Lifelong battle with OCD, anxiety and mild depression

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Deleted Account, Jul 21, 2017.

  1. What is your OCD about?
  2. whitefang##

    whitefang## Fapstronaut

    I had obsessive sexual thoughts related to porn and would make me compulsive to act on them. Like, I would do risky and unnecessary masturbation even when I wanted to stop. It had made me compulsive to many thoughts in general like checking out things constantly. I had a mild HOCD too. Man, It was hell. I wont say anyone will be cured 100% but doing Nofap gives me a chill attitude and I stop worrying about many things like how do I lookor like are people judging me when Iam out in the open.
    I read somewhere on Your Brain on Porn website that continuous fapping and porn abuse makes your pre frontal cortex weak which is the will power control and main impulse control centre. I dont know if OCD might be related to this but when you are on long streaks of nofap your will power and impulse control increases and you are in control of your thoughts or at least subconsciously not paying heed to unwanted disturbing intrusive thoughts. You feel less compulsive to act on shitty thoughts like correcting something or checking something and your mind is like, let whatever happen man just go on with your work lol.
    Any insights?
    Robinthehood and Deleted Account like this.
  3. You are spot on with this. I am currently in a long term relationship and whenever I have sex with ejaculation, it is followed by:

    Feeling dumber
    No motivation
    And the list goes on.

    It is not placebo as I have experimented with this over the past 2 years and it is like clockwork. Whenever I ejaculate, in the following days my brain is on a mission to find inexistent dangers and focus on them obsessively. After 2-3 weeks it calms down and I see things in a more cool and collected manner. Highly recommended to retain your semen if you suffer from OCD or anxiety. i have suffered it for more than a decade and I had days, weeks and even months of just pure mental pain, feeling like I will never be free of these obsessions and live a normal life. Hopefully more people read this and get healing theough retaining their semen.

    Best wishes,


    Robinthehood, chastedude and Powerous like this.
  4. Powerous

    Powerous Fapstronaut

    Yes you are right, preserving semen helps a lot with many mental problems, stress, depression, anxiety, OCD, obsessions etc.
    I've been through it and experienced it myself.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Good question.

    What I noticed is that after a few days a little anxiety is coming back but nothing compared to the first two weeks like after a relapse. I have some grey days, but overall I feel much better and more in control of my mind and my anxiety.
  6. All good questions. OCD is anxiety-based, but focusing on a specific thing. Sometimes I have a specific obsession, sometimes I worry about general things. I don’t know for sure all the time that this is OCD and this is anxiety and this a real worry. But talking to other people helps me get their opinions/perspectives, so I decide afterwards if this is something I should worry about and even I do worry about it, what can I do about it?

    What’s your anxiety/worries/OCD focusing on?
  7. Same here, it switches from one to another. I would:

    Refrain from all ejaculation, no porn
    Accept all those thoughts and scenarios and start to let go, your brain is a muscle that you trained to worry, and now it’s doing just that. The less you worry the easier it will be for you to worry less in the future. To retrain the worry muscle you need to accept all those thoughts, so your brain will stop focusing on them. I know it’s easier said than done, but acceptance coupled with semen retention works for me.

    I’m no doctor so this is not medical advice, but this is what works for me.
    chastedude and Indurian like this.
  8. Indurian

    Indurian Fapstronaut

    I experienced the same. Please look into mindfulness /meditation from a trained professional. This will allow you to let go of the impulses / compulsions when they arise. It's not an instant fix but this will help greatly. Over time it will let you let go of all

    I'm not well versed when it comes to semen retention but others seem to have had great success with it.

    Thanks Alexmtl87 for a great thread
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Meditate
    Breathe deeper
    Accept it, you have no other choice but to let it come and go

    It fkn sucks, I know. This is our punishment for all the self indulging we did for so long. And it sucks because I have friends that still use porn daily and don’t experience anxiety like we do.

    Keep going.
    LavaMe and Kiz Whalifa like this.
  10. Powerous

    Powerous Fapstronaut

    OCD is when you repetitively think same thing over and over and over, and you do obsessions like knocking on wall 7 times for good luck again and again until you feel good.

    Worrying and anxiety is just an emotion. Or you just overthink but not necessarily thinking same shit over and over and doing same action over and over and over.

    OCD can be like hell. NoFap definitely helps with OCD and other mental illnesses.
  11. Anxiety has a lot to do with porn. I am sorry for you, in my case I was lucky to have all the emotional support I wanted and STILL because I was abusing porn, I was full of anxiety. How long is your streak now? I’m not trying to convince you nofap is the holy grail, you’re free to do wtv you want dude.
  12. As I mentioned before, I am fully blaming my mental health issues on porn, because I had no other catalysts or causes. It might be different for other people, pretty sure life experiences are part of it as well. However I’m fully convinced, no matter what happens in life, porn won’t help (for me).
    Freeddom_Taker and Robinthehood like this.
  13. ArisePrime

    ArisePrime Fapstronaut

    Friend, many years ago I had ocd too which I believe was caused by MO. After I started learning taoist semen retention and only ejaculate once a month, the symptoms stopped. Sex on the other hand did not cause any ocd, but actually calmed the spirit. According to traditional Chinese medicine, excessive ejaculation robs your body of vital Essence and energy. The male vital essence is from our kidney, and if your kidney is depleted, you get a deep insecure feeling in your kidneys. The kidney regulates the emotion of fear, panic attacks, paranoia, racing worrying thoughts, insecurity.
    BroMo and (deleted member) like this.
  14. Lol 12 days?

    It took me about 3-4 weeks to notice some improvements. Months to have a general better feeling and i’m going on the 4th year now since i started nofap. It’s gonna take a longer time than that.
    Powerous and Freeddom_Taker like this.
  15. What’s pssd?
  16. It takes much longer than a month. You will see gradual changes, but the moments of beauty you feel at times are worth it.

    Also the feeling of energy and attitude of not giving a fk. If you do nofap for a year, you’ll look back and think of your current worries as a waste of time. Up to you, though

  17. Why would it be back to zero? Your brain is rewiring and less frequent ejaculation allows it to do that faster.

    Nofap will allow you to be mentally stronger and in time you will not worry about stuff that you worry about now. Anyway dude, best of luck with your journey!
  18. You need to do research from other rebooters still rewiring 1 to 2 years up in this forum or type on Google.

  19. Never heard of pssd before. You can either do nofap or not do it. The choice is yours. Good luck and come back to let us know.
  20. Powerous

    Powerous Fapstronaut

    Damn 4 years streak?

    Do you still feel benefits, is there new benefits after 1, 2+ years? wow...