Comments on Profile Post by Wonkey

  1. IR254
    Good job for staying on track up until now! Give yourself some credit for that. Of course the following is way easier said than done, but we all must develop new strategies to deal with our negative emotions. Instead of using porn, we should seek out more healthy habits to deal with stress, e.g. exercise. Consider doing a short workout right now and see if it helps with your anxiety. Stay strong, you got this mate!
    Aug 11, 2022
    ThinkSmarter and Wonkey like this.
  2. Wonkey
    Thank you for the support man.
    I'm still strong but still have the urge I might try a walk a bit later when it's cooler
    Aug 11, 2022
    S.W., ThinkSmarter and IR254 like this.
  3. IR254
    We gotta have each others backs, don't we? Remember that even the most stubborn urges are going to go away eventually, even though it feels like they are gonna stay around forever.
    Aug 11, 2022
    S.W. and ThinkSmarter like this.
  4. Wonkey
    Absolutely man, I made it through heading to bed now, tomorrow is a new day
    Aug 11, 2022
    S.W., ThinkSmarter and IR254 like this.