I have to spend a year or two dealing with the aftershocks and rebuilding my life.

    I am trying to just learn my lessons and forgive and be forgivable so we don't carry this all through life.

    I think my strongest quality is the capacity to learn ... I don't have patience but clearly that will have to change!
  14. ParvusSapentia

    ParvusSapentia Fapstronaut

    And of course now that I finally have come to terms with the death of our marriage and essentially spent the last 4 months slowly letting her go, and finally convinced myself that she was right that the life I have slaved to build was a complete crock of shit,
    she is saying there may be a chance to salvage things.

    She wants to go to therapy with an open mind. I just don't know how I'm supposed to spend my life with someone who at a moments notice could decide I'm not worth it.

    Of course I see the irony, in that she is also taking a leap of faith, as I could hurt her again, and probably will because dispute the past months of health I have a lifetime of dysfunction to relearn.

    Three weeks ago I was still wearing my ring and holding on to hope. She convinced me that was stupid. Now that I've given up hope and I am looking to figure out how to split amicably, she suddenly thinks there is a chance?

    Where does abuse start and end?
    Is she manipulating me?

    Is it delusion to think this has nothing to do with her loving me and everything to do with her being terrified to go out on her own? She still cringes when I touch her. I know she spoke to a lawyer and has been looking for a job, and the reality of what life would look like without me must have shaken her.

    I just don't know anymore.

    Anyone who has made it to the other side have words to help me hope?
  15. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Don't play the game or later she will play a different game with worse consequences.
  16. ParvusSapentia

    ParvusSapentia Fapstronaut

    Thank you as always Jolie. You echo my therapist, father and best friend... and my instincts.

    I just promised to love her for life and know I hurt her... but perpetuating this cycle won't make up for the past.

    I can make up for my wrongs by being a good father and steady ally for her in co-parenting.
  17. kattskagg

    kattskagg Fapstronaut

    Jolie may be right, and if you feel the same, then I hope the divorce will go through somewhat smoothly.

  18. ParvusSapentia

    ParvusSapentia Fapstronaut

    Today she actually apologized for rejecting my attempts at reconciliation and apologies. She wants us to go into therapy with an open mind.

    Sounds great but that doesn't mean I'm buying back into the relationship yet. I'm examining what it would take for me to stay with her. Theoretically if she is capable of truly hearing my concerns instead of belittling them, is committed to our marriage and making changes, owning her side and facing her mental illness than maybe just maybe we can make it. I'm still not sure I'll ever be able to believe the other shoe isn't gonna drop... but again if she can take a leap of faith maybe I can. I know the pendulum could swing back, but kids deserve us making a concerted effort.

    I certainly know the changes I've made need to be permanent in order to have a healthy relationship with anyone. I'm happy to get the chance to work through our problems, maybe it will prevent us carrying our issues through life even if we can't walk together. I know I have a lot to apologize for, glad l'll have the chance.
  19. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    I would suggest that you would need full disclosure on all her medical.
    That way there's no "surprises"
  20. Spiff

    Spiff Fapstronaut

    I say it's worth it to pursue reconciliation. There's no harm in giving her some time and seeing if it can work out. Maybe you should figure out and then tell her exactly what you think a marriage ought to be like - both your end and hers - and see if she agrees with you. If she's really only sticking around for financial comfort - that's certainly a problem. You should be able to tell if she's faking affection just to get her way.

    Personally - I think marriages should be held on to even if it requires self-sacrifice. It seems like a good idea to wait until you're at least a year PMO free and then see what's going on, and how much you're willing to put up with to save a marriage.