45 Mass Shootings in the USA This Year

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by IGY, Oct 1, 2015.

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  1. theDoctorSmith

    theDoctorSmith Fapstronaut

    There's a far better weapon for that. Your right to vote. I think I'll vote them out before any of that happens.

    On a lighter note, I'm sure that's where you're headed if the tea party conservatives come to power. To totalitarianism and authoritarianism. ;)
    NoBrainer likes this.
  2. Indignation

    Indignation Fapstronaut

    Mental illness is a elephant in the room that no one seems to want to look at. In 2014 approx. 41,149 people committed suicide and was number 10 in the leading causes of death in the US. 70% were white males.
    Nearly 1 in 5 Americans suffer from some form of mental illness... 18.2% of the total percent of the adult population.
    Mental illness and suicides are not going to go away. It's getting worse annually.

    Now to guns.. I think there should at least be some sort of psyche test for anyone who wants to get a gun though.
    There needs too be more security at schools too. More armed guards, even trained armed teachers I would be fine with. If someone took out the shooter in Oregon sooner there would be less lives lost. It sounds like they had to wait for the police to get there to kill the shooter, that could've been quite a wait depending on the drive.
    That's all I have to say about that.

    @IGY We are very touchy about anyone threatening our right to bear arms. When Obama came into office most gun stores in my city were sold out of ammo and people who didn't own a gun before were buying guns all of a sudden out of fear that he was going to crack down on gun owners.
  3. IGY

    IGY Guest

    More armed guards and armed teachers! :eek: Introducing more guns into school is not the answer, that's just madness!
    I would say gun control is the elephant in the room that people, such as yourself, will not even consider. Please wake up!
    HippyMinstrel and NoBrainer like this.
  4. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Sounds like South Africa back in the days of apartheid. :rolleyes:
    TheWife and HippyMinstrel like this.
  5. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    We'd noticed. :rolleyes: Can someone please answer me this: why do you need a gun? Although I fear that the answer will be reduced to "To shoot bad people with"...
  6. Immor

    Immor Fapstronaut

    Having a gun beats being at the mercy of anyone who has a gun, which is at least every serious criminal, no matter what laws. Also beats having to call and wait on the police for every tiny thing, because you never know if they will pull a weapon on you if you confront them.
    Granted with barely anyone being allowed to carry guns, it isn't that much better, but at least you are safe at home.
    Indignation and Spidey2Dope like this.
  7. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Lol what. This is why we have democracy bro. Hitler, Stalin and Chairman Mao weren't democrats, that's for sure. Indeed, history does like to repeat itself, however we (first world countries) like to think that we've learnt from the mistakes made in the carnage that was the 20th century. Luckily, and for better or worse, democracy is a fairly stable system, as is capitalism (although you could argue that capitalism and democracy are basically the same thing these days). So it's unlikely that any of our first world countries (USA, UK, European countries, Australia, New Zealand etc) will turn sour any time soon.

    Even if my own government turned against me, I don't think I'd like to go round killing people. That's a personal preference, but surely a right to vote in order to change a government sounds a lot better than having to go out and kill someone over it. Be careful. It is in such avenues that terrorism is born.
    HippyMinstrel likes this.
  8. Spidey2Dope

    Spidey2Dope Fapstronaut

    Did you not read what I said? It's to protect us from foreign and domestic threats. Not to just kill bad people. With an unarmed population they are easier to control. Look at what hitler, Stalin and others did to an unarmed population. Are you gonna keep asking Why we need guns or are you gonna acknowledge what I said three times. Once was directed to you but it seems you don't wanna acknowledge what I've said because it's true. Unarmed populations are easier to control and take over simply put and that's why our forefathers gave use that right. Are you gonna ask why we need guns or just come to terms that why we want them. Not for hunting or killing random bad guys. It's to make sure our country is t overridden by OUR government or ANY other.
    Immor likes this.
  9. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Then just stay away from serious criminals. It's not that hard. :rolleyes:
    Sure, if you manage not to accidentally shoot yourself first. The cases of children playing with guns and ending up shot in the head are absolutely shocking.
  10. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    *Sigh* Did you read what I said? I said that we are lucky to have democratic or capitalist governments to protect us from our own governments going corrupt on us. More corrupt governments can be voted out (and if you can't vote a government out you're no longer in a democracy and you're really in the shit).

    Look man, I'm not wanting to needlessly argue with you. Freedom and rights are all well and good, but it seems incongruous to me that Americans are killing their own people, seemingly for the sake of "having the right to bear arms". Ten people have just died in Oregon this week. Did they die in vain of you and others wanting to protect yourself from corrupt governments ? (either others or your own) Sure, you can argue that the killer could have been mentally ill, which is why he made the attack. However it's the fact that he was able to murder so many people so easily that seems so shocking.
  11. I'm so sick of this. The right to bear arms, or arm bears as it turns out (though that is an insult to bears), grew out of specific time in US history, a time when there was no standing army and the US relied on local militias for it's defense. Of course citizens needed the right to bear arms if they were going to be in a militia, and it was also understood that these arms would give them insurance against a corrupt, tyrannical government. It was the right of revolution, so to say. That right to revolution was lost in the Civil War and that's kinda sad, but definitely justified to end slavery. And in the meantime we have a standing army, so we don't have to rely on militias, and military technology has so far outstripped personal firearms, that there is no way pistols and even assault rifles are going to allow us to take over the US government. If that is your goal, then a non-violent protest would be your best bet. The US government has tanks, drones and all kinds of hellish things, and people think they'll be able to challenge it with handguns? :rolleyes:

    So both justifications for the right to bear arms are now mute. But as it is we are still sacrificing our fellow citizens on the alter of the second amendment.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2015
    NoBrainer and Calm like this.
  12. Immor

    Immor Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the tip, can I still recognize them by accent and tattoos, or how does it work nowadays?

    If you are too stupid to handle a gun with care and keep it away from kids who don't do so, then sure, don't get a gun.

    Except you can not vote anyone out by yourself. It takes the majority to realize that the people up there aren't supposed to be up there, while they are able to suppress any such idea.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2015
    Indignation and Spidey2Dope like this.
  13. Calm

    Calm Fapstronaut


    Ignorance, stupidity, greed. Selfishness. Ego. Hatred. This industrialist consumerist monster of a nation has poison being pumped through it seeping into the minds of people courtesy of the money hungry corporations that act as fuel to the fire of people's ignorance, stupidity, and greed.


    The darkness inside is the cause for the growing problem. People hate to see the truth for what it is, it's only gonna get worse I hate to fucking say.

    But I still truly hope the world finds peace one day.

    Last edited: Oct 2, 2015
    HippyMinstrel likes this.
  14. Yes. The USA tends towards hyper-individualism which to a large extent creates alienation and loneliness (the way we structure our cities with suburbs is a nother aspect of this). The US also has less progressive social policies than other developed countries, and this contributes to large amounts of anxiety, which feed into feelings of alientation and anxiety. The nations with low amounts of gun violence also happen to be the nations with progressive social policies. This all goes to show that taking care of your citizenry makes them happier and less prone to such desperate acts as shooting up a community college, a church, or a preschool.

    We are in an age now where we have to go beyond violence and resist nonviolently. MLK realized that. Gandhi realized that. And, if you take a look at the statistics, nonviolent protests are just as effective in achieving their goals as violent protests. How can nonviolence take down a dictator, you may ask? Well, it was precisely nonviolence that took down apartheid South Africa. It was precisely nonviolence that ousted Ferdinand Marcos in the Phillipine's People's Revolution. Even during Nazi times, Bulgarian priests were able to stop trains full of Jews headed to concentration camps by lying down on the tracks, and a group of German women were able to get their Jewish husbands released after protests on the Rosenstrasse. Think what would have happened if the Nazi government has faced an organized, mass non-violent protest? Non-violence is at least as effective as armed resistance. Given that fact, there really is no reason not to use it.

    They won't. They've alienated everybody except old white males. That's no way to win an election.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2015
    NoBrainer likes this.
  15. My wife's cousin's boyfriend shot off his own head when playing around with a loaded gun. She watched it happen. She still has nightmares to this day.
    Calm likes this.
  16. Immor

    Immor Fapstronaut

    Nonviolent protests work, because there is the possibility of them turning violent. Powers that be are watching the masses marching through the streets and have to worry what if things escalate. So they rather make some compromise.
    If you take any possibility of violent resistance away they can just ignore protests and wipe them away with water-throwers and chemicals, like they do in Europe. The worst that can happen is that the masses stop working until they get hungry.

    Interesting. I bet some of it is also more literal than you intended because of things like Fluoride and Aluminum in the water. Aluminum passes the blood-brain barrier and causes all kinds of problem.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2015
    Spidey2Dope likes this.
  17. Calm

    Calm Fapstronaut

    Hahah dude I realized that, I don't use fluorinated water or any products containing either fluoride or aluminum, so it was intentional but meant to seem unintentional :confused::p



    Surely that is not the cause for these shootings though what a tragedy. My prayers go out to the victims and their families.
  18. Immor

    Immor Fapstronaut

    Nice one then, and sorry for making it much less subtle. ;)

    Agreed on it probably not being the cause.
  19. Sorry this reminds me of this:

    This is true, to a point. Guns make people more effective at killing people. Which is a good argument for why guns should be regulated. After all we don't let people have nuclear bombs. That would make people too effective at killing. The fact is, people don't go on massacres wielding knives. Because it's impossible. You can only kill so many people (read one, or two if the knife wielder is exceptionally fast) before everyone else figures out that if they just scatter and run away you won't be able to chase them all. Guns make massacres possible, especially ones with large clips. That and a person willing to use said gun to murder innocents, is why we have so much gun violence in the USA.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2015
    Calm and WOTL like this.
  20. IGY

    IGY Guest

    In my opinion, the most compelling arguments in this thread so far are those articulated by @Buddha Punk Robot Monk and @NoBrainer. They have given plausible and reasonable viewpoints and refuted counterarguments to maintaining the USA gun culture. In USA there have been 142 school shootings in less than three years (since Sandy Hook, Connecticut in December 2012). I would ask those in favour of the status quo: why not accept that some change(s) or compromise(s) would be welcome? Or are you so intent on the advantage of being armed, that this awful gun violence is somehow unimportant? Can someone please explain this to me? This happens nowhere else in the West! * MASSIVE SIGH* :(
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