How Cold are Cold Showers?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by MKMMJAG, Aug 1, 2015.


    MKMMJAG Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone,
    I have quick question regarding "cold showers". I'm at the point where I am motivated and ready to take cold showers everyday. However I find that setting it at the coldest setting is nearly impossible for me to do. I can't last more than 5 seconds under my shower's arctic water. In response to this, I set my shower's water to a medium cold setting so I feel chilled. My question is, how cold is everyone's daily shower? Should I make my water colder or am I fine where I'm at?
    Espi1971 and NewGrip like this.
  2. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    I would assume that daily cold showers are not undertaken for their own sake, but only on days and times when the mind is racing with tempting thoughts, fantasies, and delusional thinking even and when your groin area has become engaged and stimulated and the blood vessels around the testes painfully inflamed. When bringing such symptoms into the cold shower, whatever is cold enough to relieve these symptoms, probably requiring that you stay under the shower for some length of time (so it cannot be too freezing), will be a cold enough temperature for you. An ice pack, always covered by some cloth, and held to either the head or scrotum area (wherever the pain is) while lying down also helps some folks. Sometimes taking a Tylenol or aspirin or whatever your medical situation permits for these products (per your physician), helps the blood flow better, too.
    mikepian likes this.
  3. NoInspiration

    NoInspiration Fapstronaut

    My cold showers are on the coldest setting. If one can swim in an ice lake, why not stand 5 minutes under the coldest shower? But that's my opinion.

    If it really is too cold, just crank the heat up a tiny little bit. It needs to be uncomfortable :)

    My tip if you can't stand it: I first take a hot shower (very short) to wash and stuff, then I step out, turn it to cold, do pushups, then immediately step in the shower. This technique helps a lot! Good luck ;)
  4. mv8652

    mv8652 Fapstronaut

    The temperature of anyone's cold water will depend on the climate, the season of the year, etc. It's summertime here in Texas. I've just taken the temperature of the "cold" water at my kitchen sink with a fever thermometer. It's 96.2° F (35.7° C). It will be warmer later in the summer. It's a good thing that I don't depend on cold showers to control my urges.
    BetterMan123 likes this.

    MKMMJAG Fapstronaut

    Thank you everyone for your wisdom, I'm still debating on whether or not I should take cold showers everyday but they will certainly be used in emergency situations when I feel like I am on the verge of a relapse. Ice cold water or chilled, they still feel great afterwords. Thanks for the replies.
    Mr_Toast likes this.
  6. climberjunkie

    climberjunkie Fapstronaut

    why try to make cold showers comfortable? cold showers are supposed to be cold, no techniques no trying to take short cuts, no hot water then cold. plain and simple cold. lets stop trying to corrupt the purpose of cold showers. my cold showers i take are the coldest as soon as i step in and wash my self with soap and shampoo untill i get out, it can sometimes take 10 minutes. stop looking for short cuts bud.
  7. Heisenberg79

    Heisenberg79 Fapstronaut

    Ive been taking cold showers for the past two months and i cant even remember what a warm shower feels like anymore!
  8. Congrelous

    Congrelous Fapstronaut

    My pipes are exposed. My "cold" showers are cool at best. It sucks.
  9. cryptifly

    cryptifly Fapstronaut

    I've started taking cold showers regularly and I've been getting colder and colder incrementally. That's what works for me. It's never hot enough to be comfortable but not so cold that it hurts. I think getting your body acclimated to the colder temps is a good thing, especially if you're still feeling a little bit reserved about it.
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  10. Solid_state

    Solid_state New Fapstronaut

    I've started taking cold showers about 13 months ago. Water's temperature ranges from 10 C to about 15 C (during summer). After a year of taking cold showers the water is really never cold enough (recently I bathed in a mountain lake - about 2-3C and still very comfortable). To be honest I can't stand warm/hot water anymore (never liked hot water though) just because it makes me feel like I'm choking. Cold water purges my mind and body of any petty issues.
    Espi1971, Asgardian36 and Congrelous like this.
  11. ifthisislove

    ifthisislove Fapstronaut

    I've taken cold showers now for the last 18 days to varying temperatures and lengths underneath the shower. It takes some getting used to, particularly for the first few seconds - I still hate that chill factor, but beyond that my hair and skin feel great, I'm much more alert and focused.
    Espi1971 likes this.
  12. doctor_warren

    doctor_warren Fapstronaut

    Yup, cold showers are supposed to shock your body, not chill your body ^^
    Espi1971 likes this.
  13. cryptifly

    cryptifly Fapstronaut

    Espi1971 likes this.
  14. mv8652

    mv8652 Fapstronaut

    I hate cold showers. Since I can manage my urges without them, I gladly do.

    I sometimes visit a Korean spa in Dallas. It has a cold plunge pool in the same large room with the hot, hotter, and hottest pools. All have large digital thermometers. I can barely stand the cold pool when it's 67° F (19.4° C) but no colder. It's usually around 64° F (17.8° C). Keep in mind that this is for immersion, not just a shower. Brrr!
  15. TwelveFoot

    TwelveFoot Fapstronaut

    Middle of summer in Ohio, if that thermometer is trustworthy my cold showers are 72-ish. Not bad.

    I did full cold from the start. One thing I did early on was to do 20 push-ups just before jumping in, the cold water is almost nice when you're overheated.
    Espi1971, Clean Plate and Dom Quixote like this.
  16. Jmak290

    Jmak290 Guest

    Let me check the cold temp of the resident water. Thermometer reads ambient temp 80*

    Cup of ice water to lower its reading. It's now reading 50.

    Out of the ice water, it's going back up. Currently at 70... I will go to the kitchen sink and place thermometer under the full cold running water.

    The California desert summers will make a difference in defining "a cold shower".

    Ambient temperature is currently reading back to 80.

    Let's see how cold is right now at 8:50 pm

    Placing the thermometer in my clinched fist raising the temp of the meter to almost 100.

    We will be able to see the needle move went down to a sliver above 80 then increased to 90 and I couldn't get it to go any lower.

    Doesn't seem like cold is cold enough. Let me go get a cup of beginning shower water. I mean within the first few minutes of turning it on. Same results... 80 then goes up to 90 and stays there.

    Ok... I'm still not going to turn ANY of hot water knob.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2015
  17. doctor_warren

    doctor_warren Fapstronaut


    I've just come to that conclusion, here's a video which might provide some good reasoning behind that logic, i'm a bit busy as of now ^^

    Asgardian36 likes this.
  18. cryptifly

    cryptifly Fapstronaut

    thank you!
  19. Jmak290

    Jmak290 Guest

    Now that was informative. What would by wife think is going on in the shower if I did the heavy breathing and the yelling the energetic personality.
  20. Temujin

    Temujin Guest

    I'm going to be attempting to get lower and lower temperatures incrementally. Easing in.