Poll/Question about movie watching now...

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by MountainInMyWay, Nov 5, 2020.

If SO previously looked up about 100 specific actresses to MO, what’s your advice for the future?

  1. He should reveal who he looked at before so you know what to avoid (killing you each process)

    0 vote(s)
  2. He should not reveal until a movie comes on with that actress and reveal it then (still killing you)

    0 vote(s)
  3. He should not reveal names but basically say: We can’t watch this movie. (Ugh)

    1 vote(s)
  4. He should not say anything & just turn his head away when the actress is on (leaving you oblivious)

    1 vote(s)
  5. He should pick the movies you watch together that are ‘safe’ to watch for at least 90 days(or more?)

    8 vote(s)
  6. Complicated. Response below.

    4 vote(s)
  1. MountainInMyWay

    MountainInMyWay Fapstronaut

    This question is kind of in the realm of rebooting while also feeling the need for full disclosure/being fully honest moving forward.

    If before D-day your SO deliberately looked up about 100 very specific celebrities in the real/photoshopped nude (from age 20-75) to sometimes look at and most times MO to, what’s the best advice you would give to a very hurting heart going forward?
  2. DefendMyHeart

    DefendMyHeart Fapstronaut

    My husband, on his own, has given up all movies for an indefinite amount of time. I know of one, and she used to be one of my favorite avengers movie actresses. I think in order to prevent a relapse, and to also prevent hurt on our end, and if giving up movies isn't an option, I would say to let him pick safe movies to watch.
    I've never asked my husband for names of anyone because I knew I would just go compare myself to them if I did. The only reason I know of the one actress is because of how he kept looking her up. I dont know if he ever MO to them, or if he thought of them during sex with me, or anything along those lines. Part of me wants to remain ignorant to things for awhile until I can get myself to a more healed stage.
  3. Reverent

    Reverent Fapstronaut

    As painful is it is as a betrayed to compare your worth to the near perfect actresses or celebrities, it is a vicious cycle of never measuring up. There will always be another woman prettier than you, richer than you, and certainly younger than you. That is the reality. It's okay that there are beautiful successful young women in this world with charm and charisma. I do understand how it can indeed hurt though when your man steps out of the relationship into fantasyland and indulges in selfish behaviors at your expense. It is truly awful I admit.

    The 100 number intrigues me. It tells me he isn't fixated on one particular actress. That his mind was storing up a plethora of imagery to get the high from the "newness of experience", known as the Coolidge effect. It's not so much about the particular woman, but more about the seeking the next new woman. Our addict minds' become "bored" with the same tantalizing thing that was once SO appealing. That is why the endless hours of scrolling when acting out. The brain searches for that "just right" hit.

    Even if you gave him a whitelist of approved actresses, it wouldn't necessarily fix the real problem.

    If he is truly in recovery, he will do whatever he can to make you feel safe. Such as checking imdb parental reviews for provocative or nudity before watching a movie. On his own accord he may say something to the affect "honey this movie has an actress I once oogled over, we don't need to watch it if it doesn't make you feel comfortable, but I wanted to be transparent and I am committed to you and us, and am not watching it to lust for her."

    Digging out who all, or what specific women he is/was into may statisfy some curiosity, but doesn't give relief because you can never police every person he may see or think about. As he identifies what attributes those 100 women have in common he can better understand his own arousal template and use the information to better safeguard against sticky situations or his own triggers. It also helps him get out of denial by understanding his patterns of behavior.

    In the end he should always put you ahead of his own selfish sexual desires. It is important you feel safe, and the relationship comes first, even at the expense of his movie entertainment. In time and trust, as he demonstrates safety and control he can watch again.

    I hope for healing in your relationship. May you two be vulnerable and authentic. Movies are not a necessity, connection is.
    MountainInMyWay likes this.
  4. Reverent

    Reverent Fapstronaut

    Oh and I forgot to say, 100 specific women "real/photoshopped nude" sounds like a case of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).

    I've seen x actress in a benign situation, addict brain says " I wonder if she ever was nude, I wonder what's going on under those clothes. Who else is cute that I haven't undressed?" Thus the list is formed.

    And instead of sitting with the uncomfortability of never knowing or not seeing what they shared publicly, our entitled self-endulgent minds feed the addiction so we don't "miss out". For some it's porn actresses, others movies, some instagram girls, others webcams, etc.
    All selfish entitlement at the expense of the relationship.

    Emotionally there is some little scared boy stuff going on there that causes FOMO. And more work has to be done. But that could be a cause.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2020
    MountainInMyWay likes this.
  5. DefendMyHeart

    DefendMyHeart Fapstronaut

    If you don't mind my asking, what is FOMO?
  6. Trobone

    Trobone Fapstronaut

    Fear of Missing Out
    DefendMyHeart likes this.
  7. Trobone

    Trobone Fapstronaut

    Getting an exact list of names is not going to help anyone - you're going to compare and what happens if he forgets a name and then reveals it later, it's going to feel like he lied even though he may not have, or he's going to feel pressure to lie about it later to avoid having a second disclosure.

    I advise he do a 3 circles worksheet like this one: https://saa-recovery.org/literature/three-circles-defining-sexual-sobriety-in-saa/

    Go over it with an accountability partner or you (you are not his accountability patner) or a therapist. If seeing one of these actresses in a movie is defined as a relapse, then he needs to tell you before the movie starts or make sure to avoid his eyes. But maybe for him the relapse isn't seeing the actress, but googling/searching for images. It's up to him to define his sobriety.
  8. MountainInMyWay

    MountainInMyWay Fapstronaut

    I’m glad I woke up to all your messages this morning. This was really helpful to read and kind of helps my jumbled mind sort things out more clearly.

    @DefendMyHeart You know I relate to you so much. I think I need to learn to be okay with going the ignorant route, and not take it as him hiding more things from me. My heart can’t take these constant stabs and comparisons as he remembers them down the line.

    @Reverent that part about the Coolidge effect, and especially the FOMO and the little boy part jumped out so much. It makes a lot of sense considering his past (seeing his first P at 6, and emotional trauma from his mother). I want to save your whole thread so I can always go back to access it when I need to see it again. (And thank you for our hope for us)

    @Trobone I will definitely check this link out. My husband is willing to do anything to make up for this loss he caused us, which is great but of course doesn’t erase my hurt on what he did so often or my view of him just yet. I feel like I’m walking through a minefield thinking I will blow up at any minute, while only HE truly knows if most of those mines are defective and won’t go off. And you are right about me thinking he’s lying when he really did forget which just kills me all over again.

    I guess I needed affirmation that it was okay to not need to know EVERYONE he looked up... and that part of not knowing is *not* considered hiding/dishonesty with me... if that makes sense.
    Trobone and DefendMyHeart like this.
  9. DefendMyHeart

    DefendMyHeart Fapstronaut

    @MountainInMyWay I agree as well about the not knowing all the names of everyone. My husband disclosed the other day that his 'template' was tall women. I didn't ask him for that information, it just came up due to one of my daughters new ABA therapists that comes to our home. He felt triggered upon seeing her. He also had that reaction to my daughters speech therapist who is also tall. He said he felt the reason these women triggered him was because when he looked at P, one actress he always watched was a tall woman. So, we put it into context. I asked him, given how self conscious he is about his height, if he would feel good dating a woman taller than him. We basically narrowed it down to, if the taller woman was less intelligent than him, and didn't wear high heels, he might be okay, but if she did, he would feel inadequate.
    We narrowed it down even further and used myself as an example. If I were taller than him, he wouldn't feel good about himself. The main reason is because he sees me as super intelligent (for whatever reason). I told him I feel this has to do with his insecure attachment relationship he has with his mom. The tall women come into play because when you're a kid, obviously your mom is taller than you. So it was more of a comfort template, to make up for what he felt he was lacking from his mom rather than an arousal template, it was just criss-crossed in the wiring due to P. He was exposed when he was 5 years old. He was still unsure about it so I reminded him that height is obviously a big thing for him because if it weren't, he wouldn't feel so much more confident in himself when he wore his boots or his shoes that make him much taller than me versus only a few inches taller without them. When we got to the basic issue of him actually being with a tall woman, it would be unappealing to him.That really made him think.
    Thats what makes me wonder about men who have a specific template. Maybe it is the same, that it is in an effort to try to establish that bond with someone, such as their mothers, with whom they didn't feel bonded to as they should have been as children. Then once they are exposed to P, the wiring gets crossed and it becomes sexual instead. This could also just be exclusive to my husband. I feel research should be done in this area to explore it further. It may help some men.
    MountainInMyWay, dandausa and Trobone like this.
  10. Trobone

    Trobone Fapstronaut

    The Carnes Arousal Template worksheet will kick your ass mentally if you do it right and have a therapist go over it with you.
  11. DefendMyHeart

    DefendMyHeart Fapstronaut

    After reading a bit about it, I can see why. Thank you for this information
  12. Trobone

    Trobone Fapstronaut

    I'm 40% of the way through. Took me 2 weeks. Put a lot of non-sobriety thoughts in my head so I needed walks and talks. Goal is to finish before next appointment. It can be very enlightening though.

    I will also add that triggers don't have to b physical. Yes, I have to admit there are certain features I'm attracted to - but my bigger arousal template triggers are emotional. It's about countering my shame and inadequacy feelings.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2020
  13. Reverent

    Reverent Fapstronaut

    We all have an arousal template of sorts, I don't think there is anything wrong with that. Usually we call them preferences, or biases. There are physical factors that excite us more than others. It's how we percieve beauty and apply value to which attributes, again nothing wrong with this. Some love tall, others short, some love blondes others brunettes. How or why we've come to prefer these characteristics isn't necessarily a traumatic response, or Porn induced conditioning. Good news is our brains are malleable, so these arousal templates can be reworked, if they are problematic or unhealthy.

    @MountainInMyWay this analogy of penny payments I learned early in recovery may be helpful in what you're dealing with.
    Btw is your PA on here?

    MountainInMyWay likes this.
  14. MountainInMyWay

    MountainInMyWay Fapstronaut

    This is all great information.. almost exploding my thoughts on how well you all are helping me to unpack certain things. The saying is true of how I’m not glad you’re here but very glad you’re here and open so I can see these different point of views.

    @Reverent Wow that penny thing is really helpful and I truly appreciate you letting us see into your therapy session about it. I need to stop asking for pennies for my own sanity. Also, no my husband isn’t on this forum as of yet.

    @DefendMyHeart This makes soooo much sense! Basically blew my mind the entire time reading it while connecting all the dots in my husband’s life. One older celebrity he MO’d to was someone he hated, disliked, was even un attracted to, but still(??) wanted to specifically look up and M to. There are a lot of past issues with this situation (as well as so many others) I can see this being connected with.

    I’ve let my husband know that he doesn’t have to mention/remember any other celebrities he looked up before D-Day. He also feels fine not watching anything or else picking something that is safe if we want a movie night together. Stinks that a ton of my favorite TV shows and Movies are out for a while, but I feel for now this is the best choice for him/me/us.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2020
    DefendMyHeart likes this.
  15. MountainInMyWay

    MountainInMyWay Fapstronaut


    “We both know it isn't healing if she searches details, watches every video I saw, and lets her betrayed imagination run wild.”

    This is what I really need to work on and stop. I don’t know why I have that need to see what he saw ...which of course then lets my hurt imagination run. Maybe a form of control in the world of something I can’t control? I know I need to stop this in order to move forward. It pulverizes me every time and the pictures in my mind stay longer.
  16. Reverent

    Reverent Fapstronaut

    And why wouldn't the pictures and images in your mind not affect your soul? Do they not do him harm as well? Those things that are wholesome, uplifting and virtuous bring us joy and peace. Those things with design to abuse, entrap, self-gratify can not bring joy and peace. It makes perfect sense that you have anxiety or rage or pain by the elements he has seen.

    You mention a form of control,.. maybe. But it would seem to me that would be a natural reaction of a betrayed heart. I would tend to believe it is more born out of fear. Fear that he again hides and decieves, fear that you somehow don't measure up, fear of simply sitting with the unknowns why emotionally you don't feel safe. Fear compels us all to react in some form, everytime.

    I can't image what an SO truly experiences, it must be painful and aggravating to deal with. Mad respects for hanging in there. Be kind to yourself, know it can get better for you.
    MountainInMyWay likes this.
  17. MountainInMyWay

    MountainInMyWay Fapstronaut

    I think you guessed right again. I don’t feel emotionally safe at all. I am fearful I don’t measure up. I am so fearful that I can’t trust him, that he will relapse and keep it hidden, etc. Yesterday I found out that a recent time when he told me he didn’t do something, 2 minutes later he remembered that he actually did but he didn’t tell me and kept it to himself. Lying by omission/not revealing was one of the things he promised he wouldn’t do, and he did it. He also lied about fantasizing and M several times to one of our friends that I specifically asked about during his reveal. He admitted this to me last night as well after a heated discussion on losing the tiny bits of trust I’m trying to rebuild for him. He got VERY mad that I called him on it, spewed off a couple more hurtful things that he looked at in the past, then got sad, wrote in his journal, and now says it won’t happen again. Supposedly he swears on the Bible that he did not relapse/look at P and that omitting things/minimizing has been a big habit his entire life and he realizes he needs to work hard on it now.

    But if I can’t trust him on the little things we’ve promised to tell one another, how can I trust him on keeping his major promise on no PMO/fantasizing and telling me of any slip-ups? It’s been a nightmare in my head that actually made me physically sick last night.

    Thank you for your support and encouragement. It helps a lot.
  18. used19

    used19 Fapstronaut

    Complicated answer..... no more movies. My husband doesn't appear, per his disclosures, to ever have looked up someone specific. But he did say that if he watched something with strong sexual content that it would spur him to look at porn later that night. So now we are on a lockdown of shows and movies - if our kids couldn't watch it than neither can he for my own safety. If he wants to see something he can have me watch it first and if I feel ok then it's fine. Hopefully it's not like this forever but if it needs to be it will be if he wants to be with me.
    MountainInMyWay likes this.
  19. BreakingDawn

    BreakingDawn Fapstronaut

    There's a lot of great info above. I don't have much to add, other than ...

    On the other side of a real reboot, your partner should break his patterns of sexualizing/objectifying women in general and learn how to express his sexuality specifically toward you.

    There are a number of actual women in my life I used to fantasize about. There are a number of popular actresses I used to seek out. While I was using, references to them would trigger my urge to seek an opportunity to MO. Now? I see these women in real life or scroll past a news article about these actresses, and I'm just not that interested.

    Of course, when I say "reboot" I mean 90 days, no porn, masturbation, or orgasm. No sex. Even if you're married. Total sexual deprivation. You can see my counter for how far along I am in my own reboot.

    Now what triggers me? My wife. Seriously. I never appreciated what I already had until I deprived myself of everything else.

    This has been months of rebooting in the making. Zero porn. Zero masturbation. Zero sex. Zero music with sexual themes. Zero movies with sexual content. Zero anything that would cause me to spiral back into my old habits. It has been perhaps the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life, but I feel a passion and love for my wife that I haven't felt since we started dating. Only through a true hard-mode reboot, my wife's unconditional commitment and support, and a whole ton of God's grace.

    Your SO can get there, too. He can break the sexual connection to the images of these women. But he needs to want to fight like hell for it.
    CrimsnBlade and MountainInMyWay like this.
  20. MountainInMyWay

    MountainInMyWay Fapstronaut


    I caught him purposely omitting (lying?) out of fear/convenience about some things that he did in the past which led us to a sort of No O, soft reboot...maybe a little more Karezza-ish. We are 2 days in. After reading all this good advice to him, he understands that he really can not watch these tv shows/movies with the actresses, even if they are fully clothed. He seemed more than understanding about adding no movies with sex, actresses he looked up, themes he looked up, etc to our soft reboot (and maybe longer for good measure). I hope he will get to where you are and not be interested in a thing about these people when/if they show up. He has been No P / No M / No oogling or fantasizing since D-day in Aug. The omitting and lying out of convenience/fear about his past is what set us back drastically. Still, I’m not sure if we will end up needing to do hard mode and get it over with. This definitely stinks for me too because despite my broken heart, I still find myself loving to be intimate with him. 2 days without an O (technically 3 if we’re counting the day before we decided to do this) and he started getting headaches/feeling sick. He wants to keep doing this and he seems determined and this morning he told me that he is already feeling the closeness between us even more clearly since any pressure of having the O is gone.

    Potential Trigger about his preferences below (Sorry, I don’t know how to do the sticker thing!):

    For reference his thing was Voyerism - wanting to see, constantly fantasize, and MO to tons of nude/certain themed/skimpy Women (many specific) - massive curiosity - and/or fantasizing about me with other men to the point of sometimes putting my picture on the bodies of P. It apparently was never him wanting to actually have sex with them himself. He always wanted to keep himself out of it, even in his youth. I’m sure it has to do with certain insecurities of his past, but still very confusing when he told me this. I’m wondering if that matters in a Soft vs Hard reboot situation.