Get educated, get tools, and learn to love withdrawals

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by William, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. johnf

    johnf Fapstronaut

    Is it a good idea if try to have real sex before my withdrawals symptoms are gone?
  2. William

    William Fapstronaut

    Hi Johnf, thanks for posting. I wish I had an easy out here, I wish I had a cure, or a certain way out of porn addiction. I do not. Understand what withdrawals are. They are physical, mental, and emotional pain created when unnaturally high dopamine levels--caused by porn abuse--cease or are seriously lessened. I am sure I lack sufficient education to explain withdrawals in a way more sophisticated than that, I just know for most of us quitting, those of us addicted, they happen and they hurt.

    I am a bit tongue in cheek when I say "learn to love withdrawals." By that I mean accept the inevitable. You cannot fight them, they will happen, and the withdrawals must happen to get clean. It is a stage for most of us we must pass through to get back to normal, normal being normal dopamine levels, not hyper dopamine levels brought about by hypersexualization, aka porn.

    I think if anyone can get 30 days clean they will find that going on becomes significantly easier, but you must expect to suffer before you get there. What I am trying to tell you is that you need to plan on hurting for the next 30 days, expect it, want it. I think you know this. Don't start this hoping the pain will go away and asking how long it will go on for, how long it will last. For me, quitting meant I essentially had to tell myself that if this was the pain I had to live with to quit porn, I was willing to feel it every single day of my life, for the rest of my life, if feeling it meant giving up porn. It will go away, but when quitting you have to do something that is counter-intuitive: you have to want the pain of withdrawals more than the dopamine high porn gave you. I said "want it more" not "like it more," because I promise you it will hurt. All of us got here by abusing our brain's reward center for years; none of us should expect to get clean overnight or without suffering a bit on the way to clean. But clean can be done. In two days I will be 8 months clean. Some days it still hurts, but not many and not as much.

    I hope this helps. Thanks again for posting. Reading posts and replying are a tool I use to stay clean.

    Good luck on your journey.

    PS: People debate the "real sex during reboot" question here, but so long as you are thinking of the person you are with when having real sex, not porn, then I think it is fine, even helpful. I had to learn the hard way that I could not imagine porn while having sex--that is just a porn substitute. You are trying to rewire back to rewarding real sex with a normal dopamine release, so that is a pathway you wish to enforce, and ultimately, the only pathway you wish to use.

  3. johnf

    johnf Fapstronaut

    Thanks for responding so quick, my problem is that I substitute to much porn , I did not watch porn since 8 of january but I always feed a little bit my dopamine demands by for example watching some youtube videos where I accidentaly fall on a nice girl. Now I stopped edging I think Its going to help me a lot but like your saying porn is everywhere so I need to be careful.
  4. William

    William Fapstronaut

    Hi Johnf, when quitting the brain will trigger on other things than the hardcore stuff we end up at. Before addicted, vanilla porn did not trigger me. When quitting I joke that a toaster would trigger me. Edging and YouTube are porn substitutes, just a way to release dopamine other than porn. I am sorry there really is no middle ground here, but in the quitting phase, YouTube, Craigslist, bikini models, etc., are just porn substitutes, and are just a way of getting a dopamine release. Do yourself a favor and quit them. Until you do you are still on the porn roller coaster. It's a great ride for a while, but you need to go hands free for a while, if you will forgive the pun.
  5. johnf

    johnf Fapstronaut

    I totally agree , my brain is always tricking me to release my dopamine, I deleted my facebook one month ago to not looked at all those nice pictures now to release that dopamine im going trought youtube. I think I will need to use my computer only for work or to go on nofap. It is a crazy addiction to break , it is my life style that I need to change to stop that dopamine release.
  6. William

    William Fapstronaut

    " It is a crazy addiction to break , it is my life style that I need to change to stop that dopamine release."

    Yes, exactly. For a while, for about 30 days, you need to change that life style. You need to bring your brain back to balanced, your dopamine levels back to pre porn levels. This won't give you superpowers, but it will make you...normal. Normal is cool, it is not high, but it is moving from moment to moment not having to fix, not needing porn. From there you can go forward to define who you want to be. From there, porn will not define who you are. From there you will no longer be a man seeking porn you will be a man seeking...(fill in the blank).

    I hope you get clean.
  7. johnf

    johnf Fapstronaut

    Thanks I will get clean without a doubt I have a lot of motivation. Do you think I should restrict my self about watching real girl cause it cause a bit of fantasy just to see a girl walk in front of me and its releasing dopamine.But if I don't fantasize and just look at the girl do you think it can slow down my progress because since I stopped porn my eyes are going everywhere in public and it seems like its just another way to replace porn at a very soft level like the example of youtube except it is real life .
  8. William

    William Fapstronaut

    Hi johnf, yes, I think in the first 30 days you should try and avoid any hypersexualized thoughts or images. I know, sucks, we love women, but the reality is for an addict coming down, they are just a means to get a dopamine fix. Ultimately, rewiring to real women (not porn)is the goal, but in the reboot stage, my opinion, try and think like a monk for about 30 days, meaning avoid indulging sexual thoughts. Once you get your dopamine levels down for a while, it will become easier and a lot of guys report 90 days porn free, and they reach a tipping point where it becomes much easier to exist without even being temped to experience porn.

    Good luck on your journey.
  9. johnf

    johnf Fapstronaut

    Allright, I will stop to overlook every women this is going to be really hard , I always had reflexes to spot things on women . Thank a lot for your responses, I am changing a lot of bad my habits just because of this conversation Thanks again !
  10. William

    William Fapstronaut

    It's not that looking at women is bad, it is that for the porn addict, we don't just look at women we look at them, we allow it to go to a dopamine release. That spout has to be turned off for a while.

    Give it a rest, mate. Think of anything other than sex for about a month. Yeah, I know, most boring month in the history of humanity, but if you want to get clean of this thing, you have to come down, not stay up. It took you years to get here, you can be free in a few months. Not such a bad trade.

  11. johnf

    johnf Fapstronaut

    Your right, it is just a couple of months.It is an awesome investment for my life. Im going to stop watching Tv to because Im shure it will help. Peace William
  12. noumenon

    noumenon Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing those links. All of them, especially Gabe's video, were really helpful and inspirational.

    However, reading about withdrawals is pretty scary. I never thought that something as seemingly innocuous and ubiquitous as watching porn could _physically_ mess with my brain. I wish I'd never gotten into it in the first place - but so much for spilt milk.

    I suspect this is going to be tougher than I thought... *sigh*
  13. Sera_chan

    Sera_chan Fapstronaut

    Hi William

    I have been going through withdrawal now. The hardest part for me is the mood swings and the irritable mood. I feel like snapping most of the times. I try to incorporate exercise daily and it helps. Breathing exercise also helps. I am still struggling every day but i dont ever want to go back.
  14. William

    William Fapstronaut

    Sera, don't go back. I am here to tell you you can beat this. What will happen, if you can keep going, and I know you can, is that you will reach a tipping point. That is the place where you become indifferent to porn, where you want NOT to watch it more than you want to watch it. Eventually those reward pathways simply will not reward porn anymore. Even if you see it, it will not interest you, it won't be fascinating to you. It takes us a long time to get hooked, it will not take as long to get clean, I promise you, but it will take a few months, and during that time you will be challenged. I think the exercise is great, and though I don't do meditation myself, I think the breathing exercises are fantastic too. Quitting porn is like a distance race, you have to simultaneously push yourself while pacing yourself; it is a difficult balance, but I have absolute confidence you can do it. I see a lot of people here who cannot make it two days, let alone ten. If you have made ten then you are person who, though it is difficult, can make twenty, and when you make thirty I promise you, it will get easier.

    Keep going. Porn is not an option.

    Thank you for posting. Reading posts and replying are part of my recovery. I am 8 months clean. In four months I will be clean one year. In forty years, I will be forty years clean. I am never going back, NEVER.

  15. Blackmilk

    Blackmilk Fapstronaut

    This brings to mind something I read months back, not sure where I read it but was along these lines. Anything you view in a sexual manner is porn. If you are sexualizing a woman or man down the street whom is fully clothed you are viewing her/him as porn. What you see in a sexualized way may not necessarily be what others see as sexual which makes it even more difficult to determine what exactly porn is in the eyes of others.

    To put it simply, whatever/whoever you sexualize in your mind, to you, is porn.
  16. Mike505

    Mike505 Fapstronaut

    Hey William, can't send you Inbox messages, it's full so I will post my message here.

    Thank you very much but I think understanding it won't bring a lot, I've read the article in and I have social anxiety and many other symptomps, not sure if it's because of this and I'm so not energetic or because of something else but still I remember last time I didn't watch porn for 2 weeks, I remember I had a better voice, i felt like i have power in my voice, and before i always had choking throat and it was hard to talk so definitely it's something I must quit but knowing I believe won't help me because I already know this, how ever thanks to your guide I scrolled down and saw this video, I'm not so religious but still helped me (Edit - oops, I found it another thread, thought it was here) he says that I'm going to fail always because I trust my own flesh, he means I have to maybe place my computer in public or something like that. but the problem how am i going to watch pc in public, i don't have a laptop and also how am I going to disconnect the internet. I will be bored and have nothing to do.

    And K9 didn't help me, when i wanted porn, i googled for how to bypass this program and etc, however it helped me to as you said "give a tap to the shoulder" so you won't have easy access straight away to porn which is good thing but I need more than that.

    I don't know what to do, do you have anything to tell me I can do? hard or not, I need some missions.

    I already know it causes me bad things but the reason I always relapse is this thought "I know once I quit porn I will get the benefits, it doesn't harm my body, doesn't make me age fast so I can quit any time I want"
    Just because of this, I can't stop. because if porn would harm me seriously (like scar wound which can't be healed), I would really probably stop faster as I could to stop the damage.

    And my goal is to quit once and for all, not for 1 week or 90 days. I just don't want this.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2014
  17. Knight of Purity

    Knight of Purity Fapstronaut

    Great post, William. Appreciate the tools. I think seeing the science behind this is empowering, in the sense that it's good to know how heavily our bodies are working against us in this, if we let them. It's also good to know where the chink in the armour of the dopamine cycle is, and that we're all experiencing the same battle. The best part is learning that we can win, and our brains can be set right again!

    Knowledge is power, and this situation I don't think is any different. Keep fighting, man!
  18. William

    William Fapstronaut

    Thanks for all the positive posts.

    Today was an easy day. I did not even want to look at porn. It just simply never occurred to me.

    I want everyone reading this to know that I...want you to be clean, I want you to overcome, I want you to take off those shackles to porn and I want you to walk this world free, like me, like others, like many others. Many here have become clean. Many here have stepped off the roller coaster. Take time to study your problem, don't grope about in the dark, turn on the light. There are many here who have gone free. Find them. Ask them how. You are not the first to become addicted to porn, you won't be the last. This is the biggest growing class in the history of humanity. We need teachers. I am asking you all to teach.

    How do we help ourselves? We help ourselves by helping others. That is how you help yourself. My advice: Help yourself.

    Good luck on your your journey. 8 months clean here. I am NEVER going back. Never. You will never see me post about a relapse. Ever. That is a personal commitment. Sooner or later you will or you won't make the same commitment.


    Will I Am.

    Shout out: aron, jilted. You helped me get clean, you helped me stay clean. That's the way it is.
  19. Markguy

    Markguy Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much William. This is super helpful. I appreciate that porn is "any sexual imagery that sets off dopamine release." I'm trying to reframe my recovery to this. I realize how using "porn-lite" just feeds my addictive cycle. I've kept it protected but in reality it is only serving to keep my brain primed in dopamine training so it soon falls back into stronger usage every time.

    One very troubling but false thought I'm trying to shake is the idea that I'm more enlivened when I'm able to think about sexuality and that somehow life is boring without it. I know I'm mixing up addicted fantasy with healthy sexuality. I know I'm an addict and can't control porn. But I struggle with not wanting to feel repressed, even though I know porn is not actually serving as a healthy outlet. Thanks for challenging us to think about how anything that is done as a dopamine fix continues the addiction.

    All the best!
  20. William

    William Fapstronaut

    Hi Mark, thank you. This thread is only kept relevant because people read it and respond to it. On a personal note, thank you for writing. Reading and replying to posts are part of my recovery, my way of keeping clean, so thank you for helping me.

    You are absolutely right that when thinking about sexuality, feeling sexual, we feel more alive. There is a reason--really only one reason--why we become addicted to porn, and that is because we love the feeling it gives us, and that feeling is a dopamine high. It is not a false feeling, it is a real feeling, but it is a real feeling brought about by artificially heightening our dopamine levels though hypersexualized thoughts, via porn. None of us, when we first start the process of becoming addicted, understands why we love it, because all of us begin this process in ignorance, but the reason we become addicted is dopamine, the best drug in the world. In school they teach us drugs are bad, but they never teach us that porn is a button we push to get a dopamine high. A dopamine fix feels good, it literally makes us feel more enlivened. In a sense dopamine is a survival chemical, the more of it we have the more we feel alive, the less of it we have the more we feel...not alive. Obviously, feeling "not alive" sucks. That is the feeling of repression you mention. Gary Wilson asks, rhetorically, "why would any porn loving guy give it up?" It is a great question. Why give something up that makes us feel so good? It begs the question: "How does feeling good feel, and why would we ever give it up?" Different persons--not only men, but women also, suffer this--have different answers. For many the answer is practical--porn abuse makes having satisfying sex difficult. Translation, erectile dysfunction. The second answer is because porn abuse has taken them to porn so far from their actual sexual tastes, preferences, or orientation, they become seriously concerned they are not who they believe themselves to be. Translation, they start with vanilla porn and end up at BDSM or transgender stuff, and this disturbs them enough to say "I want to quit." Lastly, and this fits us all, is the addiction model; we simply do not want to be a slave to the compulsion any more and certainly not for the rest of our lives.

    I am 8 months clean myself. I don't want to be high anymore. I am looking out a window as I write this. The sun is up. I notice the beauty of is shining on trees. I am calm, I am contented, I am happy. I am not high, I am just happy. I do not feel the need, the compulsion, to look at porn today. I can still notice the beauty of a beautiful woman, but I don't take it to a sexual place. In fact, I have a very beautiful woman in my life and my sex life with her is all I need to feel good about that aspect of my life. Instead of watching porn, I am going out in the world and experiencing it. I am going to run at least 5000 meters today. I am going to engage in reality. Reality is not always easy and in fact it is often difficult, even painful, but it is real, and when I see beauty in reality--and it is everywhere--then the beauty I am seeing is real. The pain I will feel at the end of that 5K is also real. I choose reality.

    I invite everyone who reads this to turn off your computer and step out into the world, find something, anything, other than porn that interests you, makes you feel more alive, even just challenged, and do it. Break the chains.

    Mark, thanks again.

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