Deaths among pornstars - 4 deaths in last 2 months

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by jay3241, Mar 12, 2024.

  1. jay3241

    jay3241 Fapstronaut

    SquidCook, kropo82, im_done and 8 others like this.
  2. Porn is a sick industry. Very few individuals are making HUGE amounts of money out of pain, desperation and death of others. This is a mundane, diabolical way to get rich.
  3. jay3241

    jay3241 Fapstronaut

    You summed it very well .. pure exploitation
  4. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    A lot of addicts blame the actors, and a lot of people defend porn actors against people like us, saying they have a right to sex work and it’s a women’s rights issue. It’s not. Porn isn’t good for anyone.
  5. DistantHelper

    DistantHelper Fapstronaut

    The industry is at a plateau you people.


    DM me for accountability whenever you need!
  6. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Fapstronaut

    In reality their passports are stolen their citizen ship revoked they’re thrown into apartments and assigned a pimp and work in the industry or out in the street. Ppl don’t see what happens to the actors their on drugs . They’re depressed frightened looking for a way out. It’s looks glamorous trust me being the scenes it’s horrible. I watched an American pimp documentary once, showed a black man sleeping with two whites women. When he was asked do you intercourse with these married women even though they work for you and their husbands are away he said, wouldn’t you? A lot of the women are married and work as p stars. So sad.
  7. Once you get to know what's under the "sexy" surface of porn industry, you realize that it just sucks.
    Modern slavery, rape, several mental illnesses, drug addiction, s*ic*de.
    Porn degrades "actors" in such a way that most of the time they're treated as sh!t - they're no longer considered as human beings. That's disgusting.
  8. I hope that one day porn industry goes bankrupt for good.
    But I know it's way too powerful and there are billions of people funding it, unfortunately.
  9. kenshin81

    kenshin81 Fapstronaut

    That's a bit questionable, because in a huge amount of interviews these actress say that they choose the way of porn because they were treated as shit when they were "normal women"... and choose to do porn to be "considered" by someone. But I'm quite convinced about one thing: these poor girls that are into the porn industry most of the times have received abuse or had mentally disorder/illness, or faced (extreme) porn while very young, so they start in a position where probably the "porn" is the less problematic thing they faced.
  10. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    First, you have to determine who the interview is aimed at. If it’s recruits or consumers, the pimp is breathing down their neck to say whatever they think will bring the most positive result. A guy willing to manipulate, kidnap, and assault is not going to have a problem lying to us.

    Second, all that statement says is they were abused before they were recruited, manipulated, or forced into the trade. That tells you these guys are into exploiting women who are already broken, and it says nothing of how they are being treated at the time of the interview.
    kropo82, Orphan, JimmyConway and 5 others like this.
  11. so trafficking and p industry are 2 sides of the same coin. Im sure for many of them death would be a luxury.
    If this is what its like for MEN in the p industry, can you imagine the horrors these young (18 and even younger) girls get recruited into?

    Im glad this is getting coverage. and the "sex work" question is complicated, because its usually trafficking and hardly ever free will. but ultimately I think it boils down to not punishing victims, but giving them support and help and a way out.
  12. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    This is truly heartbreaking. I can't imagine what pressures these people were living with because of the porn industry. All the more reason (on top of the obvious) to steer VERY clear of that stuff!
  13. jay3241

    jay3241 Fapstronaut

    Absolutely... it is a service to society to avoid this wretched stuff
    Sign of the Cross likes this.
  14. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    Avoid isn't strong enough. It should be detested and scourged from the surface of the planet. Porn does not need to exist.
  15. TheNewLucian

    TheNewLucian Fapstronaut

    My heart breaks with pain.
    Oh God, forgive their sins and bring them to Heaven.
    Poor girls. Let's say a little prayer for their souls dear friends!
  16. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    Interesting. I couldn't find any more reliable source, though. Would be nice if something like The Guardian would write about this, if there's truly something going on.
  17. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    IF there's truly something going on?? You mean you don't believe there is absolutely terror and misery for porn stars? Especially female porn stars?
    LongSault and Sign of the Cross like this.
  18. Some minutes of Google Search and there comes the answer: a list of porn actresses that committed s*ic*de in the last few months.
    The list is huge and keeps growing.
    jay3241 likes this.
  19. TheSunWillRiseAgain

    TheSunWillRiseAgain Fapstronaut

    I saw that also Emily Willis is in vegetative coma after heart attack. I used to watch her a lot.. she reminded me someone I loved.
    Pretty sure it's happened to her becuse drug abuse and abusing her body and nervous system with sex.
    jay3241 likes this.
  20. StandingTall

    StandingTall Fapstronaut

    I watched her a ton as well. Over seven hundred scenes and she’s only 25. And she did some intense stuff. Clearly these girls are driven to the industry because they are already broken, but that kind of life can’t help. What a tragedy all around. Sigh.
    HenryforwardV2 likes this.