Rebooting and Cleaning up in a Marriage

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by SandwichMonkey, Nov 16, 2023.

  1. Real Jerry Seinfeld

    Real Jerry Seinfeld Fapstronaut

    Some women have that outlook on men. My mother is like that, not just with my father but with me as well. Whilst I think it is the man's role in the household to provide, it shouldn't be the only way in which he is perceived to hold value. So I could understand you feeling funny about that.
    SandwichMonkey and Warfman like this.
  2. rejected

    rejected Fapstronaut

    If she put up with your addiction she's not into it for the money. You don't act like an emasculated simp when you're not tugging the willy all the time. Consciously or subconsciously women know.
  3. SandwichMonkey

    SandwichMonkey Fapstronaut

    Yea man, it's not all totally about money, but I think it plays a big part. I do also think a man should be the main provider in the family. So just trying hard every day to keep getting a better life
  4. SandwichMonkey

    SandwichMonkey Fapstronaut

    I think we won't act like a simp when there over MO. More like there'll be a disinterest due to the "needs" being fulfilled by imaginary people aka porn. When the porn is removed, behaviours in the relationship naturally change I believe
    rejected likes this.
  5. SandwichMonkey

    SandwichMonkey Fapstronaut

    Hello friends, my time in nofap has been short but also has brought changes. I think my P usage over the past 2-3 months has reduced by 90% at least. MO is occasional and I can count it by number of times per month rather than per week or day.

    I've entered a new phase of life with my partner where we are trying for kids and we went to fertility center and all, I have to let go of the no MO because the doctors recommend to clear the pipes at least weekly to ensure that the sperm is fresh. I'll follow our fertility doctors advice over the advice of the internet. I've also done like sperm analysis tests so, MO is involved in that.

    I'm going to move towards no-P because we're also doing technology assisted reproduction. MO is unavoidable nowadays. More family planning conversations have entered now and there's more to think about like logistics and time planning for kids, when where etc. We were discussing whether it's the right time and all, but it seems it's hard to make everything perfect at a single moment, we just have to go with the flow of things and manage along the way, plan as best as possible and adapt to the rest. Other father's can chime in too. I think there'll be a lot more focus on how I can work better with my wife to manage an extra mouth, dividing the work and logistics of raising a kid etc, coz we're in different places quite often.

    To the fathers out there, what's your tricks for helping out in the kid preparation process? How do you take an active role in things before the kids come?
    Real Jerry Seinfeld likes this.
  6. farmboy

    farmboy Fapstronaut

    You can't really be fully prepared for children, it will challenge and grow you in ways you cannot imagine now! Start by trying to put your wife's needs first through pregnancy and post-partum, and love her and your child unconditionally. There is a father/husband support group called Dad Edge that I found very helpful during some crisis times. It would be great to be preemptive but you will have the best questions after going thru life circumstances, rather than before. Hard to hack that.
    SandwichMonkey likes this.
  7. Real Jerry Seinfeld

    Real Jerry Seinfeld Fapstronaut

    With regards to MO, I'm sure your wife could help clean out the pipes, as you put it. Hell, this is practically the only scenario where you can go to her and say, 'the doctor says we NEED to have sex'.

    With regards to planning, there is a certain requirement for necessary space, equipment, logistics, etc. Is there a room/space for the child, crib, changing tables, nappies, muslins, clothes, etc.? Beyond that, you need a car with a good-rated car seat, a pram/buggy, etc. You also need a plan if your wife works for when she stops work, for how long, what to do in case she doesn't feel like returning after x months (very common). You just need to make sure you can meet your existing commitments and adjust everything accordingly.

    With respect to dividing the labour, a lot of couples go in with the ambition of doing 50/50 in terms of child-rearing, but I personally think that's naive. Especially if you're breastfeeding, it's just not time-efficient for the man to be as involved as the woman in the early months/years of a child's life. They are better at it, the kids like them better, they like looking after them better. This is just my experience, but you're better off delineating roles along traditional lines, i.e., you work, she raises the kid, up until at least the point where she returns to work. I'm not saying do nothing, but do not commit to 50/50, that's a mistake in my view.

    Beyond this, there are questions pertaining towards their early lives that you might not have thought about. For instance, along what sort of values are you raising the child? What's their faith, what sort of morals do you emphasise, are there things you want them protected from? What about screen time, do they get to watch tv/use an ipad, if so, at what age and how often? Do you take a firm approach to discipline (e.g., smacking) or a 'gentle parenting' approach? What about childcare and schooling, grandparent/family involvement, their diet, etc. These are things that parents tend to argue about in the early years, so you want to do your research and agree terms beforehand. Get the stuff you care about most agreed and out the way, that way you've always that agreement to fall back on when difference of opinion arises.

    This might seem like quite a businesslike way to go about planning for a child, but trust me when I say you want to negotiate favourable terms for how a child ought to be raised and your role in that.
    SandwichMonkey and farmboy like this.
  8. SandwichMonkey

    SandwichMonkey Fapstronaut

    Thank you both for your inputs. I'm definitely gonna look at some of this, especially on the work side and preparing money and all. I think things can happen quickly and there's some planning involved. Need to boost up the work pipeline to prepare for that. Tbh that's more stressful than handling this PMO stuff. Way more work there. There's just so many work variables it's hard to say whether I'll be able to make sufficient money to buy enough time for my wife to be off work for a longer amount of time.
    Real Jerry Seinfeld likes this.
  9. Real Jerry Seinfeld

    Real Jerry Seinfeld Fapstronaut

    Money and work definitely goes way up the priority list when you're expecting a first child, makes sense to prepare for that. With regards to PMO, everyone handles stress differently, but for me it distracted from PMO urges rather than drove them. You don't have time to jack it, you've got bigger fish to fry.
  10. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    This is something I've been in the midst of for the last 4 years. You can do it. I do think the best order of operations is to remove the compulsive addiction issues that PMO cause first, because it will make things much better.

    Every person is different of course, but pregnancy will likely cause your wife to either want lots of sex or none at all. That is extremely hard on someone dealing with this PMO addiction. It's easy to accept the high libido, not so much the other part. My wife's first pregnancy was also very different than our second in how she felt throughout.

    There also are several phases that you will be faced with. First, a postpartum period where your wife's body will be healing. If you've already dealt with PMO addiction this will be a lot better than if you are still struggling with it, because sex will be off the table for a while. In my experience, childrearing almost extinguished my wife's libido instantly for many different reasons, and it's never really come back like it was before. This has been very hard for me. Being rid of the chemical imbalances of the brain will definitely help you in these times.

    Then comes all the stages of child development. For my wife and I this has been very taxing on her. She doesn't handle the stress of a toddler in the "terrible two" stages very well. Relying on breastfeeding alone has been too because she's the only one who can get up to feed the baby. Trying to be a supportive partner/father while also running a small business is definitely a huge challenge. So often I feel torn so many different directions that I can't hardly think straight. Doing so while also going through this nofap journey has made it much harder yet! It sounds like you are on the right path man keep going!
  11. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    I want to say- I breast fed exclusively and my husband was amazing! He got up, changed the babies and brought them to me in bed. He was an equal partner in breast feeding to me. I was so exhausted and just him doing this really, really helped. He took 6 weeks off work and I didn’t do much at all during that time. He was tired too, but he faithfully got up every 2 hours to bring the babies to me and if they didn’t fall to sleep immediately he took them and rocked them. I will forever cherish and be grateful to him for this. It is probably the only time in our marriage that I felt truly cared for. He could’ve slept while I got up and fed them but instead he sacrificed and was there for me.
    Warfman likes this.
  12. SandwichMonkey

    SandwichMonkey Fapstronaut

    Hi all I'm back after a couple of weeks. It's been really bad in the Pmo department. Because we've been doing ART, I've been needing to create sperm samples and all, so I've been literally commanded to MO. Each sample needs 2 MOs. One to clear the pipes 2-3 days before the sample is taken and then again on the actual day itself. And it's totally done in some clinic where everyone knows what you're doing.

    Been on a pretty bad relapse past 2 weeks, the fact that I'm back on the road travelling now it's been back to the old ways but recovering a little bit now just cut down to once a day. I need to fight back on this.

    My partner has had to do much much more for the ART process so I can't complain much all I gotta do so far is MO but I've also been learning about how to be supportive during this process and not add on to the stress and difficulty. It's just been a difficult month lots and lots of stress. Now relapsed as well so it's really challenging I feel really bad for getting back into this habit but I already knew that 90% chance it's gonna happen with the requirements of ART.

    I need to work my way back up the streak again start from scratch step by step. It's really tough and been stressful looking at embryos and calculating odds and timings and when to do this and that and costs plus work schedule need to spend more time with my spouse but also need to do more work to earn dough.

    Very overwhelming at times and it's hard for my spouse too so everyone is having a tough time. Not sure how to pull everything together and I don't know how long till things will get better, so it's been a really rough end of 2023 and start to 2024.
    Warfman likes this.
  13. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    Sorry to hear things are rough right now.

    One thing you have to convince yourself of though is that your relapses outside of the clinic setting are not linked in any way to your MOing necessary for your fertility reasons. They are completely separate in that your relapse is fully in your control whether you are MOing at clinic or not.

    I'm sure that it's causing you lots of chasers that are hard to deal with. That's where you'll have to start focusing though to get your streak going again.

    The mind likes to play tricks on us on this stuff to lessen the dose of reality that we still are fully in control of our actions. Keep that focus on not relapsing outside the clinic, that's where you have to put your efforts.