Comments on Profile Post by EmptyHands-

  1. MattRN
    Consider doing cross fit. I was doing p90x on my own with little results. I joined a Crossfit box and love it. It is a community setting so there is lots of help. A lot like the NoFap community.

    Jun 4, 2015
  2. EmptyHands-
    Crossfit? I don't think I've heard of it. I'll have to check it out. How much is the membership?
    Jun 4, 2015
  3. MattRN
    It is expensive. But I promise if you have a good gym it is worth every penny. I pay 125$ but I have stopped going out to eat, drinking so I figure I save that much healthy living. I believe that is what has brought me to NoFap, my next big challenge. Also porn holds you back in muscle growth so that is another reason to stay off of it.
    Jun 4, 2015
  4. EmptyHands-
    Haha yeah that's kinda pricy. Totally hear you on the working out. Its so much easier when there's support. I'm unemployed right now but that sounds like something I'll day deffinitly have to look into. Appricate it :)
    Jun 4, 2015