Comments on Profile Post by Extinguish

  1. Kierann
    Hey, thanks for stopping by. How you're doing? Nofap treating you well? I am checking Mnich Sarana out. Looks interesting. Thank you for the tip. Are you into buddhism? :)
    May 29, 2023
    Brain-Police and Extinguish like this.
  2. Extinguish
    I've seen better days. Nofap is good. Even if I feel close to the worst I've ever felt, at least I know I'm sober and don't fap. It's very hard to go back to that.
    May 29, 2023
    Brain-Police likes this.
  3. Extinguish
    Yes, I'm a buddhist. I discovered Buddhism 5 years ago and it's been the only real antidote to pain I've found in the world. Even today, I was distraught and listening to a buddhist monk I began feeling better. I have to listen a few more hours now.
    May 29, 2023
    Brain-Police likes this.
  4. Extinguish
    How's your day?
    May 29, 2023
    Brain-Police likes this.
  5. Kierann
    Hey, my day is pretty alright. And I'm sorry to see that you're a bit struggling now but as you said you're sober now and nofap is good. There are different stages to all this nofap experience, there are withdrawals and anxiety and then there are good things too. And sure there is much we can take from buddhism, for me mainly mainly the idea of no expectations and giving up on our desires. :)
    May 30, 2023
    Brain-Police and Extinguish like this.
  6. Extinguish
    The thing with craving is that the moment you want something you have created a lack which wasn't there previously. That's the astounding thing. You think you want something, but actually you just want to stop the discomfort of not having it.
    May 30, 2023
    Brain-Police and Kierann like this.
  7. Extinguish
    So all sense desires (for touch, sight, sound, taste, smell) function exactly like racketeering where they [the rakateers] are essentially making you pay to stop a problem that they created. You wouldn't need their protection, had they not created the need for it.
    May 30, 2023
    Brain-Police and Kierann like this.