Get educated, get tools, and learn to love withdrawals

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by William, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Asadi

    Asadi Fapstronaut

    Really nice post i am currently in the heat of some withdrawal symptoms so this is very helpful.
    Thanks for this insightful post :D
  2. abetterme2.0

    abetterme2.0 Fapstronaut

    Very interesting thread. I like how you turn helping others into a means for helping yourself.

    I like how focused you are and your motivations for being on here ring true to me the more I think about it. I'm not on here to do anything other then quit porn.

    I first tried nofap back in college. Me and my housemates had a bet who could go the had nothing to do with quitting forever, just a fun challenge. Thinking back on it actually makes me smile because a week in I hooked up with a girl in a club. I planned to meet up with here a few days later. I actually lost the nofap challenge not because I fooled around with her but because I thought it best to masturbate before meeting her so I wasn't going in fully loaded. Knowing what I know now...what a ridiculous idea!

    The lessons of the past are powerful ones. Being on this site helps me to reflect on bits of my past like this and help me learn more about my addiction, how it developed and maybe just maybe point me in the right direction. Perhaps William the lessons of your past can be another weapon in your arsenal.
  3. William

    William Fapstronaut

    Thanks for posting abetterme2.0. I like your reasons for quitting. Thanks for posting. Reading posts and replying help me in staying quit, so thanks.
  4. William

    William Fapstronaut

    Kurapika likes this.
  5. Silver

    Silver Fapstronaut

    Reading posts like this make me want to start/continue the nofapp every time. Had a nice 20 day streak and relapsed yesterday. Saw a naked pictures of multiple woman (not even porn "porn") and couldn't resist to masturbate. Couldn't control it and finished with sincere shame of what I did (just a flinch of weakness broke the chain :(). 3rd try now and still fighting!
    A Batman likes this.
  6. William

    William Fapstronaut

    Hi Silver. I wish I had some wisdom for you. I do not. 20 days is not a bad run. I see guys in here who don't make it twenty hours. Quit. Just quit.


    Thanks for posting. Reading posts, and replying, are part of my recover.
    A Batman and (deleted member) like this.
  7. Shai_Halud

    Shai_Halud Fapstronaut

    Indeed, I'll be very happy when I hit 20 days without a relapse. There was a thread a few weeks ago where a guy broke a very long streak and asked if he had to star over or if he wasted all that effort. I can't speak to wasted effort, but I DO think every effort helps us grow stronger. I found this site about a month ago. Prior to that I going generally once or twice a day. I've relapsed three or for times in the last 30 days while trying to quit, but think about the math. I was going 30-60 times per month. In the last 30 days, I've probably PMOs 4-5 times. That's a huge decrease, that woudl how is having positive effects on my dopamine levels. Yeah, relapses suck, but the last one was VERY informative in why I failed. It followed the normal patters: "peaking at triggers," edging, full on relapse. This time I've made a much stronger effort to eliminate the triggers. We'll see how it goes.
    space_pilot likes this.
  8. catholic100

    catholic100 Fapstronaut

    I watched this lecture and it helped me to understand my problem. Now I'm on my 9th day PMO/MO free. I don't remember when I reached 9th day last. In 2013 my record was 7th day without PMO but it happenned maybe twice.

    I started to do some sport and it helps me to feel more relaxing. After very ehhausting workout, my body feels like after PMO but in different positive way. My brain tells me that it's a good dopamine bullet.

    I don't know what it's happenning to me right now. I'm sitting alone in my room and I don't want to PMO. I know what porn causes, what negative dopamine it is, and my brain tells me that I have to get some positive dopamine than negative. Maybe I will have a workout or I will go for a walk.

    Good luck and all the best !!
  9. William

    William Fapstronaut

    Keep going Gentlemen. Beating porn is like swimming in the ocean. You have to get out past the breakers before you hit calm water.

    It can be done. Do it.

    Good luck in your journeys.
    rj6457 likes this.
  10. tigercat

    tigercat New Fapstronaut

    Hope someone else has experienced the same, but I am only about 4 days into the challenge. Has anyone else experienced a large decrease in lust? or is this just how P has affected my body? and it will return eventually as the challenge progresses?
  11. misterx

    misterx New Fapstronaut

    In my first 20 minutes on this forum I felt ashamed to have watched por all theese years... Thank God I finally found a way out... Don't think you have already won... Win each dayand with God's help We will be free!!! Good luck!!
    space_pilot likes this.
  12. Lust will always be with us until we die. We have to continually choose genuine love over lust every day, every minute. The good news is that more we choose love, the easier it is to choose love in the future and perform greater acts of love instead of more and more depraved acts of lust.

    One day at a time. It could all end tomorrow, so make today count for something or someone.
  13. Clean

    Clean Fapstronaut

    Hey, this is a really great post!! After watching that video, I feel like I'm really starting to believe that finding nofap is actually my second chance. Just now I was beginning to see things take a turn for the worse in my life, and I'm really hoping that cutting out this area of my life will be exactly what I need to get myself back on track.

    I especially agree about that last paragraph, where you point out that porn comes in many different forms. It's a deeply-carved rut in our brains, and I think it's absolutely right that even the mere thought of porn will be another thought grinding down that same path, making it deeper and deeper.

    Thank you for this post, it's the most helpful thing I've seen so far.


    P.S. Your second video link is a link to the same video as the first, ha ha
  14. William

    William Fapstronaut

    Thanks for posting clean. I added that second link for you.

    Good luck on your journey.
  15. theprofessional666

    theprofessional666 New Fapstronaut

    Thank you sir....

    I want to quit and I read some of the articles, they were mind opening!
  16. William

    William Fapstronaut

    Thank you professional, reading posts and replying are part of my recovery, so thanks.

    Wanting to quit is the first step. I took that step a long time before I actually quit. Most of us here do that. We want to quit, we try to quit, but we cannot quit, we do not quit. I have not seen anyone here who simply declared "I am quit", and quit. Before becoming porn free I failed many times. Truth is, I did not want to be porn free. I loved porn, and so, while I wanted to control it, I did not understand that it controlled me. As long as it was in my life, it controlled me. Learning that was the first step.

    For me, quitting involved getting educated. I had to understand the problem to quit the problem. Before I understood the problem I was just seeing how long I could hold my breath, in a manner of speaking. I found I could hold my breath for longer and longer periods, but...10 days out, 100 days out, I had to come up and take a big gulp. Then I realized the problem I had was not actually how long I could hold my breath, my problem was air. In a manner of speaking, I had to learn not to breath.

    Air of course is porn, to extend the metaphor to the breaking point. Porn is highly addictive. We love it. We cannot help loving it. It is the button we push to get that dopamine rush, which is among the greatest natural highs we will ever experience. That, by the way, is a simple problem, and simple problems have simple solutions. Once I understood the problem narrowly, in scientific terms, as a biological problem, the solution also became narrow. As in small, as in doable, as in not overwhelming, as in something that could be done. Too many of us here are here to improve their lives, which is a huge task, when they should really be here for a very narrow, small, specific, reason: to quit porn. You will find that if you quit porn your life will be improved, but you need to be here to quit porn, and quit porn only. The benefits of quitting porn will come later. There are other place in the world where you can go to improve your life overall. Use this forum for one purpose--to quit porn--and you will find that fixing that one small problem is something you can do. It can be done.

    I'll give you some advice. Don't casually quit, don't passively quit. Urgently quit. There must be an urgency to quitting to quit, a dedication to quitting. For a porn addict, for a while in your life while quitting, you must define yourself as "a man who is quitting porn." That may be for 30 days, may be for 90 days, depends on the person. You have to actively seek to keep porn out of your life, out of your head. Find tools to help you. Nothing against the counters, we all have to start someplace, but at a certain point you have to turn off the counter, you have to swim out way beyond the shore, and you have to not look back.

    I don't use porn, and I never will again.

    Good luck in your journey.
  17. William

    William Fapstronaut

    From jilted john today:

    "Maybe its to welcome this opportunity to change for the better, to embrace new possibilities, to WANT the accompanying feelings including the withdrawals and pain. Maybe these are growing pains, and if they are, then love them, because they are part of your growth."

    Learn to love withdrawals.

    Do you know what I am doing today? I am spending the day with my favorite person (no, it's not me) and I am NOT experiencing withdrawals. Won't say I never will, but they are mostly behind me. But you cannot get here without going through them, so expect them, anticipate them, want them, embrace them, endure them.

    space_pilot and (deleted member) like this.
  18. D-Mystifier

    D-Mystifier Fapstronaut

    My new years resolution was to quit watching porn, lasted about 8 days then gave in. Since I have been going in binges and each time the result is depression and a lack of confidence. The worst part is the effect it has on my actual sex life where I feel under stimulated, which ties to what turns me on, which I often don't feel acceptable when I'm in bed with a girl. Anyways, I'm glad I came across the reddit group which lead me to this site. I am hoping that posting and reading the forums will keep me motivated, and keep me abstinent. I want to regain my agency when it comes to sex, especially with porn. Hope to read some positive changes some guys have had with following this site. Porn is too easy and not realistic. Sex is probably the best gift in this world so why ruin it by watching porn?
  19. William

    William Fapstronaut

    Hi Tori, thanks for posting. Reading posts and replying are part of my recovery, so thanks. You are right about ruining sex with porn, that is about the only effect porn has on sex. Of course, this is a recent discovery. When younger, I thought I was improving my sexual prowess by watching porn. I thought it was a training manual. Somewhere along the way I became addicted. After that I began watching porn that was extreme and way outside my preferred practice. I developed some sexual dysfunction.

    Then I decided to quit. I started in ignorance, it began with starts and stops, some gains, some losses, some relapses. But once I got educated, I never went back.

    Now I am clean. 6 months, no porn, no PMO, no MO. I have normal sex. It is not a performance, it is not athletic, it is not freaky, but it is good, loving, intimate, between myself and my girl. I don't have porn, I have sex. Do the math.

    Good luck on your journey.
    space_pilot and (deleted member) like this.
  20. D-Mystifier

    D-Mystifier Fapstronaut

    Hey Will, thanks for the response! I also though porn would be a good educator as well but the deeper I got into the addiction the more fucked up it got. 6 months is a long time, that's great to hear. I plan to abstain from all sexual activity for a month and see where that takes me.