Why do I still miss my ex guy after 8 months?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by green lion eating the sun, Oct 1, 2017.

  1. Plutonium

    Plutonium Fapstronaut

    You mention several times that you separated 7 months ago but I have not seen you say how long you two were together before the split.

    As a rule of thumb it often takes as long to get over someone as the time you were together.

    And the old classics are still the best - new hairdo, new clothes, new hotter body, new hobby, some new friends etc. Great that you avoided all the messy rebound stuff at the beginning, but even when you find a new beau it still may be a little hard at the beginning to avoid comparing him with your ex.
  2. Thanks and congrats on your first 30 days PMO free :) I suggest you to post here your success https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?forums/success-stories.24/

    i have been with him for 7 months. I would like to date soon a guy who is good to me and we like each other. i am tired of being alone. i barely remember what going on dates feels like. I would like to share my life with a nice guy

    I have been feeling quite bad physically, from 2 days my head is spinning and feel quite sick. At night I force myself to have a dream where me and him are still together. this just increases my anxiety and makes me more frustated. I miss i can't talk to him. he was the person i felt comfortable the most and could be myself with. Also gotta stop with falling asleep with movies or tv series on my phone always on my bed and wake up with the tv series jumped to 9 episodes

    I have to stay away from my phone when i am about to sleep, I want to restart reading books in bed, all this technology is not beneficial to me 24/7. Been struggling with work and kept working almost non-stop in the last months. I gotta let him go. Now i put my goal to lose 5 kg and i am going to got at my gym in less than an hour. from today i will go to the gym everyday and no junk food :emoji_lifter:

  3. Good luck to you, don't settle for less and you will find what you are looking for :)
  4. Plutonium

    Plutonium Fapstronaut

    Just do it!!! ;)

    While you're feeling this needy it's definitely not a good time to be starting a new relationship anyway. Focus your energies on YOU for a while. Get your stuff back together and then you'll be just fine.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. I don't think I am needy. i took time from March, when i started my reboot, to work on me. lately working too much got my mind and body extremely tired. I am 25 and i would like to have a guy. From January I haven't had any contact with guys. i am trying to make friends and then i just wanna go on dates with a guy i like and kiss, i would like to get intimate, it is normal to want that (i will wait for sex, it is not my primary focus anymore. I don't miss sex)
  6. Plutonium

    Plutonium Fapstronaut

    Sorry - I didn't mean it as a bad thing. But I realize now I should have chosen a softer word.

    I was thinking of what you said here when I said you were sounding needy:

    Perhaps slightly vulnerable would have been a better expression. It was not meant in any way as a criticism.

    That all sounds good and healthy. I did not mean for you to have too much "me" time. Just enough to set you right. 25 is still wonderfully young.

    You sound a very nice person. I'm sure many nice guys would like to date a person like you.

    Best wishes. Sorry again for the "needy" faux pas...